Whats blue and ****s old ladies , hypothermia.
I rang the Samaritans last night and as per usual, I ended up in a call centre in Pakistan. I told them I was feeling suicidal ..... the bastards got excited and asked if I could fly a plane.
"doctor doctor everytime I look at my self in the mirror with no clothes on, I get a Hard on"
"not surprising you look like a ****"
lastnight i shagged a girl with brittle bones disease..........what a ****ing little cracker she was.
john travolta's son has been pronunced dead.......i wonder if it was saturday night seizure.
just bought my epileptic mate his birthday present, its a strobe light hes going to have a fu*king fit when he see's it
i saw this book titled "how to cook vegetables" and all i could think was the wheelchair wont taste nice