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S2 licensed
Quote from samforey12345 :simple.

EDIT: i dont have much to fight my case of the simpleness..just we need a flipping fast it can make us feel the g-force

A fast car? May be something like the BF1 ?
S2 licensed
Whouhouww !!!


Get lfs tweak and you'll be able to tweak the engine to get some sortof stock car. The XRR is a good base for this job.
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :Thats like saying "I don't want new cars, because I have S15 headlights on my dorifto skin..."

Yes it's right i'd rather prefere to provide cheap but immediatly aviable solutions wich are still good. One thing is shure, this idea will not be on the top priority list and may never be aviable (mostly like the other request) ... If you have better idea I'm listening
S2 licensed
Quote from noob4ever :InSim : first byte in packet does not match size
InSim : first byte in packet does not match size
InSim : first byte in packet does not match size

i get that ALOT ALOT ALOT

i open LFS, choose BL1, and type /insim=32300

LOL, just read my reply JUST ABOVE yours ...

Anyway, for me I fixe the problem with the gateway but still don't work. I shift+u but nothing happened. Does I check "follow the car (xxx)" ou not? Too bad it seemed so good
S2 licensed
It's suicide to talk about rTractor on LFS forum
S2 licensed
Isn't that a problem due to the new insim v4? Maybe this would help you.
S2 licensed
Maybe it don't come from your pc but from your routeur if you have one. Explain more how you network is setted up and we surely find the way to do.

If you have a routeur try to forward the port using NAT. Another easy solution is, if you can, put your ip adress of your computer in the DMZ (dematerialized zone) of your routeur. Assuming you have a routeur offcourse ... I don't realy know the FDDI setup so quiet hard to say.
S2 licensed
I think it will quiet hard to make the MRT feels like a kart since kart dont have suspensions uunlike MRT (only tyres assumes this function). But you can try to harder the suspension and deflate a little the tyre pressure maybe it will do the trick

Note: a discussion about kart can be found here, in the improvement subforum.
Last edited by shadow2kx, .
S2 licensed
Quote from callmebob :ya, but i can have just a tad of hope, but first i need to get s2 lol

Indeed it's a realy good idea

By the way, there is a way to make the cars look more like silvia s15 & co (more rice) by using fake lights. Somes like them, other don't. I personally think it give another look to the car (exemple: here and here). Not, it's not a way to self promote But it will be more quicker and easier than waiting for the dev releasing a complet car editor. I'm shure that if they do (in 2 or more years) we will see these cars ingame. Remeber LFS is all about "wait and see"
S2 licensed
Quote from callmebob :i would love to see somthing with a rotary in it

Ouch, heavily discussed like the diesel engines ... I think that you should not put too much hope on it
S2 licensed
I have seat belts on my suit skin so ... -1
S2 licensed
Mhhh no

Monster truck will be totaly useless. It will cost a high among of developing time and we only use one or two time. It's a RACING sim, do you imagine a race with monster truck on BL1 ??

For the suv i'm not for but why not, it comes more in the field of racing since we have cross races. Anyway there is a topic to suggest cars. It's a great topic, people come to post there wonderfull idea a milion time proposed before thinking its revolutionary and nobody care about it or at least read it
S2 licensed
For the "i want a car" see "car we wanna see in s3". M3 & M5 have already been requested a lot of time. But a more interesting car wich have more chances to be added is the DP1. Anyway, none of us can predict wich car will be aviable in the future, we can just hope. The most we can do is promote the game so some car manufacturer will maybe interested into putting there own car in game
S2 licensed
Yep seems nice, can we have a more higer res of the preview? And yes, realsea it
S2 licensed
I was trying to make LFS Tv Director work but i encoutered some problems. Tv Director connected to LFS throw the gateway (i got the hello message) but when i tryed to watch a race it just crashed. When a try to launch the gateway again it just crash directly. I must reboot my computer in order to get it "work" again.

It's linked to my antivirus (nod32) but this par of the antivirus can't be disabled (it's the kernel nod32, imon). Maybe it's solvable, maybe not. See the attachement files for more details. Hope it help you.

Edit: ho crap, i didn't saw it was in french, sorry about that. I also think there is a lack of information so if you want more tell me.
S2 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :You are not using the insim gateway.

In patch X insim changed. The same author made a conversion program that works with several addons. It ties us over until a new version is released.

Dont think its in this sub forum but i know its in the programmers subforum. Just search for insim gateway.

Thank you for the quick answer. I was absolutly not aware of these changes. I'll search for the gateway

Edit: Indeed, I found it. Here is the link in case of somebody else would search for it.
Last edited by shadow2kx, .
S2 licensed
I only use Time Monitor (a test example of what can do) because it's allowing me to see all my data of the race even when Shift+F. I have so a clear and wide view of the track ahead me with my split time, difference to last lap etc. Realy easy to use !

The Link & A preview image (not done by me offcourse).
S2 licensed
I have a problem but can't find the answer throw this topic so ... I may be do something wrong since I don't realy understand all the insim/outsim/outgauge stuff (don't know the diffrence between each other lol).

Here is what I do (according to the readme file it should work):
1°) Launch TvDirector
2°) Launch Lfs, /insime=32300
3°) Go back to TvDirector, choosing the good track, click on the LFS icon, and connect
4°) Go back to LFS and theoricaly enjoy but ... I got repetitive message going by paire of two saying this: "InSim: First byte in the packet does not match size".

Since this message is displayed I can safley say that the connection is established but doesn't work. I offcourse used LFS X.

Any idea of what's going on?
S2 licensed
I enjoyed your video! It's a good one. The music is good too as is the idea of the radio. I like the way you don't use too much effects wich allow the spectator to focus on the action rather on the videomaker's skill (wich is more important imo). I'm waiting for the next one !!
S2 licensed
Don't blame him, there is so few suit's skin that it doesn't really matter. But I admit that you're right.

Anyway this suit look like jhon travolta
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Here's my first skin. It's just a scrapped XRT but hey, it's 2048 and it has a shadow layer!

Nice for a skin made under paint
S2 licensed
Quote from Exile R :actually it put out 4 so i thought its not on those so post it up

Did you read them before posting ? Next time you should
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :Pfff, who wants to race a computer AI nowadays?

People who don't have internet evryday or who can't connect to lfs due to filter etc. There is more people that you think and by the way playing offline is good for training. The AI is good because a lot of online driver drives like AI (or worst)
S2 licensed
Go LFSW > Racer Database > LFS Racer Search
Choose the contry then launch the search and that's it. You got all (630) Israel's players
S2 licensed
And letting use them cheat online with other people? Mhh ...
Permanent banning is a too severe punishement. A temporary banning (one month per example) will be enough. Then if he try to cheat again or if he's spotted again then permanent ban is the solution.