I would put the AIs in grey, and make the driver that you have to lap next in blue, and the driver you will be lapped by next in red
If you see a blue one in front of you, you as race leader for example, see that there is someone you have to lap.
If you are about to be lapped, you see which car is the fast one, and which might be in the same lap as yourself.
Cars with the lfsw username GianniC should be always in pink
Hasn't Scawen announced an improvement to exactly that play map somewhere?
Well, I havent asked anyone yet to get a special subforum for this, because its actually not a league - its just one race
I think we are going to get a subforum later when its really needed.
and please SamH could you put a "24h Race - " in front of the thread title? So that people actually know what they can sign up for
If you work with 2 or 3 coders, you are probably slower than doing it alone, depending on how big the project is. I mean, there is so much communication, management and interface defining needed, that you are doing mostly these things rather than actually programming something.
I have seen exactly that many times in my uni, and I've just started studying
Vykos said in the German Forum that they are still there, working and supporting in the background, and some being inactive. I guess SK doesnt want to have a lot members that dont race in leagues.
I like the idea, because it makes the rank far less attractive for cheaters and tweak/mechanik users. Much better than a list where the people are listed by their times.
I guess this is a +1 then
Im afraid its not easy to make though. I mean, the whole list of pbs would have to be updated if one pb is driven. Prolly a single server just needed for that :|
I'm not sure If I have reported this yet, but there is a slight glitch when viewing a car in chase cam, and then pressing ESC...Options...Player. It will rotate the camera, and it doesnt return to the correct position when you leave the menu.
It's sometimes really annoying when the car seems to be following the camera, rather the camera following the car
Maybe the rotation can be removed, just like in the rest of the menu.
Well, it's not MS' fault when Logitech doesn't have the drivers ready. But I agree that the time to switch to Vista hasn't come yet. Vista makes only sense for DirectX10.
I guess the seperate pedals don't work in the control panel either?
Then, you should check the manufacturer's website for some Vista drivers, if they are available yet.
Next time you post something, please tell more details about the problem... For example the wheel name would have been very helpful
The thread title could have been chosen a tad more wisely aswell
I think it should even be possible the set this dynamically, by using the lfs damage system to move he vertices a bit
That way, everyone could set it as he wants...