Hi there... I am actually trying to understand how I can build, send and receive InSim-Packages, but I actually do not even know how to send an InSimInit-Package.
I would be very pleased about some basic help and maybe a simple sample script to show how to send an InSimInit-Package.
Thanks in advance for your help, it's much appreciated.
No, these servers were using ports 63300, 63400 and 63500. I just found out that I forgot to uncomment the /insim entry in the config of the server which did not show up on lfsw. could that have something to do with it?
@WGooden: just press f then you'll see the full car. the "strange thing" you saw is the force view which shows what G-forces happen to your tyres just at the moment.
@Scawen: Thanks for these many new options which make lfs-hosting even more adjustable. But there is one thing I have to complain about anyway: I'm running a few hosts on a linux-rootserver, but they only do all show up on lfsw if I run them out of one folder. this is a bit annoying because I host servers for 2 different teams. If I run the servers from 2 or more folders then only the ones which have been started out of the "first" folder shows up on lfsw. I wonder if this is a server bug or something in my wine / firewall settings.
Anyways, there is a Master Skinnerz template for a 2048 x 2048 skin right now. It's a beta template but good to work with though. It has no paintmask, but a good rendered wireframe. GET THE TEMPLATE.
if this BMW williams will really be drivable in LfS I wonder if it will be skinnable... I dont think intel or any other sponsor will allow that though... :/
oh my god... read ten pages of this crappy thread as it was on page 54 when I went to bed yesterday... so nothing new. I want a new verse in the "Patch song" when the patch is out!
This can't be. I'll show you why:
At live-for-speed.de the german reseller of lfs, 4players, announced in a little note under the news about the april update:
this can be a fake... but doesn't need to. this is a german version. if any of the german beta-testers made this screenshot after the news about AS GT and AS N was out and showed it to some people this can be possible.