The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: 1366×768 DirectX 11 medium detail preset
Battlefield 3: 1366×768 DirectX 11 medium detail preset
Deus Ex Human Revolution: 1366×768 DirectX 11 normal detail MSAA on
a lot speeds with a curve based system youre basically doing a divide by zero in your fomulae which results in all sorts of werid behaviours
solution dont stand still
yes of course the 177 driver are installed (at least i think that was the latest version when we installed it about a week ago
and i have no idea which firmware is on the wheel since the driver doesnt tell you
so much wrong with that
1) the first element of the rear wing has a fairly high aoa of 14-15° (depending on the track and so on of course) as you can see from the best side on image i was able to find (not ideal but its sufficiently close to being exactly from the side that perspective errors dont make much of a difference)
2) for lift cause while reversing the rear wing will have the largest effect which is a 2 element wing on an f1
3) the elements arent seperate wings operating in their own flow regimes the elements for an overal wing with a fairly high aoa (~25° in the attached image) with a slot that serves to energise the boundary layer (similar to how leading edge slats work) allowing the wing to operate at those silly high aoas without stalling
no they dont
yes it is (at least as far as upper body downforce is concerned)
unless you accelerate air up your car wont accelerate down
newtons 3rd law and so forth
1) if aoa wasnt all important how does a plane fly upside down?
and again
2) the first element has a high aoa
3) the elements arent seperate wings
have you ever actually seen an f1 car? they run their wings at a massively high aoa to generate their downforce
just the profile alone does hardly anything as evident from the fairly typical graph that clearly shows that a wing at 0 aoa doesnt produce even a third of the forces its capable of
for this admitedly not very f1 like airfoil the point where the drag gradient overtakes lift making it seriously inefficient to raise the aoa would be at around a massive 15°
unfortunately i cant seem to find any curves like these for airfoils going though the air the wrong way round but considering even a flat profile can create enough lift to keep something flying they will undoubtedly produce a significant amount of lift
yeah except for the ffb the wheel and pedals work perfectly fine
and yes ffb is enabled in the options and turned up way too high for it not to be noticeable
i havent tried resetting the controllers in game although im not sure how that would help when restarting lfs doesnt
A friend bought a CSW this week and I cant seem to figure out how to get FFB working in LFS.
The FFB works fine in the driver and AC so it appears to be a LFS issue.
I've already tried disconnecting the pedals to make sure the wheels is the only controller that windows sees and I've also made sure that the wheels is the primary game controller in windows neither of which helped.
fusion reactors create nuclear waste too though
granted its half life is a lot lower and people are researching reactor building materials that have a short half life but its still a bit of an issue
not to mention that fusion is a technology that is perpetually a mere 20 years from working