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The results are in!

Congratulations to MRc's TimDC for the second comprehensive victory in a row! This week he scores an incredible 184 points out of a possible 210, and takes 9 race wins on the way - including 4 in row!

Last week's 2nd and 3rd complete the podium, this week with positions reversed. PM's Jam 616 in 2nd place with 152 points, and Flying ET in 3rd with 137.

Join us next week, Friday 27th 20:00UTC, for more!
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Quote from pittpulga :Any post from the devs about it?

Here's the latest: Thumbs up
S3 licensed
The results are in!

Congratulations to MRc's TimDC for a comprehensive victory, taking 6 race wins on his way to the top step for his first visit to the podium. 2nd place goes to FLYING ET, also his first podium after having been steadily climbing the ranks. 3rd place, trailing by a single point, was Jam 616.

Join us next week, Friday 20th 20:00UTC, for more!
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People talked about it on discord a while back, so here's a summary to the best of my recollection: Lazy works on U6 but not afterwards. The big differences for people are the recent FFB improvements and a bug that meant that serving a stop-go penalty in a custom pit stall would stick you to it. If you can avoid getting a stop-go on a custom layout and you don't need the FFB tweaks, you can use U6 to get Lazy.

Scawen is looking to put the recent skin fix into an official version, so hopefully they can be back in sync soon Thumbs up
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66/racon/Jamie Tresidder/United Kingdom/PiranMOTO
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S3 licensed
The results are in!

Congratulations to RD2 for the win - his 3rd win in 5 events, and over a field of 29! Can anyone stop him? 2nd place goes to last week's winner Jam 616. OK's Gaz claims the third step of the podium on his first event.

Join us next week, Friday 13th 20:00UTC, if you feel lucky!
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One hour until warmup! Thumbs up
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PiranMOTO Servers / Website / Discord
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An introduction to PiranMOTO (website / discord)

PiranMOTO is a collection of LFS servers dedicated to the non-standard - each theme is something I couldn't find a server dedicated to, where something was missing, or where I could add something with InSim. There was rally, but not long stages; There was rallycross, but not joker laps; There was grass, but not exclusively; There was oval, but only full-sized. Etc, etc. Most importantly to me, there was nowhere you could play tag with cars!

Best sector, split and lap times are recorded for races, qualifying and practice, as well as theoretical best and 3-lap-average. Top scores are recorded on game servers. Times and scores can be accessed in-game with the command !top on the server for the track currently loaded, or on the website page for any track. If you join the website, you can use the 'my times' button to easily view your times/rank for each car on that track (example). If you join the discord, we'll tag you with a mention when someone beats your server best so you can go claim it right back!

** Please note that unlike Airio, sector and split times on PiranMOTO are your best times, not the times from your best lap **

We are currently running Open DD events on Friday nights at 20:00 UTC, and some one-off events will happen occasionally. (Anyone interested in running an event or a regular series here should get in touch!). Keep track on the website events page.

Pleasant behaviour, fair play and minimal contact is expected at all times (excepting, of course, for the contact on contact-racing servers).

A quick guide to the servers is below, for current settings and track lists see the website servers page. See you on track!

- Jam 616

PiranMOTORally (time trial)
Really long rally stages! From 8m/13km (~10 mins) to 30m/49km (~40 mins). (Object penalties disabled due to stock objects)

PiranMOTORallycrossJoker (racing)
Rallycross with a real, enforced joker lap.

PiranMOTORaceOfChampions (racing)
Head-to-head in separated lanes. Winner stays on, challenger chooses car. Custom ELO-type rating system from 111 to 999.

PiranMOTODestructionDerby (contact racing)
*Full contact allowed on this server* Crash your way to the front through various gruelling tracks.

PiranMOTOChaseGame (game)
Tag with cars! Reverse tag, technically - you gain one point each second for every car chasing you, your turn ends when another car hits you. Built-in insim radar screen. Large and small arenas to cater to numbers.

PiranMOTOGrass (racing)
99.9% Grass surface, from massive ovals to full tracks and a multiple-configuration complex.

PiranMOTOMiniOval (racing)
Many small ovals: every possible combination of banked/flat, bumpy/smooth, and wide/narrow.

PiranMOTOStreetRacing (racing)
From tight, bumpy and walled town tracks to blasts down narrow country lanes - everything in the spirit of improvised racetracks. Includes 9397's excellent Blackwood Industrial Estate series, and Rony's legendary Westschleife.

PiranMOTOClub (racing)
Small cars on small tracks means intense and strategic racing.

PiranMOTOAutocross (time trial)
Autocross challenges from FreedCapybara.

PiranMOTOCaptureTheFlag (game)
Automated team balancing here for impromptu capture the flag. Drive through a base to capture or return a flag, hit an opponent to steal their flag.

Note to forum mods: There doesn't seem to be a specific "post an intro to your servers" forum, so I've put it here as people have used this one in the past for that purpose. Feel free to relocate it if needed Smile
S3 licensed
The results are in!

Well, this is awkward! Wink

A podium lockout from a field of 20 this week from hosts PiranMOTO! Congratulations to Jam 616 in 1st, Vitas 993 in 2nd and Hunter 620 in 3rd. The result was still down to the wire, as the podium were seperated by less points than a single race win.

Special mention for RD2 who was on track for yet another stonking win before having to leave early, and for Flying ET who has been moving steadily up the ranks week by week and finished a close 4th.

Join us next week, Friday 6th 20:00UTC, for more!
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I'm on 0.6U11, I've been unable to trigger it again since my last post - I've just joined almost every populated server in order. It occurs to me that the error I got last night might have been an old skin still stuck (I usually just put up with white cars rather than fix it), and that cloudflare might have been the problem after all. I will keep testing when I can.

PS, Scawen: I didn't mean to suggest that you didn't code a timeout, just that fixing it would be a tweak worthy of going to an official version. I know a lot of people are waiting for that so that Lazy can be updated. The meaning was lost in the endless edit Smile

Re: disabling downloads at your end - on one hand we can do that individually if it's a problem for us and can keep it turned on if we're OK with restarting to work around the issue. On the other new users doesn't necessarily know that they can do that, and/or won't realise that that's what they've got to do. Big downsides for both options Frown
S3 licensed
Still happening here, too. Regardless of the cause of the download not working, I think we need a tweak to LFS so that a stuck download will timeout instead of hanging. Network issues are never that far away.
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Same experience here, and for quite a few people at our event yesterday (we were switching cars every few races, so it probably occurred for us more than usual use). Nothing resolves it except restarting LFS, someone said they had to restart more than once.

It seemed to be occasional last week, but this week it seems more frequent. I have all the replays of the event if they're any help.
S3 licensed
The results are in!

Congratulations to RD2 on returning to the top step of the podium, winning comfortably over a field of 23 by claiming an incredible 181 points of a possible 210! RaceGreen's RedBot claims 2nd place for the second week running, also with comfortable margin. 3rd place was earned by Uber, his first time on the PiranMOTO DD podium.

Join us next week for more!

PLEASE NOTE, this week is the week of timezone shenanigans in PiranMOTO's home country - Events from now until spring will be held at 20:00 UTC
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