It's time to publish the info, and start confirming for Round #2 of the CM Storm TRR Championship 2013!
The second round will be another sprint races event, this time the LX4 will take us around Aston Club.
Here some info:
Sunday 3rd of February 2013 - 20:00 GMT+1 SteelSeries Donkerham GP
LX4 @ AS2
Qualifying: 15 minutes
Sprint Race: 15 laps
Sprint Race Rev. Grid: 15 laps
If you've already done that, please confirm your attendance here, with the following form:
Round #2
I confirm that I will drive this round (yes/no):
Looking forward to see nice battles on track!
Best Regards,
Team Rock Racing
Confirmed drivers
([COLOR="SeaGreen"]19[/COLOR]/36) #01 Tommy Østgaard - Tomhah - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands #03 Rik Kardol - Rik97 - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands #06 Reno Kööts - VTiRacing - Team Rock Racing - Estonia #07 Walter Lemmens - Rockclan - Team Rock Racing - The Netherlands #10 Markku Pietilä - MakePro - Iron Club - Finland #25 Timo Stadius - Stig209 - rForce - Finland #29 Christian Kistner - kiste - CoRe Racing - Germany #30 Miika Haapanen - anterokuulapää - rForce - Finland #33 Yann Laprevotte - Greybull [CHA] - Tiger Express Motorsports - France #36 Markus Saukkoriipi - Sopa - Iron Club - Finland #37 Joni Vähäkuopus - Jni - Iron Club - Finland #39 Riiko Reivinen - GuitarFinland - Iron Club - Finland #45 Erwin Klaassens - Xenon91 - no team - The Netherlands #47 Nicholas Wrage - Niggo - Team Rock Racing - Germany #52 Thomas Koreny - Denny12 - rForce - Czech Republic #55 Thorsten Ulrich - Masterboy19660815 - Team Rock Racing - Germany #64 Martin Kapal - Flame CZE - SAVAGE SimSports - Czech Republic #71 Victor Batischev - Frunze118 - no team - Ukraine #77 Zdeněk Chýnovský - Zdenek CZE - Angel Power Racing - Czech Republic #99 Antti Valta - n gin - World Class Lions - Finland