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S3 licensed
Quote from zSnake :Race 2, Lap 1
car #66 without brakes crash into car #86

Racing incident, caused by a bumppush by car #87.
S3 licensed
Quote from zSnake :Race 2, Lap 1
car #66 without brakes crash into car #86

Under investigation
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Race 2,8min25s

#08 goes for impossible pass - his line obviously crosses line of 2 cars,no way that pass can be made without contact even if the passed cars would keep the outside line. He hits 2 cars,involves 3rd in chain reaction.

Car #08 receives a penalty point on license as well as a back of the grid penalty for the next race he attends for Reckless Driving breaching several rules, amongst which rules: 1.1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.6.1
Round #5 protest topic
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
#07 for TRR round 5
S3 licensed
TRR Skins for Round 5
S3 licensed
My SSS01 forgot to add it earlier lol
S3 licensed
Quote from paceman :You are getting me wrong. I have my own previews because i used to be a skinner. I used previews of my own skins in LFS2 10 years ago. See attachments. At that time, You placed a pic of every car (x_FZR.jpg for example) in the data/pic folder. But it doesnt work anymore. I think the functionality has changed. Now I have no idea how to get my old own previews back in the game... TY4 reading

Try this one Smile I quickly reproduced your old garage background, probably not 100% accurate on spot. But it will work if u manually place a car pic on the defaulf x_CARS.jpg

Also ingame preview attached.
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from paceman :You are getting me wrong. I have my own previews because i used to be a skinner. I used previews of my own skins in LFS2 10 years ago. See attachments. At that time, You placed a pic of every car (x_FZR.jpg for example) in the data/pic folder. But it doesnt work anymore. I think the functionality has changed. Now I have no idea how to get my old own previews back in the game... TY4 reading

This is because this is now called x_CARS.jpg as attached. Smile

Apparantly I need to notice there was a second pace to this post lol.

Anyways. If you'd combine all your x_car.jpgs to place on the correct spot on the x_CARS.jpg as one file, it should work.
S3 licensed
Quote from paceman :What kind of team are you looking for=race/cruise
Age: 44
Preferred Car/Track:FZR/BL1
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:FZR 1:12
How Active Are You?:coming back after 10 years of absence
What Kind of Control do you use?:TM TS-PC
Time Zone:(UTC+01:00) Germany

I have been part of the dSk team before, experienced from 2005-2009, did also 40+ skins, would be interested to reactivate and develop my lfs skills again in a team, german language preferred, english absolutely ok

paceman, I am highly interested. Smile
I'm the founder of Team Rock Racing, we host one of the bigger leagues in LFS at the moment, as well as soon to host the first proper endurance race in LFS in a while.

We also have a team of drivers, mixed skills, but all friendly and a warm group of people.

You're more then welcome to come back from a 10 year absence to get back into it with our little group. Smile

Only problem is, you don't accept private messages, hence the reply. Smile

We mainly do league and event racing, but fun meetings in-game with the team also happen at times. There's no pressure to perform or to even attend any events, as long as you feel good inside the group we are all happy. Smile

Let me know if a warm welcoming group sounds like something you'd like.

Also, currently I am doing the teamskins or the team, maybe you could indeed re-develop those skills and if you like take over that task.

We are not German, mainly Dutch, 2 Polish and a Bulgarian. Aber: Ich liebe die Deutsches sprache. Smile

You can contact me via PM here, or
Discord here:
E-mail: [email protected]

Endurance Pro's Skin Submissions
S3 licensed

The only requirements for the Endurance Pro's skins are:
1. Use the skinkits provided below, and keep any logo´s on their original size and place.
2. The font used in the kits is now provided as well.

Then after you made your team´s/car's skin, upload it here in atleast 1024x1024.
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mbutcher :Possible that single-driver entries could be a thing, but not counted in the results?

Of course they should be counted. It's like solo-Dakar on the bike, doing everything yourself. It deserves a classification indeedly. Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from michal 1279 :Is the "two drivers minimum" rule inevitable? As an endurance junkie I really want to attend this as a single-driver entry if possible.

That is a good call. I opened that up to no minimum drivers, but maximum 4 per car.

Hope it'll suit you.
Endurance Pro's 6hr of Kyoto-Ring ANNOUNCEMENT
S3 licensed

Hey Everyone,

And hereby I can finally announce the first round of the Endurance Pro's 2020 Series powered by cholover7.

It will take place already quite soon, and will feature a classic GT1 format on KY3 / Kyoto Ring Long using the Boothy Chicane layout.

FZR = 1* restriction + 15kg
XRR = original
FXR = original

There is no minimum for drivers, but the maximum is 4 per car. (not every driver has to drive.)

Qualifying will start 1 hour before the event is run, and will take 30 minutes of open qualiying. Every team/car is allowed to run only 1 driver per car in this qualifying. Further rulesets will be announced shortly.

The entire event, qualifying and race, will be live in broadcast by TC_Pete at Twitch:

Sign up now!
To sign your team up, Post like this below this post:
#01 Team Rock Racing PRO
Car: XRR

Anton "krin" Ahlers
Dawid "Texas" Góźdź
Duncan "Dunc" van Dijk
Joshua "hydro18nl" Waslander

This event, if successful will turn into a more regular series. As a sort of "send-off" for the soon to be classic LFS tracks. And thus before the update which is possibly to come near the end of the year if we're lucky. Smile

Hopefully eventhough the short notice, I hope we'll have a good field of cars attending this first proper LFS Endurance event of 2020 if I am not mistaken.

TRR. Racing founder
Walter "cholover7" Lemmens
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Reminder, the February Rally is WEEKLY submission and WEEKLY stage.
S3 licensed
January Rally is now closed: results are here in the JANUARY 2020 tab and the Standings 2019-2020 tab.
S3 licensed
January Monthly Rally closes 23:59 CET tonight. If you have your runs waiting, better submit them fast. Smile
S3 licensed
Incident involving #69 and #44:
Car #44 receives a reprimand for causing an avoidable collision. (no license points)

Incident involving #87:
Car #87 receives a 10-second penalty for overtaking whilst breaching track limits (no license points)

Incident involving Bumpdrafting #87 and #72:
Not in rule book for races, ignored

Incident involving #23 and #56:
Racing incident.

Incident involving #72 and #56:
Racing incident

Incident involving #87 and #56:
Racing incident

Incident involving #23 and #56:
Racing incident

Race 1 incident involving #04 and #80
Racing incident
Round #4 Protest topic
S3 licensed
How to report:
#number, lap, corner
February 2020 TRR. Monthly Rally
S3 licensed

Hey All,

This time the TRR. Monthly Rally takes you around several parts of the LFS world.

With stages now split into WEEKLY objectives, spread over the month. (starting 29th of January)!



WEEK 1 SSS01 Rockingham Super Sprint Tarmac 100% (XRT) (29jan-5feb)
WEEK 2 SSS02 Aston Grass Super Sprint Grass 80% Tarmac 20% (XRT) (6feb-13feb)
WEEK 3 SS03 Jamaican Rally Stage Tarmac 82% Gravel 18% (XRT) (14feb-23feb)
WEEK 4 SS04 Blackwood Industry Super Stage Tarmac (FXR) (24feb-29feb)

How to attend?
Simply drive the layout once submitted for the specific round's week with the correct car (SSS01 SSS02 XRT).

And once you can't really go much faster, save your single player replay and submit it in this very topic with a recognisable name like "TRJan20-SS01-cholover7.spr".

You can find your single player replays in LFS\Data\spr

Be sure to submit your replay before the round's week ends. SSS01 before 6th of February, etc.

LATE ENTRIES ARE POSSIBLE, but you'll have to start and submit SSS01 and SSS02 results before end of Week 2 and you'll receive a +5sec penalty on all your February Rally results for being a late entry.
- Simple rules: we expect gentlemen behaviour, no cheating, no cutting corners.
All just with good faith.

- You have time from the start of a monthly challenge till the last day of the month to submit your replays. But feel free to submit them per stage they don't have to come all at once. BUT remember that once submitted that is your final result for that/those stage(s).

View pictures cut1, cut2 and cut3 to see which cuts and lines are allowed and which not.

The first rally stage layout for FEBRUARY 2020 is below, GOOD LUCK!

Note: reason for the weekly submission and weekly different stage, is to stop people from sand bagging their results till the last moment and to have a more alive monthly rally.
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
XRT Round 4 skins for Team Rock Racing:
#03 Jan Wiechowski / Dzban
#07 Walter Lemmens / cholover7
#11 Nikolay Ivanov / Ivanov
#13 Joshua Waslander / hydro18nl
#69 Ducan van Dijk / Dunc
#88 Dawid Góźdź / Texas
S3 licensed
Quote from teppari :Here are my times from these 2 stages:

Entry checked, currently 2nd Smile
Round 3 protest topic till 1 hour after race 2 finishes
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from ludde976 :Here is my best times

Currently leadign out of just 3 submissions so far. Get your times in boys. Big grin