Well, just open some car picture in paint and try to follow the outline of the car with the mouse... its impossible to get a "flow" into that
I dunno what your level of drawing with a real pencil and paper is, though.
imo those votes are a nice idea but dont work because certain pages provide certain features, and almost all do that in a very good way...
So you cant really say which is better. Also, some pages have more publicity than others. (Master Skinnerz is really under rated - only few ppl know it, but it rocks :P ... Other side of the coin: The inferno setup field could be way better, same as the ZT-Gallery [Im working on that tho ])
Same with the teams: The team with the most members will get way more votes
The leagues with most racers will likely get the most votes aswell
I vote anyways...
Best website: lfsworld
league: ESL Pro Series
Friendliest teams: ZT, T7R, SCCC and dSRC
App: LFS Viewer
small tip:
dont use the words "war" and "dawn", there are like ZILLIONS of games with names like that... war of dawn, dawn of war, dawn attack, dawn war, war of the dawn, war dawn blaahh
A good name for a game must be special... like Rayman, Alan Wake, Max Payne, Quake, FEAR, Doom, Splinter Cell, Blobby Volley... etc
I hope all the mod authors and others who abused your and dons work are banned... that sucks really, but the others are cppying from LFS all the time anyways... see racecast etc (even though thats one really crappy copy)
Good work still, and nice to have everything in one place now
Yea, if I was a cracker trying to get account passwords, I would quickly change all passwords as soon as I had phished an account, in order to steal it completely rather than just using it for wrecking.
Just read the first post again and think about it - the indirect way he is talking, and that "I cant activate my account again" shows quite obviously that he knows that his account has been deactivated / banned.
I dont believe a lic he says tbh, but I may be wrong of course.