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S2 licensed
uuh k...must start over XD..should i build for 10 races?
S2 licensed
one more race till my first year is over I have one all of my races with a 1-2 finish, when the drunk guy isn't doing 360s im no longer in dept . Any tips on making my own chassis?
S2 licensed
im bringin in -48 000 per race...uuh
just got sponsored with the construction place 240 000 im no longer 200 000 in dept

EDIT: oh snap i can't get onto the site anymore XD server busy i guess LOL
S2 licensed
how do I use engines made by other teams... I want a Reynard Toyota 06 engine too

Just started : 231st devision
S2 licensed
Oh my goodness...I had the first project gotham game from the time it came out, What a wonderfull game, shame it doesn't work anymore. WOW, the bike in the snow is an MTT Y2K
S2 licensed
hmm, is it that time of year already?
S2 licensed
click start and right click on my computer then click properties
S2 licensed
Wouldn't be possible to stabalise the graphics by making the grass one flat colour and removing all the banners at the road side? If someone can make a sand mod and a snow mod why shouldn't this be possible, to atleast make the graphics smoother on older computers like mine .

"cut and paste": AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
897 MHz, 368 MB of RAM

P.S. I will post the pics of task manager and lfs when I reinstall it
S2 licensed
I never got the idea of people speaking of billions of years ago when its only 2007 when and why did year one start always clouds my mind when ever I read such posts :P
S2 licensed
whoa after reading this thread I realise that a majority of racers hang out on the forums when they could be, well, racing.

I Race
I Drift
I Pod
S2 licensed
two thumbs up to those videos nice
S2 licensed
Is it me or do certain people lack some key essence needed to work a search tool?
S2 licensed
you shave a second off your pb only to realise that you are dreaming...

I wish I had A P3 carbon.
S2 licensed forgot to use the clutch on time?
S2 licensed
your wish comes true and now the XFG revs to 6000 rpm and goes like snot and you are now driving a ricemobile.

I wish I was playing LFS right now.
S2 licensed
Quote from (-Mark-) :i dont get why people are saying (not on here) that you have to change a cars settings for it to be real O.o, it should be real as standard, plus, it will never be a simulator, unless you can driver whilst hanging onto the roof

I think that if it were real as standerd, the people who drive these real cars on those real tracks would be at a disadvantage to the people who buy the game and instantly think they can win races in real life.
(headache atm)
S2 licensed
oh no, not you too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Slidaaaa :Only thing i can say is "NOTHING" ! There is nothing decent enough for a typical LFS player out there, after LFS, everything else turns into shit, yes LFS is that good, i wonder if it will take 20 years to another game with same physics quality show up on the market, i wonder, is it that hard to the huge rich companies to make something as good as these 3 LFS dudes did, or they just dont want to...

they don't want to, and they aren't good enough :P

how about learning some magic tricks Chris?
S2 licensed
Don't look online for sets i can tell you some correctional stuff, really simple.
what I am about to say probably won't work for FF cars, don't worry i hate them ( out of LFS ofcourse ) so that was a main goal.

Pick a car, buy the best suspension, go to the garage, hit start, select he suspension settings. now for the fun, i don't usually stiffen the springs unless i am building an all out race car so ill skip that for now. lower the car all the way then carry it back up by 6 for some working travel, next go all the way down to the sway bars reduce the front setting by one. this usually solves most of my GT4 problems but I only use Japanese cars anyway. < that was basic setup for any new car i may think of buying and i just build around that, as it is more comfortable.

was it in that video that the guy said Buying an LSD does nothing?..ofcourse it will do nothing if you do nothing to it!, buying an lsd only changes if you can set it up or not, otherwise it is stock.

Oh and Dawesdust...24 hour race?, you mean that you actually play this game seriously?. I just tamper with modifying my fantasy cars and throwing around my 12 million credits to make the game as real as i possibly can.
S2 licensed
uum..If you can't get the car to consistantly stay in the region between understeer and oversteer(favoring over steer), then there is somethin wrong with your setup, I have absoluty no problem with it, unless im in a FF car or a fast car with little or no downforce to the front.

*locks door*
S2 licensed
you get a graphics card that is better than the one you have now but it doesn't fit the pc, pwnt.

...why am i going along with this? ...

I wish this topic was closed.
S2 licensed
*hovers mouse pointer over link* Oh wow your mind distortion referral link, how exciting.

How old are you?, for this link to have amazed you to the point of posting it on LFS forum in the off topic section?...I thought by now that damn site would have grown old, or slightly mature.
S2 licensed
Im curious...not defending GT4 or anything (concience - O RLY?) but how many people here have played GT4 without the driving aids, with a wheel and changed the wheel settings to simulation?, I can't remember where exactly you do it but its in options. The only difference maybe that my arms hurt after long hours and I start to sweat...but its not that bad from my point of view.

Nice video btw, I enjoyed how the author didn't realise that no one drives in real life with 2 joysticks, and that drifting isnt the easiest thing in the world. Seriously he was attempting to drift a supra in GT4 without suspension adjustments? ...funny people.

Also I found a video which was probably made by someone who bothered to find what makes this game tick (not literally) and upon closer examination the video cotradicts some stuff from the original video.(omg i feel like a GT4 fanboy now... Concience: NO WAI!..)

*gets into a flame retardent box*
Last edited by Ricerguy, .
S2 licensed
nope...I find that it gets boring though, and i need to return to my rb4
S2 licensed
its been done

P.S. no need for large font