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As long either Minnesota or New Orleans gets through to the Super Bowl I'm happy. And of course I'm rooting for one of them to win it all.

I hate Dallas. period. Even more now that Roy Williams is there.

I'm still rooting for the Lions to win, but that seems like a long shot at this point. not even the Super Bowl, just a .500 season would be a miracle, and I would be in heaven.
S2 licensed
ah yes, I see that now....quiet series that one.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :EDIT: BTW, if anyone has a mid-season slot free, there's 25 mid-season games up atm :P

That'll be Phil "12 accounts" Hadley again. Just got a 2 black flags for "multi-accounting extrordinaire" and "wasting the devs time" and I expect all his rides went up for midseason at the same time. Same thing happened when Geoff Wells went psycho.
S2 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :
- Hit people with trouts in real life

I've always wanted to do that too. just one good smack across the face with a fish.

My own goals:
Pass all my classes this time
Get a job for the summer
get a new car, since mine just bit the dust.
get a car that isn't an Oldsmobile.
keep in shape
Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
Quote from runeman :I run 5 miles in 35 minutes time every afternoon. I really do enjoy it.

Do you take a specific route everyday or do you change it up everyday?
I usually take different routes to keep myself from getting bored of going the same old way.

You do about the same as I do when I'm on break from college. mileage-wise and time-wise. At college, I'll run across campus to the gym, lift weights, and then run back (about 2 miles total - I take the long way)

Except I always take the same couple of routes in the woods near my house.

Trail running is so much more relaxing than running on roads. Plus less people get mad if you decide you need to take a whiz in a bush really quick.
S2 licensed
you can have it back when i'm finished, though it might be a bit broken.

Where he isn't?
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Are you sean?

I'm running a long way from you now :hide:


You're hiding all the way across that big ocean, you sneaky little crasher. I can't find cheap plane tickets, so I think you're safe for now.

But when I find you...

S2 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe : I had to smile at Grogan's gearbox giving up under the safety car. Of course that means I'm now cursed for race 2

The worst part of that is I'm at the back of the grid now for Pau Race 2. Still can't believe that happened...

Quote from J@tko :Strangely, I don't

I do.

Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Ah. I thought this thread was about accidents, maybe that's why I was confused.

The accident was the kid that showed up nine months after the woppy
Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
y'all probably made him leave again.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rudagar :I'm Ross btw

Then I award you this crown!

... Yeah, it's cardboard. So what? I got it at Burger King.
S2 licensed
Anyone fancy another go, but in F3? If so, I can set up another game...

I promise I've never done F3 before.

Oh, and since I have been given no reason to believe that Ross was LFS, I claim this crown as my own.:crown:
S2 licensed

he was using that to make a point, not actually pick on migz.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Thats not a dodge its a beamer?

That's not a beamer, it's a bimmer.

...beamer implies it has two wheels, and I assume there are two on the other side too, making 4.
S2 licensed
that would just hurt
S2 licensed
couldn't get anything. possibly is a sample made precisely for that song
S2 licensed
my best suggestions, not sure all of them are right for your music, but whatevs:

Vicious Fish
Box of Sprockets
The Turkingtons (or any driver name, if everyone else in the band is race fans)
OK To Ship
Psycho Like The Bettys (Every person named Betty I know is psychotic)
Slippery When Wet
Glorious Cacophony
S2 licensed
Curse you engine!!!! Why can't you have died on a race that I was already doing crappy in, not leading every lap so far?
S2 licensed
I'm looking at trying to work in the auto industry too. My dad works for Chrysler, so I know a bit about what degrees are useful. I have had conversations like this with him many times.

Mechanical and Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineers are very similar, and in many cases may do the exact same job. Either option should be a very good basis for car stuff, but the emphasis is a little different, which could affect the job that you get coming out of college. It all depends on what interests you. I know Aerospace Engineers who do jobs that involve no Aero, and my dad is an ME who is currently working on heating systems in electric cars, which involves some air flow and electrical stuff, and not much in the way of mechanical.

Design degrees are also a good option, but a very different way to go. It depends on how artsy you are and how interested you are in the appearance of the cars.

I'm currently an ME, but I think I'm going to switch to Industrial Design, since this is what really interests me. ID is part design, part engineering. My dad used to do a job that was very like this, and I always thought it sounded like the perfect job. Basically what he did was tell the engineers why their solution looked like crap, and try to explain to the designers why it was physically impossible to construct what they had drawn. Since I'm very good at design and math both, this is a good fit for me I think.

As for CAD, yes it's a very good idea to do some before college if you are interested in it, but not necessary. You will just have to take introductory Engineering Graphics classes with a different program. And then every company uses a different program, and they change every few years or so.

Can't help you much with schools in Europe, but if for some reason you want to go to college in the states, hit me up. (Some people really want to get away from home, like me.) I just had to do all of my school research in the last year, so I should know what's up.
Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :OR... maybe it's two celebrity baseball teams, made up of entertainers, just goofing around.

no really, it is. for serious. The guy who is hit by the pitch is a comedian. They did the chicken fight thing because it's a common children's game, and they wanted a entertaining alternative to fighting. they are entertainers after all.
S2 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :Nice bumb

nice arse?

Yeah so the day before I picked my name, I realized something extraordinary. Two bands I like both have the word against in their names. So combine Rise Against and Against Me! and you get RiseAgainstMe!

And I still love it.
S2 licensed
well, it's not something cultural. They charge the mound the normal way, same as any decent person hit with a 100 mph rock:

OR... maybe it's two celebrity baseball teams, made up of entertainers, just goofing around.
Last edited by RiseAgainstMe!, .
S2 licensed
there's no one in the stands when they show the second view. I bet it's from a Korean comedy show of some kind,