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Quote from Joku123 :I Like Trains

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Server is now online for practise

Server info:
TRR Events
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+1 I support this request.
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S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Epic, thanks!
S3 licensed
I like WCL Team, but I no longer like Firexter!

P.S. I like Joku AND Jonne!
S3 licensed
I'll probably be able to attend:

LFSW name: Rockclan
In game name: TRR W.Lemmens
Team name: Team Rock Racing
Nation: The Netherlands
S3 licensed
Here a little warning to the drivers of the championship.

This is what happened in the first round in the second sprint race. This was due to drivers ignoring the yellow flag!

Don't let this happen again.
S3 licensed
added #12
S3 licensed
First-n-Lastname: Walter Lemmens
LFSW-Username: Rockclan
Carnumber: 07
Team: Team Rock Racing
I confirm that I will drive this round (yes/no): YES!
SteelSeries Donkerham GP : Round #2 - Info & Confirm here
S3 licensed
Dear Drivers,

It's time to publish the info, and start confirming for Round #2 of the CM Storm TRR Championship 2013!

The second round will be another sprint races event, this time the LX4 will take us around Aston Club.

Here some info:
Sunday 3rd of February 2013 - 20:00 GMT+1
SteelSeries Donkerham GP
LX4 @ AS2
Qualifying: 15 minutes
Sprint Race: 15 laps
Sprint Race Rev. Grid: 15 laps

Server is now online for practise

Server info:
TRR Events
(to be send via PM)

To sign up to the series go here:

If you've already done that, please confirm your attendance here, with the following form:

Round #2
I confirm that I will drive this round (yes/no):

Looking forward to see nice battles on track!

Best Regards,
Team Rock Racing

Confirmed drivers
#01 Tommy Østgaard - Tomhah - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands
#03 Rik Kardol - Rik97 - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands
#06 Reno Kööts - VTiRacing - Team Rock Racing - Estonia
#07 Walter Lemmens - Rockclan - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands
#10 Markku Pietilä - MakePro - Iron Club - Finland
#25 Timo Stadius - Stig209 - rForce - Finland
#29 Christian Kistner - kiste - CoRe Racing - Germany
#30 Miika Haapanen - anterokuulapää - rForce - Finland
#33 Yann Laprevotte - Greybull [CHA] - Tiger Express Motorsports - France
#36 Markus Saukkoriipi - Sopa - Iron Club - Finland
#37 Joni Vähäkuopus - Jni - Iron Club - Finland
#39 Riiko Reivinen - GuitarFinland - Iron Club - Finland
#45 Erwin Klaassens - Xenon91 - no team - The Netherlands
#47 Nicholas Wrage - Niggo - Team Rock Racing - Germany
#52 Thomas Koreny - Denny12 - rForce - Czech Republic
#55 Thorsten Ulrich - Masterboy19660815 - Team Rock Racing - Germany
#64 Martin Kapal - Flame CZE - SAVAGE SimSports - Czech Republic
#71 Victor Batischev - Frunze118 - no team - Ukraine
#77 Zdeněk Chýnovský - Zdenek CZE - Angel Power Racing - Czech Republic
#99 Antti Valta - n gin - World Class Lions - Finland

Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
added #65 and #38
S3 licensed
Here are the long promised results: ... t/99-cm-storm-city-racing

Some drivers got more points this is due to Fastest lap, Highest Climb and or Best Action.

Here are the current drivers standings: ... orm-trr-championship-2013

Here are the current team standings: ... orm-trr-championship-2013

We are looking forward to see you all in Round #2!
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] ::bump:

I actually finished Le Results with Q and Race 1, on the old website. Then started moving house.

Now nearly settled in my new house, and I can continue.
S3 licensed
Quote from C0r3 :"WCL" firexter just joined mrc s2 server and tried to ban the drivers there. just after making clear, that there is no admin.
he changed his nick from [WCL]firexter to just firexter just before he began with it.

That would be [WCL] Firexter

That's World Class Lions - Firexter

Not World Crash League - Firexter <<<(non existant)

He is known to be rather a strange odd-ball.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Airio records how many laps you have done. Just do some math

tssss...... pfffff...

I mean exact measurements Mr. Kingsbury.

And I would like to see the requested things on screen.
S3 licensed

Dat lyrics is quite sickening
S3 licensed
It's good that BVB won.

My favorite aliens!
The Official Your Favorite Lyrics-piece Topic
S3 licensed
Here post some of your most favorite lyrics-pieces from songs.

Can be any type of music.. rock, rap, pop, everything.

Here's one of my favorites from a song by Eminem:
Quote :Can't you see what you do to me baby?
You make me crazy, you make me act like a maniac.
I'm like a lunatic, you make me sick
You truly are the only one who can do this to me
You just make me get so crazy.
I go skitzo, I get so insane I just go skitzophrenic
One minute I want to slit your throat
The next I want to sex.
You make me crazy,
the way we act like 2 maniacs in the sac
We f*ck like 2 jackrabbits
And maybe that's a bad habit.
Cuz the next day we're right back at it
In the same exact pattern
What the f*ck is the matter with us
We can't figure out if it's
Lust or it's love
What's sad is what's attracting us to each other
They say that every man grows up to marry his own mother.
Which would explain why you're such a motherf*cking bitch
But I stay and still stick it out with you even though I just hit you today
But you deserve it you hit me first and provoked me to choke you
Just cuz I came home late last night crawled in bed and I woke you.
But if there's one thing about you I admire its, baby,
Because you stay with me, maybe, because you're as crazy as I am
Cuz when I look at you I can see an angel in your eyes
But if I look deeper inside I see your freakish little side.
Like a devil in disguise,
You're always full of surprises
Always pullin' devises
Out your purse, little vibrators and dildos
You f*cked yourself so much
You barely feel those anymore
You're only 24 but you're plenty more mature
Than those other little hoes
Who just act like little girls
Like they're in middle school still
You're crazy sexy cool, chillin
You play your position
You never step out of line
Even though I stay in your business
You've always kept out of mine.
I wonder whats on your mind
Sometimes they say love is blind
Maybe that's why the first time I dotted your eye
You ain't see a sign.

Or this one from System of a Down
Quote :I've been walking through your streets,
Where all you money's earning,
Where all your building's crying,
And clueless neckties working,
Revolving fake lawn houses,
Housing all your fears,
Desensitized by TV,
overbearing advertising,
God of consumerism,
And all your crooked pictures,
Looking good, mirrorism,
Filtering information,
For the public eye,
Designed for profiteering,
Your neighboor, what a guy.

What are some of yours?
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :interested.

S3 licensed
It's most likely that I can't come thanks to some family situation. But Tommy has promised me during the meeting some will visit me.

Thanks mate!
S3 licensed
Jacky pls
S3 licensed
Y u no

24th January 2013 - Middle day
S3 licensed
Lets all write our posts in the middle upcoming Thursday January the 24th!

I think it will be a good way, to use the forum system like we don't do very often.