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S2 licensed
Start it twice, different port, forward them both on your router.

LFS.exe /cfg=setupserver1.cfg
LFS.exe /cfg=setupserver2.cfg
INsim Endurance APP
S2 licensed
I am looking for some options, but I really cannot find them.

I am looking for an administration-app for insim, to keep track of really long (several hours) of racing. They must exist ?
Take track of laptimes, pitstops, some stats, players in cars, and shift-p and disconnects (keeping track of runned laps).

Any tips?
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :It only affects tyre pressure (as you know pressure increases with heat in a closed environment)... In fact if the air inside stays cool, it will cool the tread from the inside...

And as the only way the air temperature rises in LfS is by heat from the tread transferred to the inside your situation 4 will never arise...

So my setupped-tirepressure is pressure @ cold tires, and the CURRENT pressure is the pressure next to it ...
S2 licensed
That indeed was my question: the inside of tires compared to the green outside.

So, when I want to conclude that:

1: Both Blue:
Tires still cold

2: Outside green, inside blue:
I am not driving smooth. The outside heats up due to wheelspin and scrub, and not by general rubber deformation. Less pressure to gain deformation and better driving lines are important.

3: Both green:
Perfect. GOod combination of tirepressure and driving style.

4: Inside green outside blue:
Won't happen but well looks like driving like grandpa on soft pressure

My REAL question now was:
How do I feel the difference between situation 2 and 3? I mostly don't mind a blue inside, as long as my outside stays green ... But, is this the right way of thinking ?
S2 licensed
I never really feel the difference between a green inside of tire and just the green contact patch.

Can anyone shine a light on that?
S2 licensed
To hook onto yellow flags:

a yellow flag is shown when a player is somewhat off track. But sometimes things just go fine and player gets back without loosing too much speed.

In real time, an track-observer wouldn't have waved his flag, only if something really did happen.

In short: i see a lot of yellow flags but mostly nothing to see then
S2 licensed
I think it is not a good idea indeed.
S2 licensed

So could, i'd definatedly buy.
S2 licensed
Since most don't understand the fault I think it is safe to mention you guys:

"Ook weten we al hoe duur het ongeveer gaat kosten."

Should ofcourse be:

"Ook weten we hoe duur het evenement ongeveer gaat zijn."
"Ook weten we hoeveel het ongeveer gaat kosten."

Een klassieker jongens
AB at LFS News: The AB Chronicles
S2 licensed
There are so many things happening in our AB league, just be sure to catch up on all rumours, tactics, results and paddocknews on LFS News: The AB Chronicles!

S2 licensed
American Engines and Cars, I hope they can see the efficiency of some european models soon ...

lets take the Cavalier:

"While not known for its high RPM power, the LH0 has strong low- and mid-range torque. The 3.1 L engine has retained an excellent reputation for reliability. It was produced until 1994 (1996 for mexican market)and was exported in some models. This engine produced 135 hp (101 kW) and 180 lb·ft (244 N·m) of torque from 1988-1989, then upgraded to 140 hp (104 kW) and 185 lb·ft (251 N·m) of torque"

Well, 3.1 liters for a 140Hp engine ... isn't that pathetic? Ok, reliablilty, but my Renault Safrane carries an (also big) 2.5 5 cilinder doing 170hp (and drove 500.000km with it by now, still going).

Volkswagen builds 1.4 liter engines with 160 hp

Sporty Meganes carry 225+ hp on 2.0 liter engines ...

And my 1.4 GT Turbo from 1988 also does 150+ hp

And all withing 8 liters / 100 km

I don't say US cars/engines are bad, but why are they so HUGE?
S2 licensed
FBM is not very much downforced.

I believe this forces áre simulated and also is the suspension reaction to it...?
S2 licensed
Just use them in Photoshop, make your skin with it, save it as a .jpg, drop it in your skins folder as well as upload it to and happy driving!

The PSD skins are made expecially for easy skinning, the contours and grid and other helpful elements of the car's shape is in it, you can just hide the grid when finished your skin and save in jpg.
S2 licensed
I see you are right

Don't worry though, I am pretty sure the admins will organise some other races during summer holidays weekly, like some fun evening events etc.

There won't be many non-racing weeks

Ah you raced that questionnable UF1 race with us ?
Last edited by Riel, .
S2 licensed
On we just did 2 le mans races. Join in, we race GTR cars for 2 hours every two weeks. The league has just started.

Get to know us doing 3 other races with us !
S2 licensed
Quote from Ponty46 :Here is my opinion:

I am fairly new to lfs i only started playing in February 2009.

At that time i played NFS Porche Unleashed (very good game imho not like the other nfs games) and somebody on the chat mentioned LFS.

I googled and downloaded the lfs demo. I still remember my first lap with LFS in the fbm. It was a BLAST! It was so much different than any other sim i tried before. It got me hooked imediately and i bought s2 licence next day.

I realized quickly that chaotic public races are pointless and not too much fun so i decided to look for some organized racing.

I went to lfs forums find AB league

I really love racing there. The AB community is great and helpful. We have like 3 different leagues (CLOSED FORMULA, OPEN S2l, CLOSED LM GTR) with great races. We always have 2 races with different cars and tracks on Sundays and i still have the motivation to prepare for the next race and learn different cars/tracks not only just messing around in pub servers.

LFS is still sooo much fun imho (easy to say i havent been around for like 6 years) and i dont miss the public racing! Lots of people saying that they are quitting because of the bad state of public servers/racing. I just dont get it. Look for organized leagues/races and problem is solved.

I just don't use the server list at all anymore!

I race the AB League too (hi ponty ) and it's great, great people.

Now the GTR-L All Stars league of R-R started.

I can tell you, my hands are FULL just to practice these leagues and have 2 AB and 3 GTR races that matter each week.

It's tense and exiting! That's how I think it should be. That means I do not need public servers at all for awesome public racing.

Oh yes, I happen to pop into Fox junkies sometimes.

I would like to have a very good overview of current running and upcoming leagues. This forum is not very good at that point.
S2 licensed
Well i tried but can't take it serious neither man.
This is race sim, a sim simulates reallife, not cartoons? Understand it.
S2 licensed
Still have this X-server nagging, but in screen at least it runs
S2 licensed
Can be setup-issue to. Give it some negative TOE.
S2 licensed
No asking for setups? Can anyone speak then?
It's a nice implementation in LFS why the ** would you want to stop that?
S2 licensed
Too bad, Would like to see you there and battle it out on reallife
S2 licensed
It was a really nice event!

Next time I'll give better interview Very well organised!!!

Is there any footage left on youtube or somewhere else?
S2 licensed
Quote from andyb1982 :Good point here. It's totally pointless being right on someones backside going into a corner entry if you are not attempting a pass. You will chew your tyres more, you run the risk of getting it marginally wrong (= game over) and also you can only exit as fast as the car infront.

Doesn't really count for UF1 does it ?

(reminds me of last UF1 race I did, driving bumper-to-bumper for 10 laps )

Fact is, you have to know the track and the rythm. I'd almost be able to know when to brake with my eyes closed.
S2 licensed
Struggled with it a lot. As you say so, it should be.

But is it he average wear, maximum wear ? And wear goes faster if you drive hot spots etc... so hard to say.