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S2 licensed
Quote :Some quick effect comparisons (with/without ENBSeries)

Looking really good, indeed. Man I'd love to have it already

Kelvjy, those pics aren't raw =T
S2 licensed
Oye Lynce, ya sabes de donde salen esas curvas extrañas en los reflejos? es EL detalle que le faltan para ser perfectas.
Muchos saludos!

(So Lynce, do you know where those weird curves on your reflections come from? it's THE detail from being perfect.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Darkone, SO on a FO8 is just IMO one of the best things in LFS. It's just so unforgiving that when you get it right, a smile comes to your face instantly.
Nice pics btw.
S2 licensed
The last MR2 looks pretty sexy imo
S2 licensed
That's nice... and pink.
Thx guys for the comments.
S2 licensed
Simple and Subtle
S2 licensed
Still looks nice, well done!
S2 licensed
Sorry! I forgot about this thread as you took too long to reply I think it was this one. ... /
If someone else could host it if you want, it'd be nice
S2 licensed
lol Bash0r. It's kinda funny ppl won't look at your postcounter
S2 licensed
go to the garage. There should be an option at the right. (me thinks it's under the setups list)
S2 licensed
It's quite good, even with a wheel. Has a lot of cars, and some good tracks. Two main SP modes (Factory Driver and Evolution), and ofcourse a quick race mode. Got it yesterday after 9 years and gave me a nice surprise.
S2 licensed
By NBA rules, the top of the board is outside.
S2 licensed
The DDS convertion is automaticly done by the game.
No clue on this one
S2 licensed
On the first pic I noticed what I felt wrong about Lynce's refections. On the second one I noticed why everyone loves Lynce's reflections. (2nd pic using Darkone's)
S2 licensed
you just make a dds with an alpha channel, and put it in your skins folder. Make sure the filename ends in ALPHA.
PD: it only recognises Full Alpha and no Alpha, so no semitransparencys
S2 licensed
Bueno Lynce, me gustaria ayudarte en lo que sea, aunque este con poco tiempo por la escuela. Estaba haciendo unas pruebas con tus reflejos a ver si se podia hacer algo con el efecto que le diste y algo de realismo para los que buscan algo mas adhoc. Yo se que dijiste que no querias modificaciones, y como no tengo tu concentimiento las he mantenido privadas.
Si necesitas algo avisame por PM.

(Well Lynce, I'd like helping you on anything I can, even tho I'm short on time with school. I was working on some modifications to your reflections, to see if I could do something a bit more realistic for people looking for something adhoc to the rest. I know you want no modifications to them but I'll keep them private as I have no permission by you.
If there's anything you need, send me a PM)
S2 licensed
Lynce, donde conseguiste esos neumaticos?
(Lynce, where did you get those tyres?)
S2 licensed
Quote :think he means that the reflections should actually be reflections from the surroundings, not just light.

Just what I meant
S2 licensed
nice but remember, lynce said they were for adding real reflections... imho the reflections look extremely plain, and that's why I don't use them it's just a suggestion, if you take pics with this reflections add some more in PS
S2 licensed
I can
S2 licensed
Quote :Done with the skin

That's a nice looking skin for dorifters
S2 licensed
Sorry guys, but I didn't read anything, just saw VWS and started editing =/ my bad.
Last edited by Racer556, .
S2 licensed
Quote :Was bit bored.

That looks pretty decent
S2 licensed
Well Crashgate, I bought ArmA I when it came out. And I gotta tell you, it was really boring.
This is because it was buggy, not optimized, nothing. It's just an "spiritual" sequel to OPF (OPF2 is coming out, but looks like they killed the franchise, as on many other tacticals), so it's a new team out of a sudden. Campaing was not what it should have been. The only base it had was Online, but there were just *too* many versions to even get someone.
So, hopefuly, and as I see all they've done, this one is a much better version, by the experience the team got with the first one, as well as the feedback.
If I was you, I wouldn't just get into it, but download a demo or something, or even getting a copy of OPF1, wich on SP was pretty decent.

Quote :Has this game also some magically indestructible cement? I always cringe when I see Abrams fail against a single soldier because the house he's in somehow doesn't even get a scratch from a 120 mm tank shell... Blows all realism right out the window...

Dunno, but you can see a tank f'ing up a house in the trailer