I havent tested this yet, but does it also work when the wrecker is lagging for a short time, lets say by unplugging his network cable for a second?
So lets assume he unplugs the cable, then starts driving (not noticed by the server), plugs in the cable, and appears in another car.
Imo the lighting in the 15 minutes pic looks way better than in the 20h one... wtf did you do in those 20 hours?! I dont like it at all, the car is way too dark and it just doesnt fit AT ALL
LFS has always owned all the domains... but .com is supposed to be commercial, thus .net is actually more "normal" ("network")
Most people think .com is American anyway.
1. maybe all the people who use pustat, get the data at full hours, so the server is slow a couple of minutes after a new hour has begun
2. the isonline images are used in some forums, for example the german 4players forum, which is used quite heavily. I dont know if you get the date for updating those images from the database everytime a request is made (client requests the image), but I guess this can sum up if there are many requests. This is the case when there are 50-100 people browsing a forum that uses those images in every post.
Apparently the lfs shadow maps are currently 2 color bitmaps. only shadow or light. Thats the reason why a car has no shadow when its in the shadow of a house.
Additionally there is the gouraud shading of course, but thats just a polygone shading that is calculated from the angle of the poly towards the light source, and not a projected map like the shadows under the car.
Is it also possible to save a logfile on a dedicated host?
Cant test this now because there are a lot of people on our server, so I cant restart
Well, for a longrun race where you need spectator slots, whi means effectlively 5-10 more drivers... or even more, depending on how many pitstops can be expected at the same time, and how many admin slots are needed.
For me being one of the 24hours race admin, its really a great thing
Nah not on fire, they are always working at this speed, they just can't release updates that take months to develop in 1 day steps
Going to test now, even though I haven't had any hangs at all.
We used to have tiscali like a couple of centuries ago, but switched because they block certain ports for filesharing. I guess thats the problem - try changing some ports, maybe it will work then.
Or are the blocking the master? (can you see the list of games?)
Names over cars doesn't work for the active car if you use the Bird cam.
When you switch to another car, and chose a camera attached to this car, you can't see the name over it (tested only online atm). The names over the cars work only when I'm watching from a TV camera (the ones "mounted" on the track), or watching another car.
I often used to watch replays to analyze who caused a crash for example, but now its not really possible to see who is who, unless they are using different skins or you press pause and find out by using the buttons in the connection list.
In addition to that, i STILL think the names are hided to early, they should be visible for like 2 or 3 times the distance.
This is caused because the view distance is to high that the name over the car is hidden
Using 100FOV here.