maggot is right though if the place i lived in was shit enough for me to suffer from that particular kind of pathological anxiety/insanity that makes you want to carry a gun (as the us quite evidently is for many) id get the **** out of there and find a better palce to live (of which there are many)
its america the greatest nation on earth where everybody wades though 30cm of exceptionalism on their way to anywhere
clearly any other place in the world must be much worse
i think it makes a lot of sense
to protect the us from the absolute certainty of a totalitarian government they need guns and a totalitarian government
its pretty simple the us has a ton more gun related homicides and homicides in general than any other 1st world nation so either guns are the issue or americans are all violent pricks... take your pick
those reviews are very relevant of course
especially once you factor in the fact that all of those movies have about the same number of pages worth of 10 star loved it reviews
peope who equate looking at a movie they dont like (and probably downloaded for free) to being raped usually are
still having issues with math i see
if a movie has a rating well above 7 almost breaking into the 8s it means most people liked it and not most people found it nightmarish no matter how many miserbale sods like yourself vote it 1 star
not that short a jump send them forwards to around the time the earth is engulfed by the expanding sun
and where pray tell does your amazing common sense factor into this sentence?
well...... this could get difficult if we were to veer away from film and were to discuss music
ok i cant be bothered to discuss the idiocy of your general point but lets just assume youre right and get to this one
how can it be so hard for you to grasp the idea that a movie that doesnt keep you glued to the screen can absolutely glue someone else to the screen because they have tastes oppinions and life experiences that differ from yours which the movie caters to?
also stop using the word rape in the sense that you do it makes you a terrible vile person (more than usual i mean)
"an apparently fascist candidate, Deutscher"
bradbury is such an amazing writer........
which is completely nonsensical as most time travel stories end with the characters traveling forwards in time back to where the came from
maybe but safely unpredictable as it couldnt possibly alter the past timeline
also sending them forwards far enough for them to be engulfed by the expanding sun should be fairly safe for all timelines
while were poking holes into the time travel thing the whole concept of 'time travel will be invented in 30 years' is a bit stange
to me the only logical way for time travel to be invented is the hitchiker way where time travel was invented simultaneously in all periods of time
i dont really see how sending someone back into the jaws of a trex could be particularly dangerous to the timeline but fair enough theres an even simpler solution... send them forwards in time
if that were their intention i imagine they would have pointed that out somewhere in the movie to fill in that gaping logical flaw
the issue isnt the usual suspension necessary to accept that time travel works and exists the problem is you also need suspension of disbelief to accept the motivation of the characters involved which seems to be a thing that plagues recent time travel movies
in looper it makes no sense for them to send people back 30 years instead of lets say 5 billion