Nah, taking it apart was the final dig. Those plastic sockets are completely broken, so it wobbles even more than before, its unusable now for road racing
It has nothing to do with luck, and also every corner has overtaking possibilities. It really goes down to the drivers involved in the overtaking, and in this case, I feel I did everything I could, and what I did was fair.
Anyway, éet the judges decide :P
If you check it from your camera view, you can see you could have gone wider. I was already next to you (might have surprised you I think), but you didn't really choose a wider line. I know I was aggressive, but that wasn't clearly my fault. I had overtaken some other drivers as well, and everything worked fine.
PS: at 0:36 you can clearly see you are on the ideal line, although I was next to you, even a bit ahead
Well this thing fails in so many aspects you can't call it FAIL, neither a win, cause it simply isn't a win. Only WOEFUL left as a proper definiton of the above written
This thread totally made my day, I'm so happy I found it
There is a reason why don't real racers share their telemetry data with others. Making good setups requires some knowledge, logic, time and hard work too. It doesn't fair, when someone makes a set, drives a WR (even if set has little to do with it), and than X just watches the telemetry data, and gets most of the info in 10 secs, which sometimes took hours for the owner.
It's basically like cheating. You don't know the answer/solution, so you copy.
I don't upload hotlaps any more, and the reason is I don't really want to share some setups and ideas with the competition (mostly hungarian scene). Theres public level racing, and theres serious league racing, where you really want to keep all advantage you have. Thats what makes you faster than others.
You can also install Everest, it tells you everthing about your pc, so you can figure it out what vga you have.
Also you can't tell a CPU's performance from its clock speed. Usually newer generation CPUs are much faster at the same clock speed than older ones.
For example, my C2D E8200 at 2,66ghz pumps out 2,5x more FPS in LFS than my friend's Pentium D945 at 3.4ghz (with same spec PC). Even at 1,5ghz the C2D owns the Pentium D...
Well, thats the difference in WR pace, and 1-2 secs from WR pace. It also depends on the setup, but you really gotta know what to do when you are at a corner. Lets say you are at a left-right combination. If you brake just a tad late, or miss the weight transfer just a little bit, you find yourself in a huge understeering situation.
So it's avoidable, you just gotta know what to do and why, otherwise it's the car driving you around which is not that good imo
It's doesn't make any dofference in physics. More fps just makes the game smoother, so you can be more precise. It really means a lot if you want to drive it on the edge, but even if you are a couple of tenths off the pace.
I'd say you need at least 60 fps to be able to drive comfortable, but you can even notice difference between 60 and 100.