Did anyone tried the 3D modes of LFS with a 3D capable TV (active or passiv glasses)? If yes, do you recommend a TV modell? In which resolution you have tried (FullHD or 4K or other)?
I don't find a other thread about this topic (perhaps I'm to stupid to find it, too).
In the meantime I have also crashes with other commands. By the way: Also if I send the command "!" to hide the info boxes of LFSTop.
You will find 2 debug logs attached. Perhaps you will found out whats wrong.
With which user do you start lfstop? root or a dediacted (service) user? If as root, try as an other user. Perhaps in this case you can reproduce my problem?
I need to change the file extension to .txt because .log is not allowed here. :-)
I've tried the linux verson. I created a dedicated user "lfstop" to start the server/service. This user own the whole directory where the binary/files are. Currently I can't start lfstop as this user.
Of course I start lfstop in the root directory of lfstop (in my case under /data/lfstop). But I get following error message.
lfstop@gamer:/data/lfstop> ./lfstop
15.11.2015 18:35:49.038 INFO ====================================
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): can not open file: 15.11.2015 18:35:49.039 INFO ====================================
I don't know which file can't be open. Any idea what's wrong with my setup?
Because TV director get no updates since years, I ask DANIEL-CRO to implement a TV mode in his tool LFSlazy(https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/85771-LFSLazy).
But TV director has currently nicer features (custom cam position, dynamicaly switch between cars/sceens). But the latest (inofficial) version of LFSlazy I need to test first; perhaps some new features are already added. :-)
For me the option "/o tv" to activate the TV mode is ok. Perhaps you can implement GUI options (only inside LFS Lazy window; not inside LFS UI), what LFS lazy should do if someone active the tv mode?
Some ideas:
- Disable LFS Lazy GUI elements
- Car Radar
- F9 menu
- Postion List
- Switching to "cam" mode of LFS (if possible)
- Disable LFS GUI elemtns (if possible)
- Track map / Small map
- Positon List
- Pedals
When do you release this version with the current tv mode state?
Perhaps the AntVR manufacturer publish some drivers so LFS devs can "easy" integrate native head tracking support (like for Oculus) in Live for Speed.
Currently the AntVR head tracking does only emulate mouse movements (which is also supported by LFS) but the (big) range of movements of AntVR headset is useless for LFS (if you look to much left or right you "lose" the center view to the track). Because of mouse emulation tracking of side movements (example: lean through the drivers window) is not supported.
However the 3D view (side-by-side mode) is much better then Oculus DK2, because I can see more details of the track (example: break points) with the same technical resolution (1920x1080 means 960x1080 each eye).
Looks like mumble makes the same checks. If any other overlay application is already running (in this case LFSLazy), mumble don't use/start its own overlay.
I'm sorry but I have still problems with the radar.
Today a friend was trying LFS at my home. In single player mode it was working fine. After some hours (now) I started LFS again... but radar won't work.
Now I do not receive a mesage like "LFSLazy Overlay". Some hours before I have seen this message after start/connect of LFSLazy.