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Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Macro pic from me.. with the new 450d

Verrrry nice!!
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@ Insipid: But it's a GIVEN that part of reducing the cost of tickets is adjusting Bernie's ridiculously inequitable fees and ad revenue control. It doesn't NEED stating! Everybody already knows all that!
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Don't talk at me as if I'm an imbecile, Alan.
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Quote from Becky Rose :I dont know if we really need 'facilities'. These much vaunted 'facilities' are not for the spectators benefit

As I understood it, there were new and well placed fixed toilets in there (probably no bidets though) and a new covered stand, as part of the £28m package. If it really is all just corporate hospitality stuff then that is pants. But the ticket prices for events have to come down. The teams also recognise that, just because they CAN fill the stands at these prices, it doesn't work to promote the sport in a positive way.

The fact that so much of taxpayers' money would finish up with Bernie means that the government wouldn't dare put money into Silverstone. Not every tax payer is a motorsport lover, and not every motorsport lover is a Bernie lover.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :

You must be joking lol. There's no way they could get 100,000 people into and back out of Rockingham on a weekend

New trunk road/rail links coming, I'm told, and lots of investment in the track and surrounding areas. I think Rockingham is going to become much more viable as a major event location in the next couple of years.
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@ STROBE.. you nicked all my reserve ammunition But yes, you're exactly right.. and while I would have said no, taxes to fund Bernie is not an option, we already paid Bernie £200 million for TV rights. Right now, that's not looking much like value for money going into the future.

The BBC are confident that as things stand, the contract would be broken by FOM next year and they'd be able to walk away. Still, extra taxes for the privilege of paying £500 for a weekend pass to a field in Oxfordshire.. that's not an option.
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Quote from Intrepid :I haven't trusted consultants and development managers ever since I heard business courses don't even teach students the origins of money (though that was just one course)

Umm.. okay.. Seems a bit narrow-minded and like an extraordinarily mind-numbing and stupid perspective to me, devoid of any grounds or rational justification, but who am I to judge? :rolleyes:

Quote from Intrepid :What in your opinion could Silverstone do to improve facilities and lower prices? And if you do believe in your own opinion why are you not investing your OWN money into a project liek this (assuming you aren't)?

I think the 30 million investment they promised ~2001, when economic times were roaring, and yet never delivered on (apart from a new access road) would have been a good start. I'm off for my dinner now, but I'm pretty sure you could turn up details from somewhere on the net. They didn't do any of the improvements because they didn't think Bernie would follow through with his threat to leave Silverstone. Donington STILL MIGHT manage it in time, even AFTER the economic downturn, and they're spending shedloads more money on more changes. If Donington could do it without govt grants, the BRDC's deep pockets coulda done more than they did.
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Quote from Intrepid :Then start your OWN track if you are so cock sure about your economic knowledge. I have experience organising large events and selling tickets so I roughly know how the system works.

I just want to respond by saying "don't be such an ****, Alan", but I won't.

Suffice it to say I was a business development consultant and a business process development manager for almost all of my working life up until the millennium. I've worked in industries ranging from brass casting through computer manufacture through live concert events. If you think I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't run a karting track/website, think again.
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What's happened is that Max has realised he doesn't have a legal case against the FOTA teams breaking away. He is on record as stating very clearly that, IF Ferrari and the other FOTA teams want to form a breakaway series, they CAN do. That's as good as ripping up the contract and throwing it away. Okay maybe not quite, but it is tantamount to entrapment if he then pursues the teams in the courts.

FOTA only need point out that they have the blessing of the FIA president, autocrat-extraordinaire, in setting up the breakaway series and the case collapses in on itself. The fact that Max refers to FOTA members as loonies wouldn't bode well in court either, nor would the fact that he's been completely intransigent in his methods for a long time now, proposing things that can easily be seen to undermine the very business viability of Ferrari and McLaren etc as well as the viability of the sport as a whole. Most of the problems faced by F1 in recent years can be traced directly back to the FIA.

Support for a FOTA series is massive in the ranks of F1 fans. I'd go as far as to say it's emphatic. I can't find a poll anywhere on the internet where support for FOTA drops below about 85% over the FIA.

Everybody's sick to death of Mosley and the FIA. From anti-McLaren conspiracy theories to pro-Ferrari conspiracy theories (since admitted by the FIA in an attempt to divide and conquer the FOTA - failed - but also now very clearly past-tense) there is support for FOTA breaking away.

This seems to me to be both because of the prospect of returning F1 (or whatever it shall be called) to the status of "pinnacle of motorsports" and ALSO for what it represents to FIA - i.e. "balls to the FIA".

Max has talked about saving money in motorsports. On the face of it, it sounds reasonable. The difference is that FOTA are more interested in saving JOBS. And as far as the public is concerned, in this economic climate, we'd rather save jobs than fill his pockets with money. FOTA represents us all.

The FIA has lost the public, on mass. It may as well rename itself from FIA to FUA (FU All). You can't govern motorsports without a mandate, and the FIA has blown its mandate, all by Max's hand.
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Quote from Intrepid :lol You don't ask for much. better facilities AND lower prices lol. Dude if you have that kind of attitude why don't you start your own race track and see how hard it is to provide Grade A facilities at a low cost while competing with other world wide tracks that get government funding (not that our circuits should BTW).

Or do you think the BRDC can magic up a few million to invest in a circuit that they then have to recoup by charging lower prices lol Typical UK want summit for nothin'

People mouth off about DOnington as well but at least Gillet has put his balls on the line to improve the freakin' place. All we do is criticise criticise criticise.

It would seem to be optional. 28% of tickets sold, and they make a profit? ... or-cuts-in-ticket-prices/

That's typical of British economics too, "charge what the market will bear". Alternatively, the companies that follow "stack 'em high sell 'em cheap" economics make money - like ASDA and TESCO. Divide the ticket price by 2, fill the stands, make more money, increase exposure, prevent resentment. A cheap coffee shop makes more money than an expensive one, because a cheap coffee shop always has customers. When a coffee shop has few or no customers, it *appears* to be closed or crap. It's simple economics.. doesn't take a genius to figure it out, Alan.
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I'm getting the impression that Simon Gillett is struggling to get Donington financed.. but I'm also sensing that Bernie and Max were trying to win friends and influence people at the BRDC by talking about Silverstone again this weekend. If Silverstone's going to get the GP back, I want better facilities and cheaper prices. Otherwise I'm happy to see the place die away.

If Gillett doesn't host the race at Donington next year, he'll be in breach of contract, and you can bet Max and Bernie will have built that as a get-out in the contract. The whole thing will be back up for re-negotiation, and Silverstone could very possibly win it back for another 10 year tenure or longer.

I don't think Silverstone's got all the history they make it out to have. Brooklands, sure.. even Brands Hatch has a bite of F1 history.. Silverstone's just an almost-flat airfield with a racetrack around it. It's not really an inspired track, is it? Let's be honest.
British GP Preference - Silverstone or Donington?
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The BBC's commentator group is populated by a lot of BRDC members (owners of Silverstone), and after watching and listening to the coverage of this weekend's race I'm left wondering if support for Silverstone, in preference to Donington, is just being sold really hard. So I thought I'd ask you lot.

Does it matter WHERE a British GP happens, just as long as it does?
S3 licensed
Some good guesses there but I don't think they're entirely right. Besides, I suspect the teams themselves haven't got that far.

Regarding FIA preventing FIA marshals marshalling FOTA events, that would be a direct breach of the agreement that they have with the European Commission. In order to be allowed to govern ALL motorsports, they're bound by the Commission's ruling to do exactly that, personalities etc aside.

Although Mosley is making noises about FOTA breaking anti-competition laws, I don't think Mosley's on the same page as the rest of the world as far as monopolies and anti-trust legislation is concerned.
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The OP's question was answered long ago.
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streetracerguy, either moderate your language or you will be removed from the forum. You have 2 infractions. If you receive a third, you will no longer be able to post here.
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Can't think of a single reason for this thread to stay open.
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There is no deadline on the "Scirocco patch". Scawen said that he hoped to release the Scirocco early this year. There is no promise in that, nor is there a deadline at the 6-month mark. There is a difference between hope and promise. I hope that I win the lottery, but there's no promise or guarantee that I will.
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Closed this thread that fell off the spam trolly.
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Seen that pic somewhere before, James I think it's an awesome night shot, excellent composition and an all-round credible photo-journalistic shot!
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Great shots!!
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You will be able to upload your skin in 2 months. You can NOT cheat the licencing system to have S2 content or features. Don't ask again.
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I'd assume that Bernie's thinking that any money is better than no money, and F1 without FOTA is going to mean no money. The BBC has stated that the shape of F1 will have changed so significantly that they'll be able to walk away from the £200 million contract they have, without any legitimate legal challenge. Other TV channels will be able to do the same without fear.

That will be right at the front of Bernie's mind, along with the fact that ALL the F1 fan polls on the internet are showing between 70 and 95% support for FOTA.
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Just listened to Bernie talking to the BBC. Gut feeling, after hearing him, is that he's going to take the F1 name to FOTA and leave Max behind. Deep gut feeling.
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You didn't post your names!?

I'm thinking FGP, Prix 1 (P1), Formula Uno (FU!! ) or Pinnacle.