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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :But I have worked on them in the new tyre physics system and I think they are more challenging now.

That would be really great!

Quote from Scawen :I hope to release the new tyre physics with the graphical update.

Really?!!! Omg omg omg I hope that too! Thumbs up
S3 licensed
You (the whole team) develop very cool things. I can hardly wait for the update. It is always impressive how LFS continues to develop.

Perhaps could you integrate a simple benchmark in the current test patch (0.6Ux)? With the benchmark you could play a given SPR file and log the smallest and largest FPS values and calculate an average. This would give you an indication of how well / badly the current LFS version is running on your own system and whether switching to D3D10 / 11 would ideally allow better FPS rates despite the more detailed tracks in the new version. In any case, I would be very interested. But there are certainly other ways to benchmark the smoothness of LFS; but not so convenient. ;-)
S3 licensed
Thanks you for verifying the data. In the meantime I have installed the latest NVIDIA drivers. Looks like something was wrong before. The installer was not aible to detect the driver version installed before. Very strange

But now everything works again. Thank you for the fast support.
S3 licensed
I have found following entry:

Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: LFS.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5dbda5bf
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: unknown, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x00000000
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x24cbb2a2
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x274c
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d5fb812d89a4b4
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: D:\LFS\LFS.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: unknown
Berichtskennung: 858b8aad-d6cf-45a4-a560-251929a6543d
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets:
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:

S3 licensed
@Scawen: LFS crash before I can press any key. I only see for a short time that the headset position menu is displayed. I have no chance to confirm with any key press.

I will check the windows event log asap.
Pimax 8K
S3 licensed
I can't start LFS anymore. LFS close after display view calibration.

The openvr.log contains following information

LFSOpenVR Mar 20 2019
ProductName: Vive MV
Manufacturer: HTC
RT size: 5512 x 2332
Left eye:
GetProjectionRaw___: Left -1.742 Right 1.346 Top -1.306 Bottom 1.306
GetProjectionMatrix: Left -1.742 Right 1.346 Top -1.306 Bottom 1.306
0.985 0.000 0.174 -0.032
0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
-0.174 0.000 0.985 0.000
Right eye:
GetProjectionRaw___: Left -1.346 Right 1.742 Top -1.306 Bottom 1.306
GetProjectionMatrix: Left -1.346 Right 1.742 Top -1.306 Bottom 1.306
0.985 -0.000 -0.174 0.032
0.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000
0.174 0.000 0.985 0.000
IPD: 0.064
size: 5512 x 2332

The deb.log contains this data

Mar 15 15:38:05 LFS : 0.6U9
Mar 15 15:38:05 timer resolution 1 ms
Mar 15 15:38:05 read config
Mar 15 15:38:05 get command line
Mar 15 15:38:05 preinit d3d
Mar 15 15:38:05 started Direct3D 9Ex
Mar 15 15:38:05 number of adapters : 1
Mar 15 15:38:05 adapter 0 - valid modes : 57
Mar 15 15:38:05 load font
Mar 15 15:38:05 -----
Mar 15 15:38:05 max texture size 16384
Mar 15 15:38:05 can do shadows
Mar 15 15:38:05 can do multi tex
Mar 15 15:38:06 load language
Mar 15 15:38:06 initialisations
Mar 15 15:38:06 human system
Mar 15 15:38:06 tables
Mar 15 15:38:06 helmet
Mar 15 15:38:06 controllers
Mar 15 15:38:06 load objects
Mar 15 15:38:06 start intro
Mar 15 15:38:06 end of initialisation
Mar 15 15:38:06 Blackwood
Mar 15 15:38:13 Next LOD
Mar 15 15:38:13 Next LOD
Mar 15 15:38:13 Next LOD
Mar 15 15:38:13 Meshes : 40
Mar 15 15:38:13 init sound
Mar 15 15:38:20 Garage : data\veh\XF GTI.veh
Mar 15 15:39:05 open VR

Today I updated the PiTool. Afterwards the firmware of the headset was updated automatically, too. By the way, SteamVR home works without any problems. I haven't tested any other games yet.

I already rename the cfg.txt. After that I can start LFS. But when I configure 3D again, I got the same issue.

Does anyone else use the pimax 8k and have updated the pitool?
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Warscheinlich die groesste anforderungen von allen teams hier... Big grin
(sorry,could not resist Razz )

Sorry, I discovered now your comment. Better late than never? Cool

That is probably the reason why the team has not grown and I now mostly drive alone against the AI... Shrug
S3 licensed
@nacim: Which seat do you use? Looks interesting. Homemade or a purchased solution? :-)
S3 licensed
Very impressive lighting / shadow effects Thumbs up

South City also looks very impressive ... and with the many details you can see Eric's hard work too (but I didn't doubt it!). Thumbs up

If the windows of the cars were transparent, the models could run smoothly as new vehicles. Uhmm
S3 licensed
Read this thread:

@Scawen needs more information as mentioned by MandulAA. Otherwise no one can help you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I haven't asked Eric about that, I've just recently sent him an update with the bloom and various lighting updates. I know he has been working on South City the whole time and I'm sure he'd like to show it soon. I've got some things to finish off. Like today I am trying to get the bloom working properly in VR.

I'm guessing we won't show anything this weekend, but it would be nice if we could prepare a progress report in mid-December.

Thanks for your answer - Then we are looking forward to the middle of december.
S3 licensed
Scawen: Can we expect a new progress report for this month/in the next few days from Eric and you? Or are you not ready for that yet?

Thanks anyway
S3 licensed
Thanks - Will try your program asap. Looks interesting!

BTW: The program reports version 7.5 and not 7.2?! Big grin
S3 licensed
Guys, discuss your topics (other sims, what the devs should do differently, and so on) in another threads, please. This thread is - from my point of view - the wrong place for that topics.

If you are dissatisfied with LFS (as is and/or development) anyway, then just drive your favorite sims.

I expect information about the development progress here.
S3 licensed
Scawen, thanks for status info from Eric

You have nothing interessting from the lighting part to report? Can also "only" be technical. ;-)
S3 licensed
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :Your app crashes or just the buttons don't show up?
Did you set ISF_LOCAL flag?

Just the buttons don't show up...

The mention of ISF_LOCAL had already been enough. The one who can read is in advantage. :-) In this case, sorry for the stupid question. Shrug

Many thanks for the quick answer and the related hint Thumbs up

I added a few screenshots here. Big grin
InSim: Sending buttons to a instance don't work, when connected to other server
S3 licensed

Maybe someone has an idea, what I overlook in my InSim project:

My program works fine if:
- LFS runs locally in single player
- LFS runs locally in multiplayer mode (as a server)

What does not work is:
- LFS locally in multiplayer mode (connected to another server)

The InSim connection is established (I can see that, no firewall problem). But once LFS is connected to another server, it stops working. I hope I could formulate my problem understandably. :-)

Does anyone have an idea what I overlook / do wrong?

Thanks for any hints
S3 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :Press shift + -, it blocks everything that appears in top left as text. Only works client side though.

Oh! Cool - Thanks

Any idea how I can that force with an InSim request? Only with simulate key pressing or exist somehting simular to ISS_SHOW_2D?
Support of 2FA for forum/LFS World
S3 licensed

I think it's time to support 2FA too. Is the support in progress / planned?
I would welcome that for accessing the forum and LFS World. Thumbs up

I think about the past (and future) attacks (master server) and the emerging questionable websites (freeloaders without names).

Since I assume that has been tried to hijack accounts? Uh-hu
InSim: Suppress all messages?
S3 licensed

How can I suppress all messages, for example at the start of the race? If the AI drives, various information will be displayed at the beginning. How I can also hide this info (Shift + F is not enough). Messages are shown at the end of a race, too.

I would be grateful for tips.
S3 licensed
@Devs: Perhaps we can expect a new progress report this month? Smile

As already requested several times: Would a video of a newly textured track/layout be possible? We are all curious how it looks in real time (even if the screenshots are impressive). Uhmm
S3 licensed
Thank you all for your answers

I do not need the value so much. I just wanted to know if this is sent via insim somewhere. That was all.

In that case, it's good as it is. Smile

The game memory "hack" would definitely be an overkill for just that. But thanks anyway. Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Racon :I don't think you can get direction or an actual speed, just the weak/strong value that you don't want - which I think just sets a range for a random value.

OK - Thanks for your answer/statement
InSim Response: Random km/h wind speed
S3 licensed

If I start a quali or a race the wind speed is displayed with different values. And no, I do not mean the simple values weak and strong (see picture).

I can't find out in which packet InSim sends this information. Can someone help me/give me a hint where to find the right response packet?

S3 licensed
@Scawen: In multiplayer replays you have smoothed the steering wheel movements some time ago. Would that be possible or feasible during a multiplayer (live) race?

The background of my question is that I stream our training races (more or less) weekly on Youtube. The view changes among other things also in the cockpit view. If the cockpit is shown by a vehicle that is not on the streaming PC, the steering wheel movements are still jerky. Is the information missing for the "gentle" movements or is it possible to improve the behavior? Maybe - depending on the effort - does this improvement still have a place here? :-)

As a concrete example a stream / recording from the last race: