Nice and all that you want to calm things down and defend your friend, but after reading the whole thread you can see why everyone is getting offensive here.
It's very immature from aptitudex to reply like that to people trying to help, giving such unthinkable arguments to defend the low working on his video.
He got here like the forum owner insulting everyone, and we all get 'meh' pretty fast.
When I see your video I can say a lot of stuff. I can be like most ppl on the inet and say "OMG! Your vid so suckz man, gtfo n00b"... But we people in here are not like that, because we ALL did crappy videos at first.
I'd tell you to:
- Avoid incars if it's a MPR
- Avoid standard cameras
- Try recording at halfspeed, and double it in VirtualDub
- Adding some color working (like contrast and such)
And a lot of things! But they CAN'T be taken as insults, but wishes for you becoming a better video maker.
When you go to school, do you fight with your teacher when he says something's wrong? No, you don't, you take advice.
Same here. The guys who adviced aptitudex have some work already on it.
So you can defend your friend if you want, but it'll be useless, as he showed us how kidish and egocentric he is already
I propose closing this thread, as it's getting nowhere healthy.