NOTE: This rule-book will undergo a massive re-work as many things are not specified. But we expect gentlemen's respect and respectful driving in general, no weaving, no cutting of corners and alike!
Updated the prize-pool to also reward top 3 of teams:
The prize-pool, for now, is divided into this (subject to change):
Drivers Champion = 100€
2nd in Drivers Championship = 75€
3rd in Drivers Championship 50€
Team Champion = 100€ to the team organisation
2nd in Team Championship = 50€ to the team organisation
3rd in the Team Championship = 25€ to the team organisation
The official LFS TRR. Championship 2020 will be live broadcasted and commentated by [TC] Pete on the following link:
Relaaax, this is a fun series. A little cut here or there is ok. But the way he did it of course takes out the fun. But I do not feel it needed to exclude him. As his driving in general was really good, just dirty on SS01.
So instead, to keep it fun for all, a 15-sec penalty was added to his stage 1 time.
Rules do indeed state we expect gentlemen driving and no cutting of corners. I will check the replay again this time normal speed and calculate a penalty time to be added for the extreme corner cuts. Thanks for notifying me @MandulAA
How to attend?
Simply drive the layouts submitted for the specific round with the correct car (SS01 and SSS02 RB4). And once you can't really go much faster, save your single player replay and submit it in this very topic with a recognisable name like "TRJan20-SS01-cholover7.spr".
You can find your single player replays in LFS\Data\spr
- Simple rules: we expect gentlemen behaviour, no cheating, no cutting corners.
All just with good faith.
- You have time from the start of a monthly challenge till the last day of the month to submit your replays. But feel free to submit them per stage they don't have to come all at once. BUT remember that once submitted that is your final result for that/those stage(s).
The 2 rally stage layouts for JANUARY 2020 are below, GOOD LUCK:
How to attend?
Simply drive the layouts submitted for the specific round with the correct car (SS01 XRT, SS02 RB4, etc). And once you can't really go much faster, save your single player replay and submit it in this very topic with a recognisable name like "TRDec19-SS01-cholover7.spr".
You can find your single player replays in LFS\Data\spr
- Simple rules: we expect gentlemen behaviour, no cheating, no cutting corners.
All just with good faith.
- You have time from the start of a monthly challenge till the last day of the month to submit your replays. But feel free to submit them per stage they don't have to come all at once. BUT remember that once submitted that is your final result for that/those stage(s).
The 4 rally stage layouts for DECEMBER 2019 are below, GOOD LUCK: