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S3 licensed
@Scawen: This test patch exist since over 1 month. When do you plan to release this changes? Or do you plan to implement other things in this test patch?

I hope we will get a new progress report this month... so the release of this test patch can wait some days, too! :-)
S3 licensed
Quote :You're just trying to denounce his request.

Interesting that you accuse me of denouncing...

Quote : If you don't get bored driving a million laps of FBM on Blackwood, good for you. But don't expect every other person to be that easily entertained.

...and not arguing better in one of the next sentence of you. :-)
S3 licensed
Quote :You're just trying to denounce his request. Maybe he's an offline player, LFSW only shows online stats.

Ok, you're right about single player. However, it does not need a new thread about the desire for new content / cars. There are enough of that requests... at least that one:

Quote :I think it will be cool if they update all the cars to more modern specs (GTRs with modern engine/aero/tc/abs regulations, road cars with torque vectoring and more modern design etc), maybe with one or two old vintage replica for historic cars enthusiast.

I agree
S3 licensed
You have not even tried the existing car / track / layout combinations and you already want more content? Just use what's there. Shrug

I drove over 100'000 km and did not even try all current variants. Cool

BTW: I play LFS over 14 years.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Options - Display - Drop shadows : [yes]

Ups - I probably accidentally disabled this option sometime. - I'm sorry for the stupide question/request.
S3 licensed
Would it be possible to add a shadow to the displayed text for "pit lane speed limit" and the arrow? Depending which surfaces/objects are behind this text, you can't read that info and/or the direction (arrow) or simply to late (when the car moves and the background is then darker). See the attached screenshot from the garage on Rockingham and the "shadow" of the "system messages". Perhaps that explain my suggestion better.

In addition, it might be helpful if we could adjust the fade time of this information.
Last edited by Pasci, .
S3 licensed
I had massive problems with NVIDIA drivers (419.x) and an RTX2060 (bluescreens and other peculiar effects). After the update to version 425.x everything was OK. Maybe it's the same case with you? Unfortunately, you have not mentioned the driver version used.
S3 licensed
Hostname: Works like a charm - Thank you!
Translation German: Now it makes sense. Thank you

New strings in german:
Local IP address: Lokale IP-Adresse
Local IP addresses: Lokale IP-Adressen

But there are more (when starting local server):
Local host name: Lokaler Hostname
Address: Adresse
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've updated that, but probably won't list it in the U5 patch notes. Please can you check it looks correct in context when the patch is released?

Of course - I will do.

Quote from Scawen :About alowing to connect locally using hostname (Pasci's request) I could do without any extra complication right now as I'm still working on things in the development version. Even though it's probably easy.

Great! Thanks - I will test this too.

Quote from Scawen :Well this is something I just don't want in my head at the moment at all. Any sound improvements would be a several weeks/months project and the current sound quality doesn't prevent us releasing the new graphical improvements. Smile

OK - Thanks for your statement Smile

I am always impressed by your broad and deep knowledge of the various topics. Accordingly, I think it's great that you actively respond to suggestions and implement them (if in a meaningful context). Thumbs up Many, many thanks
Last edited by Pasci, .
S3 licensed
@Scawen: I'm sorry for the off-topic question: You mentioned somewhere what your next tasks will be: finishing lighting/shadow system, updating physics, improve network code

I'm assuming that a sound engine update (car engine sound) is planned sometime, too? What are your plans? Technical stereo sound is enough for me (I use a headset anyway). Compared to other sims the car sounds terrible. But that is probably not new. :-)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I think what I can do is show on the host screen, the local IP address(es) so it's easier to know what to type in on the guests. Would that help, so you don't need to run cmd and type ipconfig? I've done that in the development version already so can probably copy it over.

Thanks for the suggestion

Unfortunately, that does not help. The IP address of the host (dedicated host), I already know. It's just easier to enter a host name than an IP address. It is pure comfort. :-) I use an internal DNS server/service, which would simply resolve the input of a name.

But as already mentioned, this is a pure comfort feature. If it had been easy to implement, I would be happy. Otherwise no problem. Displaying the local IP address might be helpful anyway to others?
S3 licensed
I noticed a translation error for the Deutsch/German translation file. The string "3a_smallall" should be "Alle" (all) and not "Beide" (both).

@Scawen: Perhaps you can add a "simple" extension for LAN multiplayer by supporting hostnames for connection instead only IP addresses?
S3 licensed
I meant for Youtube, but with this tiny file size it's cool double - thanks
S3 licensed
Looks very nice - with reduced playback speed in VLC you can enjoy the whole video even longer. Cool

If you upload the movie on Youtube anyway, perhaps in FullHD instead HD resolution will be nice, too - and in longer time steps.

Quote :Can't wait to see this (hopefully) in the official version.

I agree! Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't remember ever hearing the limit was a problem. I think the multiple monitor view was designed for realistic FOV and I don't imagine anyone sits so close to their monitor that 90 degrees could be realistic.

I'm sorry for the late answer.

I only see a "narrow" part from the cockpit (resized screenshot). With a few degrees more FOV the impression would be much better / more realistic for me.

And yes: I also played around with the other options. For example, the pitch view (negativ values around 5°) and the Y offset. But that is only a workaround and not a solution.

Quote from Scawen :Your eyes would need to be closer to the screen than half its width.

But that depends on your display size (inches), not? With a 40+ inches display I don't need to seat so close. The impression would be a bit further back (at 100 °) much better. In addition, it also has an impact on the sense of speed, which is a subjective feeling.

I do not want an "infinite" FOV but only a slightly higher adjustable value (perhaps for 100 or 105°), sometime.

BTW: Your screenshot in the current article must be done with 100° FOV. :-)
Last edited by Pasci, .
S3 licensed
Really cool software! Thanks

Berno: Do you plan to release a DLCs/Full Data version for Live for Speed in Steam, too?
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
please test this version and report any problems.

Many thanks for your work Thumbs up

A Little wish: Can you extend the LFSLazy error message for missing D3DX9_43.dll with a simple hint, that we can find this dll in the LFS Sub directory dll,too. But perhaps you find another (simple) solution so we don't need to copy that dll, too? Big grin Of course the file is very small (around 1.5 MB); a second copy is not a problem.
S3 licensed
MRT5 dashboard shows wrong value for rpm in the "bar"

see screnshot: current rpm is 3576 but the bar shows the value of around 7000 rpm.
S3 licensed
The dashboard of FXO looks very strange - The second screenshot is the original dashboard of LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from teppari :It checks if there are updates but Lazy doesn´t notice that new version somehow.. Uhmm

Because it's a test version not the "official" update? Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from numbazZ :... FOV set to maximum 90 degrees, so why it is only 90 degree limit, when if using only one screen you can set all the way up to 160 degrees, which is useless Tilt

I have already asked this question. But got no answer. :-(
S3 licensed
Quote :If you select "Automatic" then the text to the left of "Automatic" will state the default vertical FOV (rounded to 1 degree).

I've got 76° in "Automatic" mode!

Feedback to online racing with 0.6T6:
Everything works fine to us! 2 different races with the Formular V8 and 5 AIs and MRT5 and 2 AIs. Driving with AI is much better then before. Thanks for that update! Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Ow :-( OK - Thanks for the answer.

Quote :But what is the default FOV from the AntVR?

Sorry for the late response: Technical? That should be 110°. But the driver/controller software is very bad. Can I read that value somewhere? Through SteamVR?
Last edited by Pasci, .
S3 licensed
Quote :It takes the culling from the default input values, and for some reasons it might be a bit tricky to change, or a bit too risky at this point.

No problem - That "issue" is not important enough to me. Let it be. Thumbs up

Quote :We hope to release a new full version tomorrow so I want to keep any more changes very small.

Sounds very exciting - What does that mean? You release test patch 0.6T6 tomorrow including graphics update????? Smile
Last edited by Pasci, .
S3 licensed
It's because this headset doesn't have a positional tracking like Vive or other headsets have. This system use a special "carpet" to track such movements. But if I drive a car, that system is completely useless. There is no real room scaling as for example at Vive instead.

For example I can't lean outside the window nor can I look closer to the dashboard. This movementation aren't tracked. I can of course look around (up/down, left/right), but nothing else. Sounds worse than it is. ;-)

It does not really matter. If you find a (simple) solution: great; if not, that's also good.