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Since Dustin likes to go white-water rafting, the hockey stick would effectively serve as a rather handy rudder. Therefore, said removal would be "elective surgery".. which I don't think is covered under Canada's health service
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Thankfully he's Canadian and therefore he does not have to pay to have the hockey stick removed from his....

S3 licensed
/me grabs Dustin by the... and stuffs a hockey stick up his...
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Medicare and Medicade.

Medicare is basic insurance for pensioners. Medicaid isn't available to many at all.

This is worth a read: The brutal truth about America's healthcare
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Tristan the NHS distorts the market because it's funded by tax payers cash. With this in mind private health cost goes through the roof because thats the only product they can sell - healthcare for the super-rich.

This is a reduction in choice! I can not choose affordable private healthcare! That choice does not exist in the UK!

Having more choice is bad? lol Tristan I would like to see your face when the MSA announce only karts are allowed to be racing in UK. At least that means the grids are big in all classes! Less choice eh!?!

Your commentary is so simplistic/simple-minded it's a joke. Not everything can be thought of in terms of karts. :rolleyes:
S3 licensed
I'm pretty familiar with the current US health system, Alan. Pretty familiar with the UK system too. If you think the US health system is some kind of utopia, you're mistaken. If you have health insurance, it's pretty directly comparable. Of course, if you DON'T have health insurance there really is no comparison.

The only differences are that our health system suffered the Thatcher years of chronic underinvestment (a health system takes decades to recover from short-term cutbacks) and that the US health system is profoundly more costly than ours, per capita.

What's being proposed in the US is not a replacement for the current system but a supplement for the current system, to provide basic NHS-style cover to those 50 million people who DO work but aren't covered for pre-existing conditions or are working in industries where healthcare isn't part of the employment package.

The US is the only industrialised nation without a socialised healthcare system. Arguably it's not an advanced society. Equally arguably is that it's not a caring society. Though I'm immensely fond of the yanks, I'm under no illusions about their sociopolitical standpoint. They're NOT a caring people, in the majority, though they do THINK they are.
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Why am i forced into having to use 3rd rate healthcare? How is this fair?

Firstly it's not 3rd rate, unless you live in/near a dump. If so, then move.

Secondly, you're not forced at all. Go private. Borrow some money and go into debt. Or just die of whatever disease it is you want treating. That's always an "option" for you, unlike 50 million Americans. Nobody's forcing you to do anything.
S3 licensed
If anyone in the UK is looking for a printing service, it's worth trying out ALDI's new service:

I got a 20"x30" poster printed for £10.15 inc. delivery, and the result is absolutely spot on.
S3 licensed
I agree with you (we ran smaller grids on lower ranked servers) in the main, but it's too easy to criticize everyone else's driving. My experience - and it is VAST experience - is that the drivers who are quickest to criticize other drivers are in fact the ones lacking fundamental skills. Whether it's basic driving ability or lack of spatial awareness, bullish and irresponsible driving or a multitude of other possible driver facets, they are the ones that lack SOMEthing.

Considering I've reviewed literally thousands of LFS "incidents", one might expect me to be pretty jaded about the standards of driving in LFS. I think I've seen the worst that the community has to offer (and had the pleasure of banning it ) but in fact I'm satisfied that an overwhelming majority of active LFSers do actually try to drive well. They try to learn from their mistakes, they DO share what they learn with others, and they are a good bunch.

As time went on, I became uncomfortable with the power that the CTRA accumulated. I wasn't happy that a ban from the CTRA system could render an LFS licence almost useless to some license holders. Too many people regarded the CTRA as the ONLY place to race, and while we set about doing our best to deliver an amazing service, we never expected 2 years down the road to still be the only server system operating at that level.

That kind of responsibility is something I'll take on if you pay me, but ONLY if you pay me. I'm not a megalomaniac, and on a very fundamental level the CTRA became something that carried very little appeal to me. Not because of the system, not because of the racers, but because of the lack of alternatives.

Now the CTRA has gone, other systems have arrived on the scene to try to fill the gap, and I'm really glad about that. I know that much of the ethos we tried to develop in the CTRA days has been adopted by others, and that works for me. I think we set a tone, but I'm glad that it's up to others now to run with it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Not sure I agree with that. I think the CTRA system resulted in a generally higher standard of driving than other servers that were less well controlled.

It was a principle motivation on UKCT's part to try to introduce a higher driving standard on public servers. League racing frequently had meticulous marshalling, but before STCC and then CTRA servers public server admining amounted to simply kicking and banning. Often peer voted. We set about changing two cultures - admin responsibility and driver accountability.

It's easy to forget or ignore what the culture was like before the CTRA, but I think the days of re-joining the track in the path of other drivers are over now. That was one of many culture changes that the CTRA, I think, can claim responsibility for in public server racing.

Quote from Gentlefoot :However, the fact that it was so popular did tend to keep the numbers lower on the other servers and smaller grids always result in a higher standard of racing simply because the drivers who are idiots stand out like sore thumbs.

The CTRA attracted drivers from across the entire spectrum of the LFS community. Whatever you have to say about the standards of driving in the CTRA public servers can be, generally, said of any other public server at the time. It's long gone, now, and I've no longer any emotional attachment to it. I can reflect on the CTRA days and simply recognise that we worked with what we had, and what we had to work with was whoever turned up to race. Nothing more, nothing less. We did our best for as long as we could, and then when it died, it was very very dead.

@ 5haz, say what you want about the driving standards in CTRA, but there were 2x as many reports filed against you in the CTRA system than you filed yourself.
S3 licensed
They've said it hundreds of times before, to individuals when they email, and also I remember Vic saying it on the open forum. They're probably SICK of saying it.

If anyone needs to hear it from a dev, then you can take my word for it that a dev has definitely said it. NO.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :i am really bad with code and do not know a i am going to say something and just bare with me...

..which is a bit like saying "I'm not very good with math, so bare with me.. let's petition for pi to just equal 3, instead of 3.14159.. then it'd be much easier to work with."

Starting a petition about something you don't understand is just silly. It's already been made clear how deep the ramifications would be if this were possible, but you insist on being overly simplistic. Just accept that some things don't become simple just because people want them to be.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :#5

Good art, matey!
S3 licensed
Not here!

You don't deserve to keep or convert the content you collected using illegal means, by running a pirate copy of VBulletin and you certainly are not welcome to try to do so, openly on this software author's forum. Do the decent thing and buy the software you stole, or delete the content and start over.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :p.s., Sam... clean your sensor!

Man, it's never-ending. I really need a proper sensor cleaning kit but they're a rip-off at the places I can get them. I'm getting by - loosely - with a can of compressed air and a fist full of cotton buds on sticks. Far from ideal, I know
Quote from mrodgers :Sam, you stole my photo! The other day I drove past the field down the road from home thinking that it would make a good image of the hay bales with the morning sun blasting through some clouds. Unfortunately, I leave for work way too early and the sun isn't up yet....

That's exactly the image I had imagined.

Sorry Mike!

I very nearly didn't stop to get that shot, too. We'd had a day out on the coast and we were driving back, tired and achy. I saw the view and went "Ooooh!" My partner-in-crime pointed out that I'd lugged my camera around all day and hadn't taken a single photo, and ordered me off the road to get the shot. I chanced it and followed her orders, lunged off the main road down a farm track, saw the perfect composition and jumped out. I was back in the car and driving on home within 2 minutes. I just got lucky for once
S3 licensed
I'm sure you guys already know that this forum is UK-based. I need to inform you that handgun ownership is illegal in the UK.

This discussion, therefore, is tenuous at best (rather like discussing the best spliff to roll, or where to find a good dope supplier) and would instead be best conducted on a US-based forum, preferably one relating to guns and/or the NRA.

The Live For Speed forum is not the place. Sorry, but I'm sure you understand.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :At no point did those admit anything of the sort. You're confusing things like technical vetos with having stewards ruling in their favour.

As far as I know, no on-track bias has been admitted.. and I have been looking out for it. This is the real world, though - albeit the real F1 world - where reason can be expected to prevail and where criminals are guilty whether or not they plead innocence. The absence of admission is a mere facet of the tale, not the make-or-break of the tale.

Ferrari admitted to being bribed by the FIA, to the other teams, under Todt. The FIA has confirmed that its relationship with Ferrari's F1 team was "special" and "secret".

You may believe, if you wish, that Ferrari/Fiat S.p.A.'s interest in the backroom Concorde deal with the FIA was entirely limited to financial bonuses in the event of a win. Personally, I find that to be naive and directly in conflict with a plethora of on-track and off-track evidence to the contrary. But I've chosen to do my best to respect other peoples' religious beliefs, no matter how tenuous or ludicrous they seem to me, so I'll say no more on it
Formula 1 ING Belgian Grand Prix 2009
S3 licensed

Fri 28 August 2009
Friday Practice 1 10:00 - 11:30
Friday Practice 2 14:00 - 15:30

Sat 29 August 2009
Saturday Practice 11:00 - 12:00
Qualifying 14:00

Sun 30 August 2009
Race 14:00

Race Date: 30 Aug 2009
Number of Laps: 44
Circuit Length: 7.004 km
Race Distance: 308.052 km
Lap Record: 1:45.108 - K Raikkonen (2004)
S3 licensed
Meh. This is the LFS forum, not a spam bucket/repository. There are thousands of other forums on the internet where they'd be grateful for the post count, even if it amounts to utter tripe. Not here, though. Spam it somewhere else, please.
S3 licensed
I haven't posted any of my stuff for quite a while. I haven't been out taking photos much either during the summer - I'd blame it on the wife but I don't have one of those any more. Here are a few recent ones. It's so long ago, I can't remember what the last thing I posted was. So if there are any repeats, I apologise!

(perspective adjusted in Photoshop)

S3 licensed
Yeah, definitely! What I find most interesting is the impact that WWI poetry has had on the perceptions in society of death and war, morality, human rights and a whole plethora of stuff in the 90 years since. It's the poetry, not the history book, that's really caused attitudes to change. The history book speaks logic and reason, but the poetry speaks to the heart.
Last edited by SamH, . Reason : ..
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Urgh, English Lit at any level is hell, epsecially when they make you do WW1 poetry at A level, now that is some genuine misery!

hehe! Yeah, WWI poetry can be hard going. I still find a lot of it to be very evocative but I've found that I can appreciate it all the more when I can associate it with pictures.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :You sound as if you've never read a poem by an emo goth chick, in my expiernece they usually they hate themselves so much they refuse to accept they've written a good poem even on the rare ocassions when they do.

I'm in the unfortunate position of having been forced to endure copious amounts of Emo chick poetry because a core part of my English Lit degree was "women studies" - I guess "feminism" was a boo-word by then. I hate Sylvia "Emo" Plath. Always have. Having to study her crap poetry just made me hate her more.

As to whether or not emo chicks hate themselves, there's good reason for them to do so. Emo chick poems are classic demonstrations of self-indulgence, self-obsession, selfishness and self gratification. That's not a criticism, that's just what defines the genre. For me, that makes it all suck.. though I understand and accept that some people find it tolerable.

Quote from Becky Rose :I certainly don't write poetry for you or anyone else to pat me on the back.

Nope, of course not. If you wanted people to do that, you'd publish it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Poetry is about expressing yourself, therefor when an emo-goth-girl writes a bad poem it is exactly what it should be - a piece of aweful emotional poetry.

Nahh.. they do a bit of goddawful fingerpainting and step back and admire what they think is their profound artistry. They don't step back and think "yeah, cool, I wrote a piece of utter drivel", at all.

And poetry isn't about expressing yourself, either. That's a fallacy and it's far too simplistic. Any adolescent can cry in poem or prose and most do. Poetry is about invoking emotion in others. A poem that invokes an empathetic response is art. Emo poetry that invokes an apathetic response is fail.
Formula 1 Telefonica Grand Prix Of Europe 2009
S3 licensed

Race Date: 23 Aug 2009
Number of Laps: 57
Circuit Length: 5.419 km
Race Distance: 308.883 km
Lap Record: 1:38.708 - F Massa (2008)

Fri 21 August 2009
Friday Practice 1 10:00 - 11:30
Friday Practice 2 14:00 - 15:30

Sat 22 August 2009
Saturday Practice 11:00 - 12:00
Qualifying 14:00

Sun 23 August 2009
Race 14:00