Don't look online for sets i can tell you some correctional stuff, really simple.
what I am about to say probably won't work for FF cars, don't worry i hate them ( out of LFS ofcourse ) so that was a main goal.
Pick a car, buy the best suspension, go to the garage, hit start, select he suspension settings. now for the fun, i don't usually stiffen the springs unless i am building an all out race car so ill skip that for now. lower the car all the way then carry it back up by 6 for some working travel, next go all the way down to the sway bars reduce the front setting by one. this usually solves most of my GT4 problems but I only use Japanese cars anyway. < that was basic setup for any new car i may think of buying and i just build around that, as it is more comfortable.
was it in that video that the guy said Buying an LSD does nothing?..ofcourse it will do nothing if you do nothing to it!, buying an lsd only changes if you can set it up or not, otherwise it is stock.
Oh and Dawesdust...24 hour race?, you mean that you actually play this game seriously?. I just tamper with modifying my fantasy cars and throwing around my 12 million credits to make the game as real as i possibly can.