Gah, I feel bad about weighing in so late in this...
The one thing that is being missed is consideration for the "axe murderer" in the family. Installing to C:\LFS makes good sense in programming but a kick-ass LFS installer would offer a route for those sharing their PC with younger, non-LFSer members of the family. There would be community benefits to offering a <current user> installation option.
Like me, for you the computer's OS is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Migration to Vista or 7 won't make sense until the new OS exceeds XP's stability and offers some element of fast-track computing that you feel you need and that XP can't do. We don't have time, or don't see the point in committing the time, having to re-jig, jerry-rig or re-learn things in a new OS environment simply to tread water.
Closed. Whether or not you believe what you're being told, Inouva, the purpose of this competition (if it is even real - even spammers can make fake competition websites) is to collect captcha solutions, which the competition holders can then use to automate spam bots, which will then automatically seek out and join forums and websites and automatically spam them. That is the ONLY reason for creating this competition.. to get YOU, and others who are equally as gullible, to do the hard HUMAN work of solving captcha clues.
By participating, you are helping to create an effective spam bot. Whether you believe this is true is irrelevant, it IS TRUE and we cannot in good conscience allow you to do so from this forum.
My last post on this subject* I only say that when it's seemingly obvious that you don't understand. I promise I will try and lighten up, Alan. I'm sure you're right and I do give you a much harder time than is fair.
* I'm actually working on a merchandising presentation for the Trading Dept at ASDA House tomorrow. I'm touring stores this afternoon to take photos. No shit.
Indeed you have. Perhaps that's one reason I have no issue with challenging your posts.
I have always called it as I see it. I don't see how it can be okay for one person to post utter tripe, but not for another person to point out that it's tripe. If you can't do that, there's no room for progress in a discussion. Only a person who's unhappy about being frequently challenged on their nonsensical ideas would take issue with the way that normal discourse functions.
It also happens when someone is infuriated by what they perceive as nonsense, being posted as if it were fact. That sure annoys me.
I don't represent LFS, I'm one of several community members who moderate the forum for the benefit of the community as a whole. I may challenge the stuff you post, Alan, but I don't think I've ever moderated it.
I'm a member of this community, not a representative of LFS. You'll get no mileage out of trying to use the fact that I'm a moderator as a lever against me in any discussion on this forum. Shame on you for trying.
Yes, I'm often condescending in your direction, Alan. You make it so difficult to resist. Do you do that deliberately?
For what it's worth, having lived in the US during the latter Clinton and early Bush years, I left very disillusioned. I was attracted by something of a Hollywood allure that, when up-close and personal, actually turned out to be the thinnest of veneers. The reality of American society is, I found, selfish, fickle and cruel. But I'm FAR from being left wing politically, except in comparison with centre-American politics which are comparatively pretty extreme right-wing.
The American people are, in large part, like we are, but without exposure to genuinely compassionate, comparative ethics. Though of course it's a broad over-generalisation, nevertheless Americans are an awful lot like that spoiled only child that's never learned to share, and as a result doesn't play well with others.
No, I imagine you can't. It's far more complex than I think you're able to conceive and involves many factors encompassing social acceptance and opportunity, access to capital, market burden and many other elements.
I don't know why that would surprise me.
Your inability to comprehend this market, even from the simplest standpoint of a casual observer, just blows me away.
I love how you intermix (or do you confuse?) ITV's audience product (its ad service) with an advertiser's product price point and manage to conclude that products are cheaper because companies have large TV advertising budgets. Go Alan!
That's just a plain bizarre statement to make. It's either a joke or it's so naive that it's beyond any rationale. But then, Alan, you actually believe that ITV is free and that its off-peak £26,000, 20 second advertising slots don't in any way impact product pricing. The US isn't even a democracy, it's a republic. It doesn't even pretend to operate like a democracy, it operates proudly as a republic.
Oscar Wilde said that money is NOT the root of all evil, LACK of money is. In western societies, the disparity of monetary reward definitely drives the winds of change, just like weather patterns are driven by the interplay of high and low pressure systems.
Ditching monetary systems wouldn't result in a better world, though. There were rich and poor people long before the Bank Of England created the first "bank note".. before Caesar's head was first minted onto a Roman coin. Money, as we know it today, is just the lubricant in the engine of society. Drain the engine, the engine will still need to turn. If it can't turn, nothing that happens as a result will be better or more fair than what we have now.
Mobility, not money, is the issue. In a society where you have an "underclass" - which is a layer of society where, using normal societal mechanisms, it is nevertheless impossible to rise/improve its status/situation - you have visible and pronounced problems that are easy to identify and easy to blame on money, even though the actual cause is a failure in society rather than the visible disparity in monies. The US has a high percentage underclass and since Thatcher's 80s, so has the UK. Other societies in Western Europe also have various levels of underclass. While it's not inevitable that an underclass will develop, once it does so it's difficult to resolve and difficult to prevent it from expanding.
It's a complex subject and not one to hypothesize on while keeping it simple enough to be an interesting discussion. I prefer not to venture into fatalism or terminalism, though. It's better to consider solutions that don't presume the extinction of the human race
I've become irritated by "trendy" filming techniques, too. Hand-held, perpetually in-motion cameras, constantly and rapidly zooming in and out.. it's a technique that had its place (ONCE, in "Blair Witch") but which has spread everywhere. It even crops up in "Dragon's Den", FFS, in a studio.
The new Star Trek film's gone one further, compounding the lousy camera work with a mind-boggling inundation of fake lens flare. It's all so in-your-face, it makes my eyes bleed.
Following complaints, I've removed the offending signature and sent RMZ125 a message.
Perhaps he was unaware that joining a team involves more than just deciding to be a member of that team. Ya never know, it's entirely possible that newer members of the community may not understand the hierarchical structures of LFS teams.
I've closed this thread. ThinkPink, only one account per user is permitted on this forum. We don't do the anon-cloak/dagger thing here. You have another username, please use it.
Rescuing the thread from the 2nd page.. it was bonfire night here in the UK on Thursday so I went with some friends to a fireworks display in Leeds. Since I don't have a tripod capable of holding up my D1x, I decided to chance it with some hand-held shots.
You have to recognise that different people have different understandings of what racism (and sexism, and yadayada...) is, and their tolerances of such things are varied accordingly. For the sake of harmony it would be better to avoid posting content that might be questionable in this way.
I'm absolutely sure that Boris isn't racist and that the fool, to be mocked, is Bush. But the content in the joke is racially oriented, and therefore it would be better not posted. This way we don't need the mods to make judgement calls because nobody is offended.
Urgh.. wish you wouldn't ask difficult questions. I have a sucky memory
I *think* it was at the release of the FBM, but I can't remember exactly.. and I could be wrong entirely, but that was my understanding at the time. Whichever time it was.
[edit] According to the notes for patches X10-X38, "Redline rpm and rev limiter rpm point reduced in all cars". I'm not sure if this is an adjustment to a previously-introduced change to the way the system worked, or if it's the only mention.
I treated myself to a compact at last. I went for the Nikon S220.
It's crap. But it does enable me to take photos of friends, which I can't do with my DSLR. They groan and slump, then pull lame faces. There's no such thing as a spontaneous DSLR photo moment, with my friends. Horses for courses, this thing will do for Facebook postings
I went for a quick genealogical rummage on Google and everything I can find points to Cornwall, with much later links to Devon, London and the home counties.
The closest I can get is "skaw'n". I said it wrong for ages, but I blame that on my friend in Scotland who's called "Scowan". For me, it's a fairly safe bet that "Scawen" (especially "Roberts") is a Scottish name