It works via a circumvention. You need the Insimrelay. This program by same author is a translator from old insim (pre X) and new insim (X and after). If you put that so to speak between LFS and TVdirector it works fine. Insimrelay is only found in programmers corner i think.
Both lap calculation and gear blip is on outgage i think? When server changed track it seemed to be off and i had to restart LFSrelax. Also ALT TAB maybe is a cause. Well anyway it just seems the connection to those functions is not there anymore.
There is athe option to start the practice yourself and add the ai in the pits. Via the chat window type /ai. There is no guarantees and it will look stupid but the ais will try to make it out of the pits. If they manage to do that all is good.
Is it? Except the CTRA most populated servers are running the same old shit over and over again so it seems we dont really need new tracks as a community at all. This of course is different for leagues.
What is a track Ian? To race really all you need is a layout (autocross). The rest is just scenery, while nice and all it has nothing to to with a track. This of course means by no means that more is always welcome, but to state we have 4 tracks is too simple, we have 4 sceneries.
Yep, dont even know if filled in anything at all there.
Creditcard is very straightforward.
Address section is probably only used to maybe crossreference withthe one on card.
Main thing is still the number and validation date and probably the controlnumber (back of card)
Tim ik heb dit ook gehad, bij mij bleeek het omdat ik de het stuur op eeen USB hub had zitten en deze blijkbaar te weinig stroom voor het stuur genereerde en me op meest onzinnige momenten (midrace) calibreerde. Het hield gelijk op toen ik hem op een USB poort van PC zetten, dus het is een eclectrisch probleem van te weinig stroom naar je momo vanuit de USB.
Had it myself when i had the momo connected to a USB hub. After connecting it to a native PC USB port it was fixed. It seems to be a shortage of electrical power in your momo from the USB port.
I bet Benny knows what he means but the guy has NO idea what he is talking about. He just WANTS WANTS. It has taken competent LFSers programming time to create those servers (not a fan of those) and some @3$% comes and says if somebody can help him make one. By the sound of his reactions he has got neither the skill not (more important) the patience to learn it.
Really you a re the 6th who comes with such questions.
I think however that you are doing this product of yours short! I would advise taking it outside this programmers corner and in the add-ons section. And in the main league section an announcement would not hurt either. Further i would make it downloadable from THE LFS resource
I will make an announcement in the ZWR organised UF BABY-R FallOut League about it.
I see that all leagues are striving to broadcast, and while there is nothing wrong withan official streaming show with comments etc. This option is one i think all those leagues should also offer, as its usuable by everybody that can run LFS. No buffering of videostreams of too high a quality (for your conn), no annoying commentators (some can be and we should have a choice). And its a cheap and easy way for less rich leagues to stream.