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Quote from speed1 :Quite honestly, I have no want to make money off of the internet. I'm not bashing it or anything, but I'd rather have real world interaction and speak with people face to face than make a bunch of money. Also, I dont know that I have the knowledge to do some of the things required for online money making, and I dont know that I really want to take the time to aquire it (See above for my reasoning, I'm not just lazy). I'm just stubborn in my ways (but not ignorant).

Meh, it's not for everyone. I just thought that it was a good place to make some money because... Starting a website and starting a sponsorship service is cheaper then opening an office and dealing with real estate.

I can go out and do the same thing. But there is judging people based on appearances, age restrictions, and legal matters. The internet is just... like America in it's early days. Free of laws and regulations. A place for people to rush to to make insane amounts of money. A place to exploit people for money. And I quote from the writer of , " feel very privileged to live in these interesting times, times full of opportunity, times where I've been able to give up my day job, work at my leisure". And exactly as he said. It is all the benefits and fun of starting a business, without the hassle of stepping out of your door.

You can still talk to people over the internet. People commonly use the "I want a real job" excuse to refuse to explore the internet. People assume that the web is merely for novelty. It is just another form of networking, like phone lines OR going to a market place.

I just retort that "the internet" when anyone asks me about my expensive toys. Just because it sounds ridiculous. But that's just me. It's funny watching people's jaws drop. There is still manual labor on the internet (duh?). You can only get manual labor as a teen (if you don't want to bothering with a startup company). For the summer, my buddies work: one works at "VoiceBox Inc." he fixes computers and he does Search Engine Optimization for them, he is full time for the summer (he owns a lot of sites, but still is doing some busy labor o the side). My other friend was interning for this real estate firm that was taking repoed houses and reselling them after redoing them.(they are taking advantage of the mortgate crisis right now). Now he works construction for the summer. My other buddy is working at a speed shop. Those are all jobs that you can apply for, but on the internet. You can start insanely large businesses without worrying about consiquences, therefore, you get more "ballers"(boosting up the number of people who make it big). People start up big things all the time, every second, even as I am writing this rant.

Get creative, you can monotise anything on the internet, you will be suprised. Also, you can sell anything. I sell my old essays for some extra padding on my money clip. I sell my old Labs, reports, anything. I just don't go in to bodily fluids, because that is kind of creepy.


EDIT: the whole point of the rant is that, labor is not my thing, I don't work under people, at least not for long. There are labor jobs and business opportunities online and off, I did web and graphic design for a while back, then I quit after three months because I got bored. I can get labor jobs easily in real life, around my local area, but I would not like it. It takes too much financial investment to start up a physical company. The point is, business, especially on the internet just makes acquiring large amounts cash at a really fast rate easier, you still have to work at it, like anything else. My motivation to do this was that I loved the idea of using creativity and charisma to manipulate people and acquire money, I thought it was going to be a fun experience, and I was right, but I am only toes-deep in the field, not nearly as experienced as my friends who have been doing this kind of stuff since middle school. I am just recommending it because it is fun.
Last edited by ssm, .
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How about a Caterham/Lotus/Westfield Super Seven? or a Carrera GT3 Cup S? or how about an Honda Civic EX hatch? Maybe a Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo? Perhaps an Austin Mini? But I think that a Formula Renault or Honda F1 car would suffice.

I'm just being sardonic here.
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Quote from TV[cz] :Really? It actually appealed to me back then as it felt quite nice and was fun to drive. Oh wait, how it relates to iRacing?

Sorry, I was talking about the "next generation automobile simulators"
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Wouldn't you stop faster if you DIDN'T lock up the brakes?
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Quote from mickyc30 :I'm 15, nearly 16 and i'm going to apply for the local fish and chip shop tonight,$9.50 an hour is better than $20 a fortnight from mum i guess, and the best bit is, i get free food!

Nice, I was going to apply for a job at a speed shop, tuning garage or at least a bodyshop. But all the garages I went to had no opening, and since summer is almost over and school is starting soon, screw it. I am going to just try and thrive off of internet profits.
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Oh yeah, I saw the demo videos of "Driver's Republic" and it was one of the lamest games I have ever seen.
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Why would you do that? Do you want to be standing on your brakes every time you try to stop? It's better to have vacucme assist.
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Quote from lap traffic nz :the best bike powered car i've ever seen

What about this?

With a Hayabusa engine in the back.

Or imagine a Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R engine in a Lotus Super Seven kit car.

by the way, I have this little freshman buddy that is talking to me about getting a bike. He is just fifteen. I know that he does not have a legal license... (you need to be 16). And you need a driver's license to apply for a bike permit. He said he wants a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R which costs approximately 3,000 USD. At the end of a certain conversation, I told him to go get an old Lotus Seven instead(since practicality is obviously not necessary). Since it's too much of a hassle to get a bike permit.
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Quote from mickyc30 :At what age are you classed jobless and lazy?

I early teens I guess. When you start complaining about the measly allowance and how you want to get a nice car. How you want to dress nice and walk and sway like the biggest **** the world has seen with money flowing from his bank account(errm, maybe the rich **** is only my vision...). When you want something better then your parents give you. That's when you go out and work for those nice toys you always wanted.

Quote from speed1 :I'm 15 and almost no one will hire untill I'm 16, so right now, I'm a caddie (or caddy, depending if you look at my shirt or hat). The job is kinda odd (you either get to caddie right when the place opens, or you dont). You come when ever you want, and if you dont get a loop, you sit around and watch Comedy Central for 5 hours (more like 4.5) and then you get a slip of paper that says you get to go on the next loop. I am hoping to get a job at a bike shop, but I dont think that is going to happen, so I'll aim for the hardware store down the street.

You don't have to be at a certain age to start making money. The internet is a free world. There is very little restriction and regulations. You can be whomever you want to be. My friend started to be a web master when he was twelve. His site, Krazy Letter, caught international attention. People from Germany was posting on his forum. Hell, a few years back, I used to say I was 28 to everything I sign up for online. And with trades ect. People don't KNOW you on the internet. Tip: just do it.
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To the "jobless" teenagers out there.(it's not that you are too young to make big money, you are just lazy). Check this out. It's a good guide. One of my clients showed me this earlier.
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Quote from raikkosiris :But i think those light are not functionally, i mean they really proyect light to the track? I dont think so

For some odd reason, we still have skinned shading. No real time light rendering... It's like if you were standing behind someone in line for the bus... and you pulled out a crayon and start sketching out the person's shadow on the pavement.
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Quote from tristancliffe :Whilst the Wankel in the RX-8 has a volumetric displacement of 1.3l it isn't comparible to a 1.3l reciprocating engine. To get the ~250hp it still has to burn the same amount of fuel (actually more, as it's less fuel efficient). It uses more oil. Is more expensive to service, and generates less torque (but can make nice headline power figures due to a slightly higher rev ceiling). The only thing in their favour is size and weight, and it's not a huge saving of either.

Wankle engines are pretty damn heavy. The only real plus side to this engine is that it can be crammed into any tiny sports car or microcar. Such as the 84-87 Corolla or the Cappuccino. But even then, I would rather have a Kawasaki bike engine to work with.
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You just go up behind them and nudge them.
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Quote from mickyc30 :well... i go to school?

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I have a RADEON 9800 PRO. But it keeps going to black screen on startup if I set "UseEffect=1"

Does anyone have a similar graphics card?
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Quote from Lateralus :To say they aren't as mechanically sound is just silly. They are extremely simple and robust and are therefore much more mechanically sound compared to reciprocating engines. That's one of their main advantages.

There is the fact that Mazda builds the engine block with a sandwich of aluminum, steel, then aluminum. If you overheat the engine, or if you send too much heat through the block, you will contract various parts at different rates, thus warping it. Then you need an engine rebuild. While piston engines can have cooling thought the block. Piston engines last longer.
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Can you show me how to use the Formula V8's?
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Quote from Jakg :Did you read any of the posts in this thread...?

Whoops, how about a Fiat 500?
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Quote from JasonJ :Hardly... you forgot the fog

what fog?
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How about... an old lotus super seven?
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Quote from Ca18Slider :DRiFT, buy a license. And secondly, as far as I know there are no drift oriented tracks. Ebisu is a track used for drift, but isn't it also used for other driving motorsports? Stop asking for that junk, and ask for something that can be used for everyone

Have you heard of Col de Turini? or Stelvio Pass? Mountain pass can just as easily be a race environment.
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... Those look EXACTLY the same... the bloom just makes the scene brighter...
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I liked "forgetting sarah marshall"
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Quote from DragonCommando :@ W4H
exactly, more throttle = less vacuum, which will lead to more air volume entering the engine, and at a higher pressure, even if the engine doesn't accelerate.

I realy don't want to go through explaining how vacuum controlls an engine.

I think that I know what I am talking about.