Religious belief is faith in something that you can't prove. Those who believe without proof that god doesn't exist are often as religiously adamant as those that believe he does.
I'm an agnostic. I believe the question is unanswerable, the answer is un-knowable, the knowledge is unachievable.
What I do think is entertaining, in a kind of slow-motion car crash kind of way, is the re-emergence of the Sun God in the global warming debate. Every religion starts out as science, superseding the religions of the day with new and better explanations.. and this is happening all over again with man-made global warming science/religion.
People think they're so enlightened and can see through all the religions, but the truth is that they just fall out of one religion and into the next one they feel they can place their faith in.
It doesn't matter if it's Rune Stones or weather satellites, Stone Henge or melting ice caps, global warming scientists are using utterly fallible scientific methods to draw protracted conclusions, as if they were witch doctors predicting whole worldly futures based on infinitesimal shards of so-called scientific proof.. and stating with great authority that Mother Earth is angry at us, and will punish us unless we pay Carbon Emission taxes and Methane Taxes.
Bollocks to religions. All of 'em.