I've already posted my thankfulness to Scavier in this topic, but I just want to thank Scawen in particular, because I really respect the way you keep your head cool with all this whining going on.
Scawen about the new tyre physics that you are eventually going to work on. Will also tyre blow-outs (flat tyres) occur more "randomly" for example cutting it on a curbstone, aswell as it being graphicly more visible? (For example, if in F1 a tyre used to go flat or blow out, you can see the tyre thread loosening.) Because this would really enhance the feel of realism for me. Because realitisc tyre physics is amazing, but it would bring a whole new dimension into it if the tyre blowouts and flats, would also have a new level of realism. Because as far as I know, no single Simulator has yet got such realism in flat tyres.