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S3 licensed
Let's be clear about this, these competitions are for demo racers to win an S2 licence, not for S2 licenced racers to win a 2nd S2 licence.

If you're an S2 licence holder, masquerading as a demo racer in order to enter a competition to win another S2 licence, I'd consider that to be a SERIOUS breach of forum rules. Not only will your demo licence be banned from the forum (ONE account per user!!) but YOU deserve a ban on your S2 account AS WELL!

So, guys, STOP creating demo accounts in order to cheat. We are watching, and unless you plan on moving house and changing IPs, there's a damn good chance we'll FIND you, if we go looking.
S3 licensed
My mate and I headed up into the Yorkshire Dales for the shower's peak, night before last. It was about an hour and a half to get there but we picked a good spot, with no light pollution except the moon. Saw a bunch of meteors, a couple of which were really startlingly good. We kept watching until about 4 or 4:30am.

Perseids have been appearing since the end of July and should be visible for another week and a half or so, but the frequency is dropping. The peak was actually the night of 11th/12th Aug.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Poetry is a sport best left to professionals.

Oh god, yeah. Good poetry is rare. I'm dumbstruck when I read the utter crap people crank out, thinking they're being profound. They think they're Rembrandts of the written word, but it doesn't deserve space on a fridge door. Awful.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I don't see any "wobble" Those stats are just as i left them...

The wobble mostly affects much lower licenses than yours, targeting the more casual rather than the most enthusiastic CTRAers. It's enough to undermine the quality of the data so that scraping would be useless while still serving up stats to be proud of for those people that have stats to BE proud of. I thought carefully about how to implement the wobble
S3 licensed
Arrrgh! Don't get excited guys.. I needed to turn the site back on temporarily, so that I could show it to some of my potential clients. I'm touting for web development work at the moment and the CTRA site is a pretty useful site for demonstrating some of the things that I do.

It doesn't mark the relaunch of the CTRA. I would dearly love to, but the CTRA is much too time-consuming to run properly.
S3 licensed
The "But" or "Because" rule is there at school because of the way kids write. It's not a hard and fast rule. Because, as you grow older your language skills develop, and so do your sentence structures, the "Because" rule relaxes accordingly. But for a few exceptions, though, the "But" clause mostly stands.
S3 licensed
Indeed, great shots Don. Though it does perhaps go without saying, it *shouldn't* go without saying. I've been mightily impressed with some of the photos people have posted recently. Kudos! I've failed in what should be my duty to pay respects where it's due by typing, instead of just viewing and nodding. Must.Try.Harder..Make.Effort.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Sorry that I'm not terribly anal

Quote from dawesdust_12 :(although I had this gut feeling that it might have been intentional).

Aye, it was on this occasion. I've been playing those typing tests on Facebook and I've found myself concentrating far more on accuracy than speed. I guess I am kinda anal about that stuff. I'm just glad nobody here types like my niece does on Facebook. All things considered, the LFS forum ain't so bad!
S3 licensed
Oh do pay attention, Dustin! I gave examples for CamelCasing, for failure to capitalise the first letter of a sentence AND ALSO for the lazy "i". Ya missed that last one, though, dincha numbnutz?

[edit] Today's entry was brought to you by the letters A-Z and the word "sardonic"
Last edited by SamH, . Reason : ..
S3 licensed
Johno95, feel free to contact the developers and ask to be unbanned, AFTER you have purchased an LFS licence. Right now your credibility here is shot. Only you can fix it.
S3 licensed
CamelCasing can start with a capital letter. Camels have heads. The term CamelCasing refers to the hump (sometimes several) in the middle of the word. Its usage is many and varied, but is typically used to add descriptive meaning to VariableNames and FunctionCalls(), frequently involving a strSplitInfinitive.

I don't much care that people can't spell. That's part of the ability thing. I just get irritated by people who can't be bothered to spell. Install a damn dictionary on your browser and put your back into it. If you want to be listened to and heard, fix your megaphone.
S3 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :Actually its acceptable to use either now, at a degree level anyway.

Not my university, but it was an English Lit major so that's probably why.

Once upon a time I was rather defensive of the English language. Then I got over myself. Doesn't mean I wanna see anything go, but I don't wanna see English go the way Latin did.. and it went that way because it was too rigid for an evolving and increasingly enlightened world. Yanno?

I'm an apostrophe nazi, though. Apostrophe misuse annoys me an awful lot.. most especially when it falls out of Brit/Yank/Aussie fingers. But at least there's an attempt, which is better than no attempt at all. like when people don't capitalise sentences or when i see blatant laziness in text. That annoys me. But it's not what they type that annoys me, it's the fact that they just plain can't be arsed to do it right. Lack of attainment is a cross that some must bear through no choice of their own. I accept that absolutely. Lack of effort, though, is optional.. and when I see it, it just leaves me cold and irritated.
S3 licensed
Quote from Johnny Mountain :I think you should shut the hell up.

Check that attitude, buddy. You're the one that screwed up big-time and got busted for skin theft & de-branding of Stew2000's skin.

Nobody's getting banned this time, but you should be doing the right thing and apologising to Stew2000, to put things straight, so we can move on.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Wow, just wow Sam, way to go reading something in my post that wasn't there (and TBH, wasn't even on my mind when I wrote my post).

TBH, I would have liked to have thought you knew me a little better than that, but hey ho.

I do know you better than that. I wasn't referring to you, even though I was replying to you. Ironically, we've proved each other's points Apologies for giving the impression that I felt you were directing anything at me.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Ahhhh, so Dustin can be as offensive, aggresive and sweary as he wants, as long as he has a point?

Not that I have complained about his trolling, I couldn't care less TBH.

I'm not following anyone around like a hawk at the moment, but the reports that have been submitted don't equate to trolling even remotely. I'm not really interested in facilitating the mob mentality that goes on, so so far there's been no action. FTR, I don't give out infractions if someone hits the swearword filter. I only give infractions if they deliberately circumvent the filter. And I rarely do it, even then.

I've banned Dustin from the forum multiple times before, he's served his bans and returned. Obviously others are still thinking cumulatively about his behaviour, but that's not how I work. With anyone. He has been a pain in the ass before too but, as you point out, NOW he has a point.

I've properly set out my "no favour" position to the other mods about Dustin. It's easy to add a bit of extra gusto to your argument by implying that Dustin has a "moderator friend", but I don't appreciate that because it's not a sleight at Dustin, it's a sleight at me. And it's a foul.
Quote from Dajmin :You're not allowed to say 0% failure rate on anything these days, because then if one does happen to break (and stuff does go wrong, even if it's the finest built product in the entire universe) you leave yourself open to be sued. We now live in a global market, and while 20 years ago none of your friends or workmates would have problems, the 30 million other people who own the same thing are far more likely to find and discuss an issue.

We've lived in a global market for decades. Centuries. It's not new. What's new is the availability of information and the ability to expose, and spread knowledge of, the presence of fundamental design flaws. I don't think that makes them more acceptable, because the information is already known to the companies responsible for them. The internet has improved consumer power, and I can't see that as anything but a good thing for the consumer. Companies shouldn't BE releasing products knowing they're poorly designed, that they're a fire risk or that the consumer is not going to receive the product they believe they've paid for - be it quality of design/manufacture or of product longevity.

If you buy electrical/electronic goods, there is an expectation that the product will last (in European law) at least 3 years. It's not simply that you can return it and get a replacement or refund, that's subsequential to the law. The law places an expectation of minimum standards on manufacturers. You're not allowed to trade in Europe if you can't meet those manufacturing standards. There is a real possibility that console manufacturers could fall the wrong side of European law in this respect.
S3 licensed
Obviously the mods are missing the point of these constant troll reports. I certainly am.

I don't own a console, but if I did and it broke I'd have something to say about it. If it transpired that the fault was known, I'd be damn angry.

When the Japanese turned up with cars in the UK that had zero% component failure, it was a revelation. They proved that cars SHOULD start in the mornings, that they SHOULD do the distance without the likelihood of breaking down.

This trend of regarding inherent product design flaws as acceptable or par for the course is regressive, it's not pro-consumer and it's Ford* stupid. It's idiotic to regard this stuff as acceptable and you're doing nobody ANY favours by being apathetic about, or even forgiving of it.

* I had a Ford Granada as a company car, once. It was top of the range and had every option factory fitted. When braking from 80mph, the wheels vibrated and the steering wheel shook. I took it in to the dealer. Their response was "Yeah, normal for Fords. Don't worry about it." Yeah? Screw that!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Klutch earns a 2-point, 14 day infraction. Trolls suck.

If you know diddly squat, don't post derisive crap.
S3 licensed
The FIA is trying to assert itself as the ONLY "pro-safety" element in F1 - that the teams don't care, and that the FIA's "parental" role is essential. This is what gave rise to the language of the FIA's ruling.

Regardless of the FIA's language or their ruling, common sense (something FIA is devoid of) states that Renault would NOT knowingly OR deliberately release a car to the track, where they believed there was a problem with the wheel or that the wheel might fall off, deliberately risking their car, their driver, or any other attendee at a motor sport event. It was a mistake, NOT deliberate, contrary to the FIA's portrayal of the situation.

The penalty is entirely in-keeping with the FIA's tradition of political posturing and the selective marshalling that results from that, and should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone familiar with the way the FIA operates.
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :I desperately need a new machine. I started off the line with 6fps but beginning lap 2, I dropped to about 1fps, [..] I gotta get a h/ware boost from somewhere, urgently.

My Celeron has finally been replaced by an AMD64 4200+ dual core. I'm back in the game! I know there's not much of the season left but, looking at the scoreboard, it's entirely possible for me to NOT finish last
S3 licensed
Ohhh.. BUSTED.

Mr Mountain, surely there's some explanation for this?
S3 licensed
driftcrazy, use your licensed S2 account.
S3 licensed
And an extra portion of fries!

I think it's great that you guys help out people as much as you can with those who aren't fluent in English! For the benefit of the forum as a whole, may I request that, where appropriate/possible, you also include English translations when posting non-English
S3 licensed
Quote from petercollins :You're assuming they've worked full-time for seven years on LFS, which is impossible to extrapolate with any meaningfulness on the frequency of the updates.

Corrected for you.

[edit]: ::Smirks@Bob::