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S2 licensed
If you are going up a hill, I would imagine getting to the top as quickly as possible with as little throttle would be more efficient. Low rpm + more gas is asking your engine to try harder than necessary to do a % of work.

I guess it would also depend on the situation.

e.g. If you are travelling at a resonable rate of speed (I.E. the speed limit) before you get to the hill, you can use your momentum to ease the strain on the engine while in higher gears+lower revs+less throttle(gearing down if this hill is steep enough to rapidly reduce your speed of course).

S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Was a gracious gesture and a good topic, I sub'ed immediately when I saw it. Hopefully some more serious people might see it soon.


immediatly thought to find/reinstall autoCAD at the thought of free S3 upgrade but now I think about it, this pc doesn't have a disket drive, and I doubt its much of an autoCAD if its on a disket anyways.

looking forward to seeing some progress and stiff competition! comeon guys
S2 licensed
I <3 Bleach fillers :P

Gives me less to worry about when watching/subscribed to multiple online videos and anime

Just Watched Code Geass... That first episode is a trick isn't it? I watched the first episode months ago and was bored by it, when I finally made it onto the second episode I finished the anime in a matter of about 2 days?

loved it. Reminded me of Mobile Suit Gundam 00
S2 licensed
looks...different. Is that a fighter jet gunsight?
S2 licensed
you are mistaken, any program which would allow demo users more content, is to be liscence protected to stop that from happening.
S2 licensed
I just use Anilinkz, im suprised no one mentioned it :/
S2 licensed
Is Black Lagoon any good?! :O

All depends on if you like guns, gore and action I suppose

I like suspense, the ability to keep me coming back for more.
S2 licensed
I have so many Google chrome tabs of anime series that i'm watching, its embarassing.

Been meaning to finish watching Black Lagoon and Cowboy Bebop for the second time but, I don't want to/can't seem to get it done. Maybe i'm not good at watching stuff twice? ( would explain why I stopped watching television altogether). 0_0
S2 licensed
I'm Glad i mentioned it.

I always seem to enjoy an anime more when I have to wait for a new episode, just like bleach...although I enjoy those fillers. >.>
S2 licensed
I just watch all my anime online, The only anime I ever downloaded was mobile suit Gundam 00.

speaking of which...Loading Canaan ep 3 now. ^_^

EDIT: I am now officially hooked. 0_0
Last edited by Ricerguy, .
S2 licensed
Anyone watching Canaan?

2 episodes out so far, seems interesting, great quality of animation. I'm likely to be as hooked as I was on Mobile suit Gundam 00. :P
S2 licensed
Quote from rich uk :Lovely car!. Reminds me of the Ferrari Daytona in Ferris buelers day off .

and for lovely sounding cars you can't beat this really

H > V do I win a prize?

Back on topic : Old school curvy cars are very appealing to me, but I have a weird affection for bricks. Imagine how many Datsun p510's I could restore with the money made from selling one of those beasts.
S2 licensed
I find that those ice cubes with the holes melt too fast. They are small and usually do not have many little air bubbles like the larger block ice cubes.

I think the air bubbles play a factor in the ice lasting long.
S2 licensed
I do this all the time.

fill glass to the brim with ice-cubes. Pour like its the last thing you will ever do in your life (not really but just pour slowly and in the same spot on the top icecube ). If your glass is too small theres no point in doing this as you would probably only have two mouth-fulls of liquid when you are finished pouring, left over to drink. ( tons of ice left ) my technique works everytime.
S2 licensed
You can remove the tag as you see fit. not a problem
S2 licensed
If he asked for help what would be the point in him having a car that he made 100% from scratch on his own?
S2 licensed
If I remember correctly the UF1 is a one man project being done by Scawen. Give the man a break eh?
S2 licensed
Don't want to hijack the thread or anything, but I am having a similar problem, I can only use UFR sounds on the XFG. :S
S2 licensed
I have a FF EX. It does have pedals. Get the Momo
S2 licensed
Maybe everyone overlooked the obvious?

1) P3bbl3 what username did you purchase the liscence on?

2) Demo hosts do not allow cars other than the fbm/xrg/xfg

3) servers in S2 do not always allow certain cars. For example the RAC would not be allowed in a server which races GTR cars.
S2 licensed
You may be able to find an option in some DJ'ing applications that allow you to turn the instrumentals off, although it doesn't always work well. Not sure the name of the program my cuz uses, sorry.
S2 licensed
I would like to post my error report, but I'm hesitant because of the possible language barriers or I am lazy and making up excuses at 2:44 am when I should be sleeping.

If anyone wishes feel free to email the picture I attached in my previous post to [email protected] for me while i go to bed. byebye, and it does look like a promising game
S2 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :it downloaded for me just fine, it's just my graphics card wasn't letting me play it.

same issue here. what do you mean by "it was", is everything alright now? you have an ATI graphics card i'm guessing.

my rbr is being a basterd with vista and not letting me mod the game ( read only BS ), which is why im trying so hard to get this one running.
S2 licensed
sorry to be off topic, but i've been trying for the last 3 hours or so to figure out a way to download the ATi Parallax file (Dimension Technics) however it only opens another page of text. Does anyone know how to make this text ( ) into a .glsl file or download it? :s

EDIT(save space and avoid ruining a great thread): Thank you Sil3ntwar, I feel ashamed of myself.

EDIT2: failed yet again, I'm getting the same error message. Please I must drive an old rear wheel drive car in RBR SOMEHOW!
Last edited by Ricerguy, .
S2 licensed
hmm... and I used to think this was fast.