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Quote from The General Lee :Yes, I do. That's why I said it. Your comebacks are shit by the way.

I am not even going to start making comebacks on a forum. I am not just going to go there.

I dont talk bullshit, what exactly have I said that is bullshit? Dont take up this topic saying it, PM me please, I would love to read it.
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :
Also, Sam - You spout shit.

Ok, if you say so.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :But that isnt martial arts. Martial arts is more about self confidence, concentration and the spiritual aspect than it is for pound for pound fighting.

UFC is mixed martial arts really, not just one. It does give you disipline and so on but it is also a fighting sport, it isn't just as popular to watch at what boxing is. My old instructor is wanting to get grappling into the olympics, link about his article, Link He says there that grappling needs to become more popular, shows that not all Martial Arts are known/not very popular.
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Quote from Gills4life :I am 6ft and I am 13 stone! Is that ok with you or am I not good enough

lol, I was only saying that I thought people 6ft and over normally weigh over 11 stone, thats all.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Wow your girlfreind is cute.

Officially jelous. D:

I am not saying anything
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Quote from Equinox :Martial arts is merely a form of show fighting tbh, ok, superpwnzer backfilpping them across the street wil shake them up, but its not worth it !

Not really, UFC for example isn't really show fighting, I have a DVD where in one fight they blood stain the octagon. Some martial arts are like show sports but then you get some other martial arts that ain't for show.
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :

How old is that kid. Who would be at greater risk of dying first, the kid smoking or the extremely overweight kid?
S2 licensed
I do remember someone who tried to kill off a cat who kept on going in his garden and messing around in there, so one day he put a bowl out for the cat, but not filled with water, filled with petrol. The cat drank it went running down the street and just dropped, the cat ran out of petrol. I think I should put that in the bad jokes thread lol.
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She should be fine, the seat height from the floor is 77cm/770mm, so as long as her legs are that long she should be able to touch the floor. I could fit on a 1000cc and touch the floor on my toes about 8months ago when I would of been about 5ft2" and a 50 is much smaller so she should be fine.

Quote :Woohoo, 5' 11", bordering 6' here Although I still only weigh something like 8 and a half stone

Shouldn't you be about 11 or 12 stone? I am about 5ft6" and I weigh just over 9 stone.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :btw where can i see his dog?

Which one? the shar-pei chinese fighting dog or the lab which could kill you buy licking you to death, lol.

I once saw a Jack Russel kill a rottweiler, got stuck in its throat. Bad joke lol. This thread has came right off topic.
S2 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :You probably will 8/10 get stabbed, you arent going to have a chance better than your average person at not being stabbed because your dad has been able to fend off a guy with a knife

I didn't mean I could because my Dad can. It was just to show some people will have a go to fend off someone with a knife, my Dad though is physically very strong(not as strong as he used to be though, he's an old git now lol), a lot stronger then the average Joe, so the chances of the average Joe coming out on top is most unlikely. I would to be able to fend off someone with a knife, but wouldn't anyone.
S2 licensed
The FIA haven't backed down to Ferrari,
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Quote from mcintyrej :Why do you even need to hit them? If someone pulls a knife out and you see it just bloody run away from them not towards them! Just so you can hit them and then come home and go "dad dad someone tried to knife me but its okay i punched him first and then ran away".

I've never been in a fist fight and I never intend to be honest. If someone hits you and you even touch them back you could go to jail for assault too. Its just better not to go out and get in fights at all.

You can get the better of someone who has a knife, as long as you have the strength and a decent punch. My dad has had one pulled out on him twice and both times he has knocked the bloke with the knife.
I hope I will never be in the situation where I get a knife pulled out on me.
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Quote from dougie-lampkin :Problem with that is you usually end up getting a kidney punch or possibly a knife to the back (not in your situation though hopefully :razz. If it's a guy your own age that's doing it, chances are he's a pussy. Smack him down

My opinion is that people who use weapons to fight one on one other than those weapons you are born with are pussy's. I would love to say to someone who pulls out a knife drop that and fight like a man and see if they walk away or try fighting without the knife, I reckon they would walk away. People who carry knifes are proberly scared themselves so they carry one to make them feel bigger then everyone else. You most likely wouldn't have the time to do that though, you would have to hit them straight away and run.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :But I'm broke!

Do they do IOU's? I wouldn't know, wouldn't touch one. They should rename Red Light Districts, Aids'R'Us lol.
S2 licensed
I haven't done that much, I done motorcross when I was 5 and stopped when I was 8. And when I was 11 I took up Mixed Martial Arts, but at the moment I cant do it but I am in talks with my instructors to see if I will be able to do it again as I could make my pelvis worse.

Quote :I did some martial arts too. It doesn't teach you that fighting on the streets is wrong, it teaches you how to get yourself out of situations on the street that may develop. But I think you need to be at quite a high grade before everything is second nature enough to do much good. Novices and the first, say, 5 or 6 belts won't have much, if any, benefit.

Maybe if you are only learning one martial arts but when you learn a few you pick up on the techniques, it may not come second nature to you sometimes but you just remember what to do in certain situations. Best thing to normally do is walk away if they try to confront you, had that last week at school, lad tried having a pop just laughed and walked off and just said ok have a nice day then. Gets to them more as they are trying to make you turn when in fact you piss them off with just laughing at them, and 9 time out of 10 they just walk off but some people will still carry on, you just say something for them to hit you first and then just hit them back and make them go slightly dizzy and walk off.
Last edited by sam93, .
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :If it was that easy we wouldn't be here

Go down to your nearest Red Light District, might catch something but at least it may calm you down or just resort to a 5 finger widow, or just sit on your hand wait for it to go dead and it will feel like someone else is doing it lol The thread is getting a little worrying to see what you people are actually searching, just go and watch some lesbo porn lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :What if they have a kinfe and you miss their neck? .....

You don't know shit..

If they pull a knife you just hit them as hard as possible and then run, simple really. I dont know shit, strange seeings that I used to do Martial Arts which made me see why fighting on the streets is wrong and should only be done in controlled environments where their are rules and disipline/respect.
S2 licensed
Bloody hell, some of you need to go and buy a porn mag or get laid lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Lol, please. Here we go again.

Don't get moral on me, I for one don't care about other people so nothing you'd say phases me.

He punched him twice, after which point the attacker fell over, and my freind (and me) kept on walking.

Small hit to the face or stomach won't stop you getting beaten up, this is ghetto shit man. Stay streetsmart, someone starts on you, put them to the floor. Or they'll keep coming back.

Ok, if you say so. When you actually know what moves to use to defend yourself they wont keep coming back, there are slight little moves which can cause them pain without leaving a mark on them. If it comes to it you just strike them with the side of your hand to the neck. Street fighting gets you know where accept a lot of fines from the police, and dont say it doesnt, I know for a fact it does.
S2 licensed
I dont smoke because I think it makes you look cool, I smoke because I just started one day, I could give up tomorrow but I chose not to, I think it also calms you down.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :Eh, please, I never said fighting was good. Bother to actually read, you'd notice my freind was DEFENDING himself. Defending himself is defending himself, he wasn't going down lol.

Ok, so you think defending yourself is staying there and beating the attacker up? A good way to normally defend yourself is to give them a small hit to the face or stomach and put them to the floor in one move without hitting them and get away from the attacker, you dont stay there and beat them up.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :For once sam is probably right, and the people slating him don't seem to know much about alcohol, although that's a good thing in my opinion.

There are two brands of cider with the same name, one originally developed in Ireland, and one in England. The Irish cider became popular and they wanted to expand the brand to outside of Ireland, so they changed the name to Magners Original Irish Cider to prevent confusion with the English brand. So they are infact different drinks, each with a different taste, although I don't like cider so to me they are both terrible.

I googled this a long time ago, because I went on holiday to Ireland and got confused because they sell the Magners brand alongside Bulmers, even though they are exactly the same. My theory is that they ran out of alcohol and bought back the Magners they sold to Europe.

Seems like I was right. My Dad doesnt like Bulmers like that either but he likes Magners. Magners is the nicest cider imo, anyone who says strongbow is nice must be a chav as me and my mates class it as a chavs drink because you only ever seem to see chavs drinking it.

Quote :Source:

Also look what the question says 'Is Magners the Same as Bulmers in Ireland?' Doesnt say it is the same in the UK does it.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :If I told you where you lived, I'd have to kill you :hide:

Trust me, the police will go for anyone.

Round here, my normal every freind got in a fight (defending himself, mind) and broke the guy's nose (who was attacking him).

He (my freind) got community service etc etc the whole 9yards, the guy who started the attack, not only was a known drug user, he was also currently expelled from school for violence, and got nothing.

Honestly, smoke if you want. Doesn't look cool, to anyone with half a brain, and if you want to die aged 35, then that's your choice.

Ok, fighting makes you such a big person doesn't it. He proberly didn't get any charges put on him because your mate may not have had a mark on him, do you actually know the meaning of self defense, you can put someone in hospital if they hit you and call it self defense, there are guidelines to what people class self defense.

Be my guess and state my address then.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :lololoolol@Rob

Sam, pls no talkey BS.

Having an odd beer at 15-16 is fine, especially at home. What's not fine is coming out and talking like you've been drinking for years.

Smoking is bad too, I know where you live and will get you an ASBO unless you quit.

Ok if you say so, I am not the type of person the police would even bother with, they would go and talk to the people who are on street corners actually causing trouble. I dont talk like I have been drinking for years, i just stated my two favourite alcholic drinks. If you know where I live please state my address.

Quote :I lol'd

Why is it when I said something with the word gay in it you have to look for something gay, it must intrest you. You will find there is a drink company who make cider called Gaymers
Dougie, aint we just going to get along just fine if you join the team I am part of, Storm Racing.