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S3 licensed
You guys are talking like the only alternative to health insurance companies deciding who gets treated is someone in congress or in government deciding instead.

50 million WORKING Americans have inadequate or NO access to health care. I don't give a damn what politics you believe in, if you think that THAT is acceptable - in a modern society, supposedly leading the world in all good things - then I have news for you; you have absolutely NO concept of "a caring society", and you're living in a backward-facing third-world country. The rest of us (outside of certain middle-eastern, African and the poorest of South American countries) have built better "societies" than that, and a "society" that allows that is no "society" at all! And it's pants. Seriously.

We don't trust our British government as far as we could throw a fit. It has NOTHING to do with whether we have faith in our healthcare system. THAT is charged with saving lives where it can, treating illnesses, fixing bones and the rest, rich or poor. A life has the value of exactly one life.

And there is not, and never WAS, any suggestion that illegal immigrants would EVER receive cover in the US. There is no provision for illegals to receive health care in the US, in ANY of the proposed healthcare reforms. Period. But in the UK we DO treat illegal immigrant Americans. I know because I've seen it. And ya know what? Nobody gave a damn! Oh poor tax payers, accidentally saving an occasional "undeserving life" out of the tens of millions of people treated annually. Poor us!

Bottom line is that there is a mean streak that runs through the US, which is peculiar to the US. I've never visited or lived in a society quite as mealy-mouthed and unkind as the US, and I wouldn't ever choose to again.

Geez, get a grip and learn to give a damn about your fellow human being. Caring Christian society? You MUST be joking!
Formula 1 Grande Premio Petrobras do Brasil 2009
S3 licensed

Fri 16 October 2009
Friday Practice 1
10:00 - 11:30
Friday Practice 2 14:00 - 15:30

Sat 17 October 2009
Saturday Practice
11:00 - 12:00
Qualifying 14:00

Sun 18 October 2009

Sao Paulo
Race Date: 18 Oct 2009
Number of Laps:
Circuit Length: 4.309 km
Race Distance: 305.909 km
Lap Record: 1:11.473 - JP Montoya (2004)
S3 licensed
You will not succeed. Those who won't respect the wishes of the LFS developers have absolutely NO place on this forum.

In future, if you see a VOB hack screenshot or video, please use the "Report" feature of the forum. We will remove any and all that we see.
S3 licensed
It is against the EULA to modify the cars' shapes, as it quite clearly states. The moderators will not allow such content to be linked from this forum. Those we believe are already aware of this, but who post VOB hacked content regardless, may indeed be banned and their content removed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Back on the list topic, only one question remains - what do do with the host? I guess the host should stay at the top of the list...

Definitely it should stay at the top. It's everyone's quick reminder for which server they're on. Server ops typically edit the name of the host to reflect their own server's identity.
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :It is not solved, it is avoided.

The "issue" is resolved, I think. The option is there and it's up to the user to use it, if they need it. It's not a fault with LFS, it's a circumstance for which LFS already provides a solution.

This is one matter that I think is a waste of programming time, frankly. Obviously it's up to Scawen if he feels that it IS a fault, but I'm left thinking it's just not worth losing days of development over just for the sake of saving someone the minuscule effort of swapping the minimap position.
S3 licensed
Only one account per user is permitted. djdeeles must use his S2 account to post here.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Too bad that he most likely doesn't know anything more than us.

Tis true, I don't know any more than you guys.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :You'd be surprised.

Me too!

I can only truly speak for myself, not other moderators who may have a different and/or more close working relationship with the devs (I don't know if any do or not), but in our capacity as moderators we don't know, and don't need to know, more than any other licensed user.

I knew about the Rockingham deal being struck because of my involvement with V1. That's the first and only time I've ever known anything more than anyone else before it happened publicly in LFS, and it was only because of UKCT's involvement with V1 and our close working relationship with Jay. Nothing to do with being a moderator
S3 licensed
Nahh, too spammy.
S3 licensed
I've been trying to coax more 3D relief out of the GIF method.

The trick seems to be to decide what you want to be the main focal point and align the two images to match. Here are a couple of experiments:

Swapping image opacity between 25:75 and 75:25 -

Swapping image opacity between 33:67 and 67:33 -

Swapping image opacity between 40:60 and 60:40 -
S3 licensed
If you could post a replay, tell us which car to follow/be in, and when it happens for you then we could get a comparison across a mix of h/ware.
S3 licensed
Quite fun! I needed to wear my reading glasses to get my eyes to focus on the first images, but once I'd done that it worked well. I also needed to be aware of the tilt of my head, so that as my eyes drifted out, the two images were level and my eyes latched.

Did my own screenie from a race today:
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I say that because there have been several instances lately where a "forbidden" screenshot was posted. It was pointed out by several people but then, someone else came and posted the rule I quoted above and interpreting it the way that posting screenshots of "mods" isn't forbidden.

There are two recent instances of this happening, that I can think of. In both instances, I have dealt with the subject privately. Shadowww is very well aware that his recent post on the subject is raw sewage. He knows Victor's stance and he now knows (because I have made it abundantly clear) that when his current infraction expires in 2 weeks, there will be no more new opportunities to change his behaviour to fit with this forum's expectations. I've seen and heard more than enough.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :It still is not made clear in the official rules.

Lots of our forum rules aren't written down, but they're widely known and accepted. We don't have a list of rules. When you have a list, it's easy to chalk up your own list of things NOT ON the list. People know this stuff is unacceptable. It's known. Victor's made it clear, and few people who post here are unaware of that. It doesn't need itemizing.
S3 licensed
Don't post, promote, link or otherwise expose modded content on this forum. That includes screenshots. If you think that ain't a rule, test it. The first time, the content will be removed (unless we're satisfied that you're aware of your actions, in which case go straight to event 2). The second time, I won't just remove the content.
S3 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :You know what:that "Best before" thing is there for a reason
I know you are on the save but...

This is terribly off-topic, but.. the Best Before thing really was a big deal to me when I lived in the US. In the UK, dates are DD/MM. In the US, dates are MM/DD. It was 3rd July and in my fridge was cheese, dated 6/7. Still good, right? I hope healthcare reform happens for our American friends, SOON!
S3 licensed
hehe.. I'm as bad as everyone else, both FOR and AT speculation. Reading the test patch thread, some of Scawen's comments/hints gimme a kinda excited feeling. But then it could just be a reaction to those burgers I ate..
S3 licensed
I'm on the Atkins diet at the moment.. quarter pound burgers with mature cheddar cheese. No bun, no mayo, no ketchup, no fries.

It feels like a new patch is imminent. But then I've been wrong before, more than once.
S3 licensed
Quote from Homeless_Drunk :Still waiting on a response, Scawen.

I think you could be waiting a long time on that response. The neon/body kit/chav-wear joke's been done to death before
S3 licensed
Road cars don't have shift lights, so it makes sense to remove it.

It does take a certain level of skill to know when to change gear, I agree with you. And that is why I think the light shouldn't be there. When you have a light telling you when to change gear, who needs to acquire that skill?
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :So, should I put the cover back on the case before attempting to open it again?

hehe! I ran my PCs without sides for years! This is the first machine I've ever run for more than a week, enclosed. Feels good, actually.. though a little scary. Had a lot of heat issues in my formative PC-years
S3 licensed
Children, please!
S3 licensed
Back in 2005, SATA cables sucked. They didn't have "locking" connectors and were prone to slip slightly over time, caused by the vibration of the computer's fans. This often resulted in contact surface oxidisation and this in turn led to sporadic drive performance, even drive detection.

Open the side of your case, remove the SATA cable connectors and re-connect them - both ends. Repeat a few times, to score the surface of the connectors. Start up the machine. If it boots properly, replace the side of the case.
S3 licensed
We have more than enough content speculation threads. No need for another.
S3 licensed
I agree with Nathan. We already have a thread where this can be discussed.