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S3 licensed
Race 2
Car #10 and #07
Lap 10
Timecode: 18:02:00

Lag or not, he ********** knew I was there and just lag-haxx0r smashes me out of the way and goes on like a gangster, WTF
S3 licensed
TRR Skins Round 22
TRR Endurance Pros 2020: Announcement
S3 licensed

TRR Endurance Drivers and Fans,

We are pleased to bring you the 2020 Endurance Pros!

The series will be a set of five events. all using different cars and circuits. We have aimed for a challenging, yet fun selection for your racing enjoyment. We aim to reward everyone who participates, whether it is for a single event or the entire season.

The schedule:
27th of June: LX4/LX6 @ WE1X (using the chicane)
15th of August: FOX/FBM @ BL2R
5th of September: TBO/GTi @ FE25
3rd of October: to be NGT @ AS7R
7th of November: FO8 @ KY32R

All races are four hours, except for the six hour finale. Restrictions are being worked on, and will be announced shortly.

This series is open to multi-driver entries, as well as single-driver entries. Each will have their own championship classification, along with the overall classification. A multi-driver car will have two to four drivers.

Qualifying will run on the day of the race, 30 minute sessions starting 1 hour before the race. Multiclass events will use multiple servers running concurrently.

The four hour races will start at 16:00 UTC; the six hour at 13:00 UTC.

This series will be operated by New Dimension Racing, with Team Rock Racing as promoter. All races will be broadcast live by!

Stay tuned for entry and regulations information once we have completed restrictions testing!
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
All TRR FZ5 skins for the lulz
S3 licensed
Too late to post Dawid Gozdz skin? I hope not!
S3 licensed
TRR skins for now +1-off entry for a yellow monster
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ClasK_03 :One take it or leave it:

Thanks so much once more, I noticed it a bit late, but thank you Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from ClasK_03 :not that fancy but a render

or transparent:

WWOOOW I LOVE that lightening/shine! Big grin thank you Big grin
S3 licensed

Step 2 of 3

Owners and crashes, was typo, should've been Owners and creators. I am sure they'll manage Tongue
S3 licensed
TRR skins part2
S3 licensed
TRR Skins parrt1
S3 licensed
Just used my YouTube Partnership status in a first step to take this video down. If that won't help, I'll use another system I have to directly contact YouTube support via e-mail.


Got a quote/message ready incase it isnt taken down within 48-hours.

"This video promotes a scammer/fraudulent criminal organisation, reselling a cracked game without any permission by the game's creators clearly. Who are Scavier Solutions @ And this video promotes selling the cracked illegal game and the owner is a known fraudulent scammer in the official game community!"

Anything more I should add to that?
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Team Rock Racing #69 with correct names and small updates
S3 licensed
Signup deadline lenghted till Thursday 7th of May 2020 @ 23:59 UTC
S3 licensed
Master Race car skin
League Racing Action Music Video: LFS TRR. Championship 2020 Review Part #1
S3 licensed
LFS TRR. Championship REVIEW Part #1 (Round 1-17)

Enjoy some highlight side by side racing action from our series.
I tried to cover as much drivers and main teams as possible. Smile
S3 licensed
LFS TRR. Championship REVIEW Part #1 (Round 1-17)

Enjoy some highlight side by side racing action from our series.
I tried to cover as much drivers and main teams as possible. Smile
S3 licensed
New skins for #12
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from VictorMateus123 :
Teamname: Energy Virtual Racing 2
Carnumber: 99

Car: XRR

Driver 1: Felipe Tavares, Rcobra, Brazil
Driver 2: Victor Veloso, VictorMateus123, Brazil
Driver 3: William Lima, Mailliw, Brazil

#99 is taken by Team Rock Racing #99, please choose another number
Sim Broadcasts to Broadcast Westhill 8 Hours Endurance Race!
S3 licensed

We happily announce that the professional broadcasting team at Sim Broadcasts will livestream the entire Westhill 8 Hours race on the 9th of May!

The exact broadcast information is yet to be announced, but what is for sure is that the entire 8-hour race is covered atleast!

Huge thanks to Sim Broadcasts!

The stream will be live on the 9th of May at:
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Updated #12 and #69 skins

#69 still awaiting 2nd and 3rd driver update

S3 licensed
Quote from Excellent15 :updated with new kit

Thanks Smile
S3 licensed
Updated my skin
S3 licensed
Forgot to add these:

At the initial rolling start, once the GREEN is called: You can overtake instantly

At SC restarts, and the GREEN is called: You can't overtake before S/F line

During a SC situation ONLY THE LAPPED CARS between THE SC AND LEADERS, may overtake the SC and unlap themself.
Kyoto 150 - rules
S3 licensed
Kyoto 150 simple ruleset due to lack of time, sorry:

Laps: 79

Start: Rolling, Dual file from last corner with Safety Car, leader goes left first car

Safety car speed: 120kph

Safety cars at big crash: YES, and single file

In case of crash: DO NOT spectate till race direction allows you to

Pitstop required: YES

How to enter the pitlane?
- During green here:

- During Safety car ONLY here:

Tyre Restrictions: R2/R2 only

Blue flagged cars: MAY draft with leaders, but not hold them up severly

Bump drafting allowed? NO

Chat Closed during race? YES

Can I mute chat? NO, if you do this, you will be ignoring flag callouts and will be kicked

I have an important question mid race for direction, what do I type? You can type "PERM" and wait for permission, keep it brief please.
Last edited by rockclan, .