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S2 licensed

Well we should post a lot now so it looks like we have very crowded site
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :I don't understand this distinction at all.


In a racing sim allowing bumpdrafting qualifies to me as 'stupid'

But it's hard to check if no-one is bumpdrafting. In reallife I don't think your front wing will last too long.
S2 licensed
I just steal the topic,

but latest profiler doesn't seem to start up automatically? It's loaded in system tray, I hook up G25, start LFS, and no key bindings working.

Have to go back to windows, double click the icon, thus opening profiler, go back to LFS and then they work.

Quite annoying, last version of Profiler didn't have this issue?

Anyone got an idea?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
send me your email adress in pm
S2 licensed
FTP problem solved. Had to chmod the dir :/

Yisc, I have a pitboard question. The 'same' times are in Yellow. But well, you don't very often see that. You can do an equal lap, when you are somewhat around your split time (about 1 tenth).

So lets say when I have a best 1st sector of 20.35, then it would be nice to make it green when it is below 20.35, and yellow until 20.50. Then you see that it is worth the lap. When qualifing or practice, I look if the gap is not too much (i usually restart when doing more that 3 tenthss slower), but you have to read very good how much it was.

Just knowing when you see Yellow split, you're on quite a good lap and can drive on
S2 licensed
I cannot upload?
I get error: caught error:Uplaod exception Upload ->

My ftp server is on localhost too, has worked before. Anything I miss out?
S2 licensed
If have it uploading a PB to my ftp-server.

Installed Gay-luiron php tool, but can't get it to work, it doensn't read the pb's. No errors anyway, sql database is working.

Its not PB.txt anymore but just PB. Any other program to see the 'stats' online with uploaded PB file?
S2 licensed
Inside the lapper.txt you find sections.
Inside /cfg/LFSLapper.lpr you find these to

Put right sections coorespondedly into LFSLapper.lpr, watch for the code to be allright.
S2 licensed
playing it for two years ... and NOW i really get the exitement, when I start to compete in leagues instead of driving at the back of the grid
S2 licensed

I have my good moments, I host it for you

Good luck!
S2 licensed
It is a setup.exe.

I don't know of non-msi isntallers :/
S2 licensed
I have that when in Windowed mode, I can only MAXIMIZE window. I want a LFS session at 800x600 for instance but it folds down to only the blue window bar. I can only maximize it (still windowed) in desktop resolution.

Any solution?
S2 licensed
I'll give you a visit, looks awesome Just did some kyotolaps, but not exiting on yer own
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Well, I runned that software loaded your test file.

When I go ingame and say damage it doesnt show. Same goes for all the commands. Guess I missed something?

Software is minimized still not working.

The setup of speech engine did react?
Loaded test-file?
S2 licensed
Yes there is an option to use 'button' on/off or 'hold button'.
S2 licensed
Really, you should not have any concerns
It's a very good product.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :I cant seem to make it work.

What exactly doesn't?

I believe english is only for so far, but I have seen laguagepacks for speech engine?
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :Maybe, I have to test this.

I don't know the CTRA servers and if they use buttons for displaying some infos. If so, this is can be the reason for this, and I don't think this issue is solvable.

Hmm, I don't think that's the case.

Tried using it in the 'connection screen' ? It's when tracks change, you must press 'ready', that screen. You can go to garage there too to take a setup. There sig just stays for a second or 2.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Ofcource you can easily add those. I didn't do that in the test-file. (you can bind your own keys).

The point is: is binds keys (or a macro) to a command. The command is recognized by the speech-engine.

But, there is a slight delay of about 1 second to recognise command. So for looking it is maybe not optimal, but sure, try it!
S2 licensed
199 euro's for g25 edition.

Add 50 taxes (depends on your country) and 50 postal.

I payed about 300 total indeed.
S2 licensed
You can see about 15fps (if one frame is different, you see it).

But the more fps, the smoother movements are. Believe me, you even see the difference in 50 and 100 hz, or fps, and in a while even in 200hz

It's for detail in movement.
S2 licensed
It would never spin turbo when no combustion is happening, let alone building up 1,73 bars of pressure (XRR)
(Besides, the BOV is blowing out air before it enters the engine, and not before turbine, but that is another thing.)

Turbo is not simulated right.

I stated in another post, but found the bugreport.

" The turbo-spooling simulation is not taking into account whether engine is running, it looks like it is just a RPM * THROTTLEPOSITION simulation, instead of RPM * DELIVERED TORQUE simulation (which would come a bit closer to real) "
Last edited by Riel, .
How To for using Speech Commands in LFS
S2 licensed
During today's race, I tested the functionality of speech-commands during racing. I found it mentioned in the forum somewhere a while ago, and thought I'll share a How-to now!

I have done this, because when racing, I do not want to search for the right keys to setup my amount of refuel or what tirechange there has to be done, etc.

I also use it now to enter :-), :-(, Sorry, and those things (F1 through F8), and showing tirewear, or suspension damage.

All of this without taking your hands off the wheel, all you need is a microphone.

How to set up:

First install microsoft speech-sdk 5.1 ... 1b4530&displaylang=en

(scroll down for files, take SpeechSDK51.exe). I am testing languagepack now.

then, install Pilfius, this link: ... ols/

Take the 'setup tour' by talking to the program, you will see.

Download the attached test-file to see how things work, extract it, and open it with Pilfius.

Now, look at the commands. First I have entered Pitstop, Tires and Damage.
When you are racing and say 'Damage', it shows suspensiondamage. Same for Tires or Pitstop.

I also have made commands for the arrowkeys. Up, down, left, right.
For pitting and having 24% more fuel, I would say:

"Pitstop", then "down" to highlight fuel, then I could say 24x right, but I added 'twentyright' to make 20 taps on the right. Say "right""right""right""right" To make it 24 Just for test, you could add the common fuelsettings and make a whole macro of keys for it.

The recognition works astonishing well !! Just pronounce in your best english. Wait for a second for it to react.

Good luck!