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The more I visit Canada (I live rather near the border), the more I consider moving to Canada when I get a little older. If only it wasn't so cold all the time... everything is just a little less depressing and contentious in Canada and the people are way more chill. I don't know if it's just when and how I've visited, but that's the impression I got anyway.
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Quote from Hyperactive :Still first. Was wondering whether to go with Vettel or Reb bull. Even with rbr I'm not doing too bad

Vettel did me real good
You're pretty well clear in first too, I will need more luck than just this one round to make up ~200 points
interesting to see the very different paths we have rode to the top (thus far) though, there is no one right answer
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 : stuff about the feds

But federal agents aren't all that interested in what one person does... they have bigger fish to fry. Like dispensaries, that sell to many people. Or big time operations. If I lived in California and smoked pot, I would probably take that risk.

And it does matter what California does, where California goes, so goes about half the nation, eventually. When California passes some ground-breaking new legislation, you can expect to see similar bills popping up around the country for vote.

What are the feds going to do? overrule more half the country (roughly, hypothetically)? That would not be popular with the voting public. I think if this bill is adopted by more than a few states, the feds will have choice but to bow to popular opinion for the votes. Can you honestly see Obama and the Democrats in Congress alienating all the liberal states (that would most likely follow Cali's lead), which is the main source of their votes? If it was Texas or Georgia, it might be a different story entirely. But it would probably never be Texas or Georgia. So then assuming that the Dems won't alienate California (really bad idea), now is the time to strike IMO. If there are no proveable bad characteristics, the next president won't have much of a case to crack down on the laws when he takes office, even if he would normally be so inclined.

granted if I understand it right, this bill would only be the first tiny step to legalization, but it is a major one, and if it passes, I can see it setting up further steps quite nicely.
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Quote from mr grady :what i meant was, the works ferrari team losing points to a team they supply an engine to.

in the past sauber have always lept out of a ferrari's way......but not this time.

I suspect right about now Peter Sauber would sooner order his car into a Ferrari than allow it to leap out of a Ferrari's way
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Quote from zeugnimod :Looks like the site has another one of their infamous "1 hours".

more like 1 day

still down, but I'm expecting some epic pwnage from my Vettel
S2 licensed
ah ok, we operate under different definitions for the term narcotic then. ignore all of the above, apparently it only applies to USA.

United States

In a U.S. legal context, the term "narcotic" specifically refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic or fully synthetic substitutes, as well as cocaine and coca leaves.
Wikipedia FTW
S2 licensed
well, that's what a narcotic is... narcotic refers to opium or any derivative of opium or coca and any derivative of coca. or any synthetic replica of these drugs. This includes morphine, cocaine, and heroin, among countless other drugs, but definitely not marijuana.
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Quote from -NightFly- :narcotic

wait, you think that marijuana is made from opium poppies? this can only go downhill from here:munching_
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:ices_rofl Italy:chairfall
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Quote from matseracer :
- you will have mental problems, such as [...] loss of focus / concentration, depression
- anxiety

If I already have medication for this, what's the downside?

Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
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Quote from RiseAgainstMe! : I wouldn't put it past them to edit out the two Brazilian goals, and broadcast it as a victory with North Korean commentary...

if the broadcast is real that is
S2 licensed
I actually thought the first was prettier... the timing was impeccable. but anyway HOW THE F DID THAT NIGERIAN PLAYER MISS THAT??

EDIT: Now a PK! they had better not cock this opportunity up too
EDIT2: he didn't. 2-2
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Quote from DeadWolfBones :Gorgeous goal there for Korea.

two gorgeous goals for korea, they are being deadly on set pieces :bowdown:
S2 licensed
they weren't consistent enough, and thus didn't earn it, and didn't deserve it. If they had been more consistently good than Mexico, they would have earned it, and would have deserved it.

sure they played fine, well above expectations. But not quite good enough to make it to the next round. They played good football, but it would be hard to argue that they are better than Mexico.
S2 licensed
My heart wanted South Africa to pull through and make it into the next round. But my head knows Mexico is the better team and deserves it.
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I feel bad for the coach... he may 'disappear' when he returns for shaming their country
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and that's the big problem with our laws, yes. Overlapping jurisdictions and and laws that are vague at best and contradictory for sure.

It's illegal under federal law, but they won't prosecute you anymore. However it technically being illegal is enough to make the entire legality of the state laws come into question. Some choose just to not go open that can of worms at all (VA). And state laws have been counteracted by city ordinances and laws in places (LA), so pretty much everywhere is riddled with loopholes and contradictions from layers upon layers of laws. It all goes back to the argument of states' rights vs. federalism that has been happening in our country since the Articles of Confederation.

EDIT: I mean they'll raid dispensaries, but they won't prosecute individual medical marijuana users as of new guidelines in 2009. Dispensaries run into all the laws about how much can be in any one place at a time and the sale of marijuana that home growers don't break. It can still be grown at home without as many risks.
Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Fantastic.

Effin fantastic.
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :there's a problem with that. it's illegal federally, but legal within the state. it gives the cops something to blame when they go busting down your door.

new federal guidelines dictate that they won't persecute any users with debilitating diseases operating legally under the state laws. The person in this case was pretty bad off iirc, any amount of homework would have told the cops that. Searching for an article, but no luck yet.
S2 licensed
I haven't read through everything, so I dunno if this has been mentioned, but areas of the USA have legalized the use of medical marijuana. In my state the program is only a one or two years old, and it has caused some very odd situations. For instance, cops refusing to acknowledge that the users are growing and using marijuana legally, charging into their home (with a battering ram) without warning and arresting them in fornt of their family at gun point. There is now a college (Oaksterdam) that has advertisements on the radio saying that they will teach you how to make it in the Canabis industry. And they do. legally.

As for me, I would like to see decriminalization, if not full legalization. For a whole host of reasons that I'm not really going to get into. It wouldn't change how often I use it though, which is whenever someone else is buying. (in actual numbers once a month at most, usually far nearer once every three months) I'm not made of money, never bought weed, never plan to. I'm well aware that I have a strong family history of addiction to substances, so I do take measures to avoid the same with myself. It's worked so far to my satisfaction, I'm usually known as one of the more sober people at parties, though I'm not exactly a teetoller.
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Was Wayne Rooney even on the field in the first two matches? Wait, I do seem to recall slow-motion shots of him yelling at people (the ref)... and that's about the sum of his contribution to the English team so far

on the other hand, this result was the best thing to cure my frustration at the referee from the earlier game
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not the honeycomb, the bee that's on the side looks suspiciously like one of the trademarked logos for the Georgia Institute of Technology, a college in the United States.
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I don't like to complain about the ref... BUT WTF WAS THAT

ARRRGGGGGHHHH brings back bitter memories of Torsten Frings in 2002, which was the last time I felt royally screwed by the ref on this level. still, most entertaining game of the World Cup so far, for me at least,

never should have given up those two goals. You can't put yourself in a position that the referee can screw you over, because they will. I know from personal experience as a ref, you mess things up every once in a while. Doesn't make it any better watching other refs scrw up though