It indeedly did, we from Team Rock Racing have decided within the management team, to leave LFS permanently as a team, and go on with a select group in rFactor 2.
Therefor all our activities within LFS, stop as of now.
Apologies to those who put much effort into the series, but in the end, we saw no way to continue it.
Fun factor to the posts above... it's nearly all from NDR TS... In such sort timespan.
So it is a planned scandal.
Shame on you, trying to feel powerful together speaking another one down.
Do all of you guys... REALLY.. have nothing better to do nowadays than bitching and moaning and bullying about on this forum. As far as I'm concerned you should all have the age of having a serious job, living on yourself, very little time for nonsense like LFS Forum and possibly if lucky a girlfriend.
In other clear words, YOU ALL SHOULD GROW UP.
And if you really think that you are a man, act like a man, and don't let one another down because he/she is different or an oddball. Everyone is a human, and has his/her feelings, and can make his/her mistakes. We all do it, nobody excluded.
But it indeed seems like the most of the our generation is rotten and will never have any succes in life, just because their pre-occupations where not on helping each other, and being happy together... But rather fighting each other, and trying to feel good by yourself, whilst being obsessed by possessions.
Do you think there where so many suicides, depressions, terrorist attacks, sadness, hatred, etc. like 150 years ago? The time without all this stupid technoligy...
Maybe they also did not have such great times, and knew hunger, and maybe did not have a long life span, good medicals and so on. But I do believe the people lived more FOR each other, than WITH each other.
Yes ofcourse WAR... it is a known thing to humankind as long as our history reaches. It seems to be in our nature to always want to be the best, owning the most, and living the easiest life.Maybe we are the wrong race to save and rule this planet? Maybe we should be the pets of the animals, and be consumed as food. And that at such point the animals would be vegans and protest with things such as "Save the poor Humans!", "NO Human, YES Vegetables!"
Well I'm really losing my train-track at the moment, so I'll quit my rant, and jump back in my bunker.
It probably is a virtual card, so yes you need to upload atleast 37 to the icard, but just in case i would indeed put over 40, because prices change every day.
Of gewoon eindelijk weekend op de Vrijdag avond en benieuwd naar de meningen van andere LFS mafkezen.
Want zeg nou zelf, iedereen die op LFS Forum komt heeft veels te veel vrije tijd. LFS is een dood dier waar hier en daar nog tegen aan geschopt wordt. En waar toch nog honderden mensen eeuwig en zinloos over zeiken, en over ruziën met elkaar.
Ik ben best wel chauvinistisch en ben dol op het koningshuis dus ik kijk met veel plezier uit naar deze happening.
Wat denken de mede Nederlandse LFS'ers ervan?
Heb al van allerlei hebbedingetjes zoals Alex-KING Pepermunt, het enige echte troonswisseling Jodenkoeken blik, de koningswub, het officiële verzilverde Konings Tientje (herdenkingsmunt), en 2 van de Koningin en Koning blikjes van Coca Cola.
En wat vinden jullie van het Koningslied, ik vind de officiële wel mooi, maar totaal bagger tegelijk, is toch niet iets om mee te zingen, tja, doe dan maar dat fuifnummer van André van Duin. De mix van Willempie en Oranje Boven 2013!
I might be there if I won't have a too bad hangover from the very last Koninginnedag!
Ofcourse it should be known that upcoming Tuesday our great Willem-Alexander will take the place of Beatrix, and become the new King of The Netherlands.
This should ofcourse be celebrated! :bannana_g:bannana_g:bannana_g :throwrose
S3 should be less money, we've waited on actually somehow promised things for way to long.
Yes the news post stated that they probably/trying the VWS would be released at Friday in December 2008.
BUT they DID promise early 2009 release, in 2010 they promised "some good releases this year". And for the fact that I'm almost certain Physics are finished. We have to believe Sca, that it all went down the drain, at the point where he had to down-tune his perfect model for those poor people, who can't afford a normal pc from this time, and have a prior 2002 pc.
Ofcourse it's nice if somewhat older PC's and Windows versions to play LFS, but I think it's time to move on with the generation.
Many of us are easily getting 400fps on current LFS, and very few only score 4-10fps.
Is it the Devs their problem that people rather buy other stuff than a better graphics card or pc? I think Sca should not be taking care of the antique hardware and so.
He should focus on a more advances graphics, multi-core, better damage physics, possible rain and dynamic weather?
I have no clue why one would want to develop a game for EVERYONE to be able to play, when in the end there will be no one left to play it.
I say Scawen, please step out of this illusion, and stop downtuning LFS, and start upgrading LFS.
Ofcourse I got no real clue what you are doing with LFS at this point, and frankly nearly no one does.
Please dear Scawen, please, shine us light, maybe if only little, on what is happening.
LFS saved me for already 10 years. For some years it was even the only joy I had in life.
And now I'm starting to loose the joy in that one thing, and that makes me sad.
It's not that the game is suddenly bad, but it's the fact that there is no word what-so-ever from you, Victor or Eric, on what is going on. Therefor I no longer see a bright future in Live for Speed.
And for that reason, my team will partly leave LFS and step over to rFactor 2. It somehow saddens me that this decission had to be made, but many people are losing interest and I don't want my gaming family to fall apart any longer.
They seek fun in humiliating, bullying, hurting, annoying & etc. other people.
For what ever reason? Well there basically is none.. But ofcourse everyone can make up a reason to do bad things.
See for example what happened at Boston yesterday. There was no clear reason for those terrorist attacks. What has Boston/USA done bad to other people/countries, lately? Not too much as far as I'm concerned, yet some people saw a reason to commit these crimes.
And somewhat the same way E-Criminals are working.
They attack a website/company/game/whatever for god knows what reason.
Most of these E-Criminals are not even 20 yet (proven by several researches).
Heck, I was behind the computer since I was 4-yo. But I still had a life beside the computer.
I guess these E-Criminals are just very, very... I repeat, very lonely kids, that feel bullied by all of the world, and than group up with others, to do revenge on a Bank for example, or a company, or whatever for their own miserable lifes.