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Quote from DeadWolfBones :

Oooomph. That's a mighty photo.

Never got into the other macro stuff but that's awesome.

EDIT: BTW, checked the original and I'm curious. Do you use LR2? There isn't really much detail in the original image and wondering whether it's the lens or LR's notoriously bad sharpening algorithms/noise reduction.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Use your immagination.

Use your immagination DOUBLES the amount of normaly.
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :And if it is a male?

Good-looking shemale approved by /b/, maybe 5€?

Male? Dunno, I guess you could re-sell them as cheap labor. What people usually do with slightly used male Norwegians anyway?
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :So it turns out it WAS the 1000mm f/8. I got a $1000 lens for $400.

I checked the sample shots via the forum links and went like 'wat'. It was all birds 'n shit and trees and not a single peeping tom shot from across the continent. Pentax users, shees.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :
In other news, Sony drops the <$2000 full-frame dSLR bomb:

http://www.luminous-landscape. ... s/cameras/alpha-850.shtml

Someone must've defused the bomb as I didn't hear a poof?

You can get a 5D for 1300$ and it matches the Sony in image quality.

My co-worker had the A900. It squeaked when you held it.

EDIT: Sorry for initial pissyness. The more FF cameras around the merrier.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Considering Congo ain't actually loaded with cash, I think their 'Buy it now' price is a tad too high to get much bidding going on.

I'd pay prolly 10€ for a used Norwegian if it's a female and gives good head.
S2 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :Why not just put the 3.6 inline 6 out the 2nd m5 or 535 Sport?....

Its almost a straight swap and no buchering the car to get it in.....

You dont want to spend that much money on a 318....

But... unless the engine comes in a plywood case with a 'V10 in a box' it's just not the same.

V10 in a box = new car meme.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I haven't posted any of my stuff for quite a while. I haven't been out taking photos much either during the summer - I'd blame it on the wife but I don't have one of those any more. Here are a few recent ones. It's so long ago, I can't remember what the last thing I posted was. So if there are any repeats, I apologise!

(perspective adjusted in Photoshop)

Digging this one a lot. The ocean spray against black ground.
S2 licensed
Quote from majod :6024s - TS-E or photoshopped?


Snapshot pic dump ahead!

EDIT: Damn sRGB breaks my heart.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I think because of how far the camera is out over the track.

You win teh prize.

And I wouldn't try that with a tripod unless your arms are made of steel.
S2 licensed
Pretty funny indeed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Danke :It's funny that we're saying it's a milestone, when the big round number is in kilometers. Shouldn't we be calling it a kilometerstone?

Minds were blown.
S2 licensed
Quote from Don :some tests before the big event - barum rally, that is coming this weekend.

Steady as she goes again, you got that stuff nailed.

Have you tried anything more out-of-ordinary lately? Since you have a light camera, maybe try sticking it on a monopod with a fisheye. Get inside a tight curve and shoot downwards when the car corners under the boom? I think radio or IR triggers for remote shutter control should be available for Canon too. Remote trigger would remove the guestimate of self-timing problems and a relatively small aperture with a fisheye's focal length should keep everything in focus.

EDIT: Liek diz -> ... allpapers/impreza-wrc.jpg but better 'cuz your Don.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Pfff, child's play.

Skip the beers, move straight to absinthe refills and have someone recording the carnage unfolding.
Here we go again!
S2 licensed

Fun little shoot. Details on my Flickr. Enjoy!

EDIT: Bloody hell how long this page is?
S2 licensed
Most of you are wrong if we ignore the obvious cult classics.

The only proper modern zombie-fests are Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Dead Set.
S2 licensed
I already have enough headaches, thank you.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Half the time he's on the FOX Junkies server anyway?

It's not like he's a complete Oval Hermit

Sticking feathers up in your butt does not make you a chicken.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Nice video from the gadget show.

They take an Audi R8 round the real life Nurburgring, then do the same in forza 3. ... er/forza-3-web-tv-special

Serious control lag shown there again.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fastwalker :

The first dude should just stop racing or get lessons from the 2nd. Horrible lines and early apexes aplenty.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Is there not a video of this elusive predator?

Just image one car on Fast Forward while everyone else is stuck on Play.

And Benny Hill theme song in the background.
S2 licensed
Street portraits.

S2 licensed
Since one can make only so many jokes about left or right hands suggesting to abscence of a girlfriend, I'll simply post this without pictures, jokes or other shenanigans and give you all a nod of approval and congratulate all of you for finding such fine lady friends.

PM the nudes as usual.