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S2 licensed
After lone wolfing for so long I'd like to try some teamwork. Anyone wanna join me in somewhat aggressive surviving attempts?

My new character had a somewhat rocky start with no weapons whatsoever and the only exit blocked by 3 zombies.

S2 licensed
This mod is GOTY and Nobel stuff right here.

I can't really explain but this game gets under my skin and goes where no game has gone before with the amount of tension, horror, stress, crazy encounters, close calls, stories and emotions.

I've been playing lone wolf, avoiding other players, exploring the map without cheat sheets or online maps, trying to survive as long as possible. Had only a handful of characters and after several weeks of playing I got my first murder. Then the 2nd, then the 3rd... and then I died after 24 days.

Draw you a map of my adventure. Last day is the purple colour.

S2 licensed
Webrur aced it.
S2 licensed
Killer start! Sooo much overtaking and sticky situations!

Couldn't believe Räikkönen held it together after slipping on the wet grass.
S2 licensed
It is very good.

I approve. Definitely worth the price for older gamers who loved Eye of Beholder etc. or younger gamers who want a taste of the glory days.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Yeah, just like he did in Valencia

The one where he crashed into Kovalainen? That counts as 'bumbing tyres'.

Quote from Cornys :Of course it can. What would prevent it from doing so?

I dunno, I thought maybe the slim front wing and open wheel configuration would let enough air through when the nose is raised so not there wouldn't be enough lift (and drag once the nose raises enough?) for a full flipout like the Le Manse touring cars with longer floors without openings.
S2 licensed
Guess Räikkönen's tyres left the building 7 laps too soon.
S2 licensed
Webber's wheelie after off-roading was kinda nuts.

EDIT: More sirious tone. Can F1 flip over from that? Bumbing tyres can launch a car but could it flip in its own from too much air under floor like the touring car flipouts?
S2 licensed
Quote from englishlord :They weren't but they are now

However, it is justified to kill violent oppressors.

It's justified to overthrow violent oppressors.

Killing rarely leads to anything positive in the long run.
S2 licensed
A wild box appears.

S2 licensed
Was it the unrecoverable oversteer that got him?
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Falling in love with some girl you found on the internet and haven't even met in person yet?

Good luck with that...

Cue penis in panties.
S2 licensed
She has a penis.
S2 licensed
Some live stuff and random stuff.

S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Location: USA.


S2 licensed
Quote from Don :No problem with me, show it


The original low res JPEG falls apart with the details and bright tones on the snow though but it's kinda close imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Billeh :Thanks i shoot in raw and use lightroom myself but never seem to improve mine that much need more practise with it i think . As for photoshop i have never really messed about with it would not no where to start lol.

Lightroom is really simple. For starters import a photo, choose a suitable base line camera calibration profile from the bottom and and the start dialing in from top down. After a while you can see what affects what.

EDIT: Reading comprehension 101. Yes, Photoshop is in a completely different class. Usually the tutorials you see on Youtube has little in common how pro's tend to use Photoshop. Pretty much all the gimmicky features (content aware fill, filters, etc.) are useless in real world scenarios so it's pretty much endless curves, layer masks, folders, smart objects inside smart objects etc. Of course your mileage may vary. Just speaking from my own experience.

Tuned this imitation in a couple of minutes from the non-processed version. Kinda pain to dial in proper contrast with such a limited file size and JPEG but fun try though.

EDIT: Removed the attachment. Not sure if was cool with Don.

Random stuff from past weeks. More at my Flickr with lighting infos if anyone cares.

Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Predictions? Someone is going to win and a lot of bitching will be involved.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Heal FZR
Hurt FXR

Critical hit! :wow:

Does x20 damage.

Nice shot kid. One in a million.
S2 licensed
Bored already after the trailer. FC1 first half was great back then but this looks like ass. And an Ubisoft title? By now they should be on everybody's embargo list along with EA and Dice.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Rip you say?

S2 licensed
At the early days of aerodynamics, teams experimented with driver activated mechanical down force with relatively little success.
S2 licensed
Interestingly, after a year of skipping alcohol completely and turning 30, I don't get hangovers at all despite returning to (somewhat moderate) drinking in 2012.
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :...Prolly should note that In the Pirkinning had a filming budget of 0,013M$ while Iron Sky's budget was ~580 times larger....

So that could mean the running time of Iron Sky would be 995 hours?