I'm definately loosing some quality, don't know if it's because im looking at it on a HD telly or because im uploading to picasa... Some other pictures i see look alot clearer than mine do.
I tried nascar again after rage quiting a couple of days ago, just turned the df up and lowered the ride height and could see 1st place at the start of lap 2 and won easy with 2 6:31's don't know if it's because i drove better but didn't go balls out just fairly quick, 850k
I don't need to meet you to know you are one, i've seen you, listened to you (well i say listened but it was more like a few quick scans, you bore me) and i made my mind.
My first post wasn't personal at all, i didn't bring your personal life into the argument nor did i question your intelligence. You might be book smart but once you get a job (believe it or not at some point everyone needs one, even someone as smart as you) it doesn't really mean anything does it? Yes it might get you the job initially but soon they'll realise your a useless wanker without any relative work experience. We're still going for the same goal (to make money) i don't need to go to uni and listen to some jumped up pricks like yourself to do that.
Actually i don't do that anymore and i have a job now with a large growing company with good prospects and pay Up yours you prick!
None of us ever said we were entitled to anything but when you've been promised updates for 2 years, updates we were willing to pay for, updates we've been waiting for, i think the least we deserve is for them to tell us which direction they want to go, how long things are going to take so then we can make our minds up if we want to leave or stay.
I bet alot of teams are wondering whether to shut shop a few big ones already have. You don't understand how much effort some people have put in this sim only for the devs to throw it back in their face, the least they can do i tell of future plans and keep it somewhat fresh. But all we get is some stupid progress report and an explation into tyre physics which although was an interesting read isn't something i really care about right now, all i care about is when/if "it's" going to happen.
I wouldn't reccomend LFS to anyone anymore, not at this moment in time anyway. Theres been a few times where i've fired LFS up and thought i'd give it a go only to end up quitting soon after pressing "Display list of hosts". Half of my server list is populated by demo servers and only 1 or 2 of the S2 ones that are left are worth going in and if your Australian/American etc i'd just go for iRacing because there's not much for your timezone at all.
Oh and 5haz, STFU fella, you've never put as much time in the game like alot of people commenting have, you've been round Blackwood in the FBM few times and think you know everything there is to do/know in LFS, this isn't true, you know **** all compared to someone like Jason. Why don't you do us all a favour and F*ck off somewhere? Preferably somewhere very very high to somewhere very low soon after.
I've done all the ones i fancied doing, though i didn't do nascar or the camaro so they're 2 of the biggest ones... Probably not the wisest idea but i refuse to buy another camaro after i RM'd mine and the nascar was just sucky.
Do some special events... I had well over a mil before i even started a or b spec.
Some pictures, the vette ones looked great on my TV not so great through picasa, one evora pic came out really nice, the colour on the other one is a bit weird at the bottom. Just wish i didn't have the spoiler on the evora when i took that photo!
No actually, all everyone seems to be doing is pointing out how shit their password security was, yeah no shit sherlock.
It's just a shame as there is some really good people around here and i know from the other forums i go on that it shouldn't be like this. For me the forum has just hit rock bottom, along with the game. Theres nothing left to stick around for tbh.
I still can't quite beleive someone amongst us is hacking people in the community and that noone seems to be helping them, with all the computer boffins in here i thought he'd have been caught by now. This place just gets worse.
I thought you were joking, obviously not. As the others have said it's easily done, what happened with me is as i pressed paused and answered the text i must have knocked the analog and i pressed X as i was turning back round towards the TV.