I agree with you (we ran smaller grids on lower ranked servers) in the main, but it's too easy to criticize everyone else's driving. My experience - and it is VAST experience - is that the drivers who are quickest to criticize other drivers are in fact the ones lacking fundamental skills. Whether it's basic driving ability or lack of spatial awareness, bullish and irresponsible driving or a multitude of other possible driver facets, they are the ones that lack SOMEthing.
Considering I've reviewed literally thousands of LFS "incidents", one might expect me to be pretty jaded about the standards of driving in LFS. I think I've seen the worst that the community has to offer (and had the pleasure of banning it

) but in fact I'm satisfied that an overwhelming majority of active LFSers do actually try to drive well. They try to learn from their mistakes, they DO share what they learn with others, and they are a good bunch.
As time went on, I became uncomfortable with the power that the CTRA accumulated. I wasn't happy that a ban from the CTRA system could render an LFS licence almost useless to some license holders. Too many people regarded the CTRA as the ONLY place to race, and while we set about doing our best to deliver an amazing service, we never expected 2 years down the road to still be the only server system operating at that level.
That kind of responsibility is something I'll take on if you pay me, but ONLY if you pay me. I'm not a megalomaniac, and on a very fundamental level the CTRA became something that carried very little appeal to me. Not because of the system, not because of the racers, but because of the lack of alternatives.
Now the CTRA has gone, other systems have arrived on the scene to try to fill the gap, and I'm really glad about that. I know that much of the ethos we tried to develop in the CTRA days has been adopted by others, and that works for me. I think we set a tone, but I'm glad that it's up to others now to run with it.