So far F3 has given me about 20 hours of fun exploring the countryside and senselessly murdering bystanders.
However some things really annoy me.
The NPC's, dialogue and quests are by a Gabe Newell's waist-sized margin the worst things about the game... which is kinda like a V.A.T.S critical shot to the knee for game design. So far I've met maybe one or two memorable NPC's (Deputy Steele's opening line ”Kill 'em all, let God sort them out!” followed by an instant crash to desktop was hilarious) and countless number of re-hashed and ugly speaking heads.
Also Fallout 3 is waaaaaaaaaay too easy. On hard difficulty the enemies do not pose any real threat whatsoever. Struggling to survive? I'd say it's more like struggling not to yawn during battles.
Not intimidated by technology but for the past years I've been drastically cutting down my gadget and consumer electronics intake simple because most of the stuff on the market is either complete shit wrapped in an aluminum shell or stuff that I do not actually want or need and have no interested in digital dick waving.
There are no bad DSLRs on the market in the consumer price class - every single one of them will take great pictures.
Most of the differences are in ergonomics (personal preference) and feature sets (also personal preference what you value).
Best advice: Visit your local dealer and fondle the different cameras. The one that fits your hand the best is the one to take home.
Consider a low-end body only and pick a decent lens to go with it. You'll sacrifice some reach and versatility if you go with a fast-ish prime instead of the slow kit zoom but on the other hand big aperture prime let's you shoot in available light with better results.
And there we have a prime example what's wrong with present day games and game design. Tragically that incident was probably the only good thing to come out of Far Cry 2 and the millions of dollars invested in it.
EDIT: Watched the 'leaked gameplay' vid too. Dear God that game is made of concentrated failure.