I had massive problems with NVIDIA drivers (419.x) and an RTX2060 (bluescreens and other peculiar effects). After the update to version 425.x everything was OK. Maybe it's the same case with you? Unfortunately, you have not mentioned the driver version used.
I am always impressed by your broad and deep knowledge of the various topics. Accordingly, I think it's great that you actively respond to suggestions and implement them (if in a meaningful context). Many, many thanks
@Scawen: I'm sorry for the off-topic question: You mentioned somewhere what your next tasks will be: finishing lighting/shadow system, updating physics, improve network code
I'm assuming that a sound engine update (car engine sound) is planned sometime, too? What are your plans? Technical stereo sound is enough for me (I use a headset anyway). Compared to other sims the car sounds terrible. But that is probably not new. :-)
Unfortunately, that does not help. The IP address of the host (dedicated host), I already know. It's just easier to enter a host name than an IP address. It is pure comfort. :-) I use an internal DNS server/service, which would simply resolve the input of a name.
But as already mentioned, this is a pure comfort feature. If it had been easy to implement, I would be happy. Otherwise no problem. Displaying the local IP address might be helpful anyway to others?
I only see a "narrow" part from the cockpit (resized screenshot). With a few degrees more FOV the impression would be much better / more realistic for me.
And yes: I also played around with the other options. For example, the pitch view (negativ values around 5°) and the Y offset. But that is only a workaround and not a solution.
But that depends on your display size (inches), not? With a 40+ inches display I don't need to seat so close. The impression would be a bit further back (at 100 °) much better. In addition, it also has an impact on the sense of speed, which is a subjective feeling.
I do not want an "infinite" FOV but only a slightly higher adjustable value (perhaps for 100 or 105°), sometime.
A Little wish: Can you extend the LFSLazy error message for missing D3DX9_43.dll with a simple hint, that we can find this dll in the LFS Sub directory dll,too. But perhaps you find another (simple) solution so we don't need to copy that dll, too? Of course the file is very small (around 1.5 MB); a second copy is not a problem.
Feedback to online racing with 0.6T6:
Everything works fine to us! 2 different races with the Formular V8 and 5 AIs and MRT5 and 2 AIs. Driving with AI is much better then before. Thanks for that update!
Sorry for the late response: Technical? That should be 110°. But the driver/controller software is very bad. Can I read that value somewhere? Through SteamVR?
It's because this headset doesn't have a positional tracking like Vive or other headsets have. This system use a special "carpet" to track such movements. But if I drive a car, that system is completely useless. There is no real room scaling as for example at Vive instead.
For example I can't lean outside the window nor can I look closer to the dashboard. This movementation aren't tracked. I can of course look around (up/down, left/right), but nothing else. Sounds worse than it is. ;-)
It does not really matter. If you find a (simple) solution: great; if not, that's also good.
A test with the AntVR Transformers (VR Headset) works still fine, too.
Thanks for the update
But I have following issue (current version 0.6T and with this/latest test patch 0.6T5):
If I change the vertical field of view of the headset from automatic to around 83° (or higher), objects on the edge flickers. Perhaps a better description is that objects are faded in/out too early/late. That pretty much irritates. At around 80° it is still OK. It is difficult to describe this effect. :-) Perhaps you can reproduce that with an other headset? But that could be simply an issue from the AntVR headset, too.
Thank you Scawen for your answer (only Host update; works fine)
I'm using Avast too but the commercial/business version (Avast Business Antivirus Pro). I don't get any warning for that exe file. Perhaps you have enabled "Scan for potentially unwanted programs (PUPs)" and/or "Enable Hardened Mode" with the option "Aggressive"?
But: I can not reproduce that behavior with these enabled options, too.
Stupid question:
Can I update the host to version 0.6T3 without updating the clients, too?
If I understand this (host) test patch correctly, "Server side improvement that should run smoother when there is lag" is a improvment of the host not of the client, right?
Live for Speed has in terms of dedicated host solutions in my view the nose ahead! Why does "high gloss" racing sims need 20gb and more data for a "simple" dedicated host (like ac, pc, ams)? LFS host also runs smoothly under linux.