I haven't read through everything, so I dunno if this has been mentioned, but areas of the USA have legalized the use of medical marijuana. In my state the program is only a one or two years old, and it has caused some very odd situations. For instance, cops refusing to acknowledge that the users are growing and using marijuana legally, charging into their home (with a battering ram) without warning and arresting them in fornt of their family at gun point. There is now a college (Oaksterdam) that has advertisements on the radio saying that they will teach you how to make it in the Canabis industry. And they do. legally.
As for me, I would like to see decriminalization, if not full legalization. For a whole host of reasons that I'm not really going to get into. It wouldn't change how often I use it though, which is whenever someone else is buying. (in actual numbers once a month at most, usually far nearer once every three months) I'm not made of money, never bought weed, never plan to. I'm well aware that I have a strong family history of addiction to substances, so I do take measures to avoid the same with myself. It's worked so far to my satisfaction, I'm usually known as one of the more sober people at parties, though I'm not exactly a teetoller.