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ZockerTempel with 7(!) new members!
S3 licensed
Heyas everyone

We are proud to present our 7 new racers! The former Bioxar team decided to completely join ZT, making ZT one of the largest teams in LFS (34 members )


[ZT] Carter
[ZT] McDeath
[ZT] Bullet4one
[ZT] Lampost22
[ZT] Chrinaeg
[ZT] tox!c

complete memberlist:

As the sponsor went with the racers, we have a 2nd server now, and are organizing our 3rd league. (Czech league, 4Players team league, and now the German UF1 cup aswell)

As a little side note, I want to announce that Im working on an all-new ZT gallery, which will contain more than 1000 amazing artwors by all the great artists in our community... so stay tuned
Last edited by ORION, .
S3 licensed
really a hard decision between john and gabe

Seriously, I vote for Geraldine

click for highres
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Well, only vic can decide
Maybe he isnt around atm. Iirc he gets an email notification when someone posts a bug report in this subforum, so he will notice it and reply... just wait

vic is fast - yes - but 7 minutes is really a bit short
S3 licensed
iirc = if I remember correctly
S3 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :Use IE 7


Print all your passwords and logins in 1m high font and stick it onto the times square?
S3 licensed
Mid race join isnt a problem, unless there are some idiot drivers around. Actually it makes things boring for those people that have just joined and need to get used to the track first.
I even think that mid race join makes T1 less crashy, if the noobs can drive a few laps to get used to the car/track combo.
S3 licensed
Maybe some extensions or themes that dont work in the newer versions
S3 licensed
I thought vari has gone nuts
S3 licensed
Quote from seggons :She's a admin, she could change it to 1933 if she wanted. Doesn't mean she actually joined then.

The current join dates are not the dates when we logged in to lfs forums for the first time, its the date we created our first account at

I think it was around January 2003 when the 2nd version of went online, but a couple of people are already playing LFS since summer 2002

btw, is there anyone with a screenshot of the very first lfs website?
S3 licensed
Geraldine is Scawen's wife and makes the tech support now as vic has retired from that and is concentrating on developing the LFS web stuff, and doing some other stuff
S3 licensed
Its not a bug, its a feature.
Vic saves the md5()-ed password into the form again, so that the browser saves the md5 version, and not the clear text one. If you then try to login again with the saved form value, you get the md5 routine twice, and thus a wrong password...

You shouldnt use that password saving anyways... leave your notebook unattended for one minute, and someone has bought a house with your ebay account..
S3 licensed
Just like the iPhone... advertised as amazingly superior stuff, but just average and neither new nor revolutionary (and with a girlish design).
But some people pay twice the money just because they think its "ALL NEW, OMG TEH REVOLUTIONARYNESS!!!!!11"

One of my mates got a notebook from his uni, a crappy Dell. So he put an Apple logo sticker onto it, and all of a sudden everyone thought it was a super high end multimadia experience platform
S3 licensed
huh Robert was only on 2nd place at the start? tss

very good edits
S3 licensed
what about a "how you think tinyk looks like in real life"-image, done in paint?
S3 licensed
scawen is faster though
S3 licensed
Firefox and Opera are the only browsers that even know that CSS exists at all... IE7 is identical to IE6, just more bugs and working png support oO

yet another "which browser is the most rubbish"-thread oO
S3 licensed
yeaa that vid is pretty cool
I have also seen a video of the conference room from the pic above - those shadows looked amazing aswell

raytracing is so powerful, it's the future of game gfx
S3 licensed
Imo LFS should go directly for raytracing with S3...
last week there was one guy in our uni, showing us scenes with 1,000,000,000 polygones in realtime
Like... 10k spheres with 100k polys each, with reflections of the whole scene in each sphere. And even better, recursion depth of 20 or more...
Ok, it used about 40 CPUs to render 20 fps, but a hardware solution could make this damn quick. He also talked about a 90MHz sample GPU unit with almost the same performance... Just imagine how a 1GHz chip from nvidia/ati would perform

Just to give you an idea, a screenshot from Quake4 raytraced, which runs in realtime on a normal CPU. Only very few spheres, but still amazing

...or realtime global illumination ("real" shadows and lighting)

maaaany polys:
Last edited by ORION, .
S3 licensed
People are angry because you used a crack for the game, which is against the law. Just go and buy it, its only 36€
And prepare to get banned for this - our mods are quick... so remove the pic if you dont want to get a new forum login
S3 licensed
I should of driven faster - I should've (=should have) driven faster

gurl - girl
He dun can drive of ma mother his car - He can't drive my mother's car ROFL

what about curb / kerb? oO
and "it has been taken serious" - "it has been taken seriously"?
Last edited by ORION, .
S3 licensed
a higher return rate than steer rate makes it really crazy imo
...and you also use keyboard-no help? oO

however, those settings are really personal, but generally higher values are better because of quicker reation times - that is, if you can still control the car and keep it smooth.

my settings, which I consider prefect for me, even though I often change certain things to optimize for special cars or setups...
steer rate: 0.70-0.75
return rate: 0.55-0.60
button rate: 0.60
limit multi: 0.80

steering -> max lock in the setup is always maximum btw

for Town rev XRT I used 0.80 steer rate and 0.70 return... (<- reminder for myself )
Last edited by ORION, .
S3 licensed
Well its obvious: If it worked for 3 days, and then it stopped working "all of a sudden". So what have you done after those 3 days? A system that is not modified always works the same way, even a Microsoft one. Well, mostly

If you Format C: and install only the required drivers and Firefox, lfsw will work for a hundred years.

What are those extensions you are using?

btw, zone alarm doesnt save you from virusses, it saves you from "hackers", which are blocked anyway if you are behind a router firewall...
S3 licensed
-system stats? (hardware / software / driver versions / Windows version etc.)
-tried to create a new lfs installation (download LFS full ver. V again) in another folder?