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S3 licensed
Great work Lynce

Some minutes ago I'm driving Fern Bay with the new textures (>300 MB of Graphic Card memory used - never before in LFS )... beautyfull!

But I've found a missing texture. Have a look at the attached image.
S3 licensed
Because AI can't drive with active wind, I disable wind automatically.

Ok, thanks for your explantation
Missing tree trunk texture
S3 licensed
Looks like there is a missing texture for tree trunks at Black Wood track?

I miss the texture on two diffrent PCs... also tried with a clean/new LFS installation. Can someone confirm this too?

In a other thread/screenshot there is also a "blank" tree trunk (a the left side of the circle).
S3 licensed
Some alread asked for version 0.6.5... but I don't find it, too.

Is this addon EOF or do you develope still new features? (because the forum thread is old, it doesn't look like )

BTW: Your link InSim Programs and Other Projects points to a not existing page.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :It's not airio, it's

many thanks for the link
S3 licensed
Do you show the racer results in the stream with AIRIO? If not what tool do you use for that?
S3 licensed
Cool event!

Very interessting statistic page and nice video streaming (also very great stream of troy)

Nice racing to all
S3 licensed
Ow - Thanks for your findings
Support for CKAS Thruxim
S3 licensed
Does anyone know if Live for Speed supports this motion simulator?

Infos will be found here:
S3 licensed
Could you upload the file again somewhere? I don't find it on Could by the new place for it? Thanks
S3 licensed
thanks for your invitation

I/We will see...
S3 licensed
I have another problem. I've got following error message:
InSim Relay connection failed : [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"] - Error #2048

I've tried with Firefox and IE9, too. The same error. But if I'm using the dedicated remote tool I can connect to my server without any problem and see the "race".

Checking with my Flash Player version is installed (Firefox and IE).

The thread behind your link is already closed.

Everything works fine. Problem found... need to open my network firewall for "Adobe Flash Policy" connection ->

Who to hell is thinking about something cracy things and why they don't use standard ports like http or https to get the policy?!
Last edited by Pasci, .
Dedicated AI-Client
S3 licensed

I know the next phrases sounds a little bit freaky...

But my friend and I drive very rarely LFS (not enough free time). We drive everytime with AI drivers (between we know mostly how to handle there "driving style"). I already buy a second license (I know this sounds freaky twice ) as a workaround for the limitation of only 2 additional AI driver for every host (if someone also will drive at the same host). So we do have a driving field of 9 cars (7 AI). It will be nice if I can add additional AI hosts without a GUI. Now I need a PC to host additional AIs. By the way I need also set this host manually to "ready" to start the race. Possible this could also be automated (check if only AIs are at this host or something like that).

So I wanna ask the devs if it is possible to create a small binary/environement like the "dedicated host" server to simple add some AI drivers to a online racing event.

btw. Yes, there are many servers with many drivers... but we do not have the needed skills (driving/car setup) to drive on this servers. So we wanna drive on our server.
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Hmm, wow I didn't think that - I thought it worked on Vista/7 both.

Really sorry about that!

Upgrading to 7 is cheaper than a new video card(s) though, and well worth it IMO. Though I never had a problem in Vista I think it was because I started using it near the end of it's life cycle ( all the SPs ).

I've been using 7 since the RC came out and been really really happy.

Again, sorry about the oversight I just assumed it worked fine on Vista as well

Now I have installed Windows 7 x64. Since that I have found 2 diffrent options between Vista und Windows 7.

Of corse Surround is available.

I have connect 2 display at the first and 1 display and the second graphic card. With Vista I CAN'T activate SLI in this configuration... with Windows 7 there is no problem to activate it.

I'm really happy with Vista... but I think I buy Windows 7 for playing. I'm not happy about that... but it looks that I haven't a choice (if I will use surround gaming).

For performance information:
LFS with some high res textures (tracks, skies, landscapes) and 19 AI driver... fps counter is around 50 fps (@7966x1440 - additional pixel for screen borders). With only 10 AIs I get ~100 fps... any time with following quality settings: AA 8x / AF 16x

With Soft Triplehead without quality settings (disabled) I've got ~30 fps!

Thanks to everyone for your feedback
S3 licensed
Bad news to me... Surround gaming needs Windows 7.


Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit ... -system-requirements.html
S3 licensed
I'm using two ASUS Graphic Cards:

I think I need to find an option to use the resolutions of all screens as one desktop resolution, not? Or how I should configure that?

I'm using the driver from Nvidia (296.10).
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :If you have 2 570s, you can use nVidia Surround - you don't need Soft Triplehead.

Not sure what else you play, but for LFS, what you have is more than enough

edit: sorry I noticed the resolution. The 680 would be slower than your two 570s overall mind you, I don't know how much vRAM your version of the 570s have. But you'd lose some raw horsepower according to every benchmark I've read. I suggest you just try using nVidia Surround instead of STH that'd probably give you better performance to begin with. To set it up, it's in the same area where you enable/disable SLI & select the physX processor.

Thanks for your answer

First I have tried to find a solution without Soft Triple Head... looks I'm to stubid to find it. I will try again... thanks - Could it be a problem if I'm using Windows Vista instead of Windows 7 or should on both OS the same options are available?
Nvidia or AMD GPU for 3 Monitors (2560x1440)
S3 licensed

At the moment I'm using 2x GTX 570 with 3x Dell 27" (at 2560x1440 each display). I'm using Vista x64. Now I need to use Soft Triplehead to race with all screens. I'm not really happy with this solution. Since Nvidia GTX680 supports for 3 Displays at the same Graphic Card I'm thinking about a new Graphic Card (more performance, less power needed).

Now I'm not sure if I should buy a Nvidia GTX680 (Kepler 104) or a AMD Radeon 7970. The small VRAM of Nvidia Card (2 GB) I think isn't so good for this high resolutions. At the other hand GTX680 is faster then AMD... and in around 1/2 year Nvidia release the next Graphic Card with Kepler 110 which will have 4 GB VRAM and be faster then the Kepler 104-GPU.

What do you think? Buy Nvidia or AMD or wait for the next Nvidia GPU?

Thanks for your feedback
S3 licensed
I'm not sure, which solution I will use (own setup or simply no silent install of lfs). But thanks, Victor and others, for your ideas and feedback.
S3 licensed
Of course, this is a solution, too.

S3 licensed
By the way: Why Live for Speed is not visible/listed under installed software (Windows XP)?
Silent Install of Live for Speed
S3 licensed
I want to install Live for Speed silently in a other directory than c:\lfs

LFS_S2_6B_setup.exe /S
> Install under c:\lfs

LFS_S2_6B_setup.exe /S /D:d:\lfs
> Install under c:\lfs too

All settings are also disabled (no desktop/startmenu entries) and no shortcuts to lfs file extensions. I can't find any informations to change this default silent install settings.

Is there any additional options to install silently with all GUI options enabled (icons, file extension shortcuts)?
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :i have XP and i tried that already, no luck

I'm sorry for the wrong information. Soft Triple Head only works with 2 graphic cards.
Last edited by Pasci, . Reason : don't read the hole info (XP).
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :I can but not in fullscreen mode.

You don't have "span" mode anymore with Windows Vista. Try SoftTH from kegetys ( (but only version 1.x not 2.x).
S3 licensed
After installing patch 0.6A2 over previous test patch I can drive only alone. I do not see the "Add AI"-Button in single player and multiplayer. I activate LFS with my license (before LFS was in demo mode); nothing changed.

After close LFS and restart again, everything looks good. Very strange to me.

Translation bug:
German UI active: If "low wind" or "high wind" is selected and also one or more AIs are selected, I get an englisch error message: AI Drviers can't yet drive in windy conditions. The same problem also in french UI...