I tried to look it up in the InSim.txt file, but did not find it at all. Is it possible to receive a server's name via InSim? I thought it would be in the STA packet, but did not find it there, and a quick search also found 0 results.
ORION, vertical align can also be set up via css. the reasen why xhtml is here is to make it a markup language again - nothing more, nothing less. things like valign="", <sup> or <strong> are tags that are there just to define how the text looks like - what can of course be better done with CSS.
Hi Victor.
I am also a website programmer, like so much people here in this forum, and I know your problem. If one does heavily use JavaScript on his or her sites, he or she has the problem that all the users who do not have a browser of the latest generation and even search engines like google can not view/index the site properly. In my humble opinion, The initial loadup of a page, whether it's design or content, should be done completely without javascript. If you offer the possibility of opening, reloading or updating a page (AJAX), it's important to always have a fallback solution for people without javascript. Yes, it's annoying to have to code things twice or more just because some people think "lol javascript and cookies are bad". But you have to do. A desktop design is of course impossible without Javascript, but I think leaving the desktop design is the logical next step. The site is well designed and its almost barrier-free, but with the look and feel of a desktop Google will not even once think of indexing it properly.
BTT: I voted for 1. Javascript is not bad, as many people think. Javascript and Cookies are 2 things that have a bad image just because some magazines printed somethink without proper research. Cookies have a bad image because an american computer magazine once, in the mid-90s, printed that webservers could read files from your computer. In fact they cant randomly select files they want to read from your PC. They cant even read the cookies they set earlier. The cookies are sent back to the server in a request-header, and the magazine printed wrong things. They wrote a correction in the next issue because they recognized the error they made, but it was simply silenced to death. And because JavaScript can read and set cookies, It was called bad once it was out.
Oh, one thing I forgot: @Becky Rose and all the others that cant see the difference between Java and JavaScript:
They are two entirely different things.
Java is a programming language that creates a intermediate language when compiled, so people have to get the Java Plugin from Sun Microsystems to use all these nice Java Applications.
JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that comes in with all modern browsers. You do not need any extra plugin to use it, and everyone who once surfed LFSW can tell all the good things JavaScript can do. JavaScript can be simply embedded into websites using *.js-files.
We are talking about JavaScript here. It has nothing to do with Java except a part of the name and some similarities in Programming Style.
@Vic: We have a percentage of 70% who use javascript to 30% who dont. Follow the majority. In my opinion, You should use JavaScript to make the sites more useful. You should heavily use it. But please always offer a fallback solution for all those who dont have a modern browser and for these nerds that can not stop thinkin "oh JS is bad".
These were my :twocents:, thanks for reading them.
Its good to ask for this before you do it, but in my opinion you are in fact able to use LfS for this pretty good, despite the fact that you can not put up other cars in the autox-editor. If you dont know how to open the autox-editor: its accessible in single-player shift-u mode.
PS: Maybe an email to the devs asking for permission might not be wrong
It's no new content that collision detection was improved a lot in some T-Testpatch (now known as Patch U).
It's no new content that the track selection screen has been heavily improved.
It's no new content that the minimap is now better visible and you can actually see the driving-direction of cars.
It's no new content that LfS now already has a nice-featured scripting systen.
It's no new content that LfS has now an even better autocross editor with marshal objects, restricted areas and hidden checkpoints.
It's no new content that Victor recently coded a SMS Live-Alert system so I was informed at once when patch S came out. The Hoster of the SMS-Server will "of course" let ScaViEr use their service for free.
I did not even take the patch S improvements into account, and you say we need more content? These developers named Scawen, Victor and Eric are doing so much for us. They are actually reading nearly all of our suggestions and try to put as much as possible of it into the game and the websites. The least thing they need are users that are bitchin around the forums, revealing PM correspondation to the public or even using 12GB of the traffic the devs pay for for just showing us a simple chart containing the count of demo-racers and s1 and s2 licensed racers. Please people, think about your behaviour on this forums.
With a big "thankyou" and greetins from school,
AttaHorse, its still no good practice to simply drive the whole way backwards and then forwards again just to heat up your tyres. Try doing that on a regular racetrack, and you will earn a lifetime ban.
Simply drive one lap to warm up your tyres and one for the hotlap. and yes, you will need to adjust your setup for not overheating your tyres. But I think simply increasing your tyre pressure a bit is not this much to do.
But most of the beer is filled in 0.5 litre bottles I think.
And yes, german beer does contain more alcohol than american or canadian beer IIRC. That is because the average North-American beer-drinker does not like the taste of beer (Yes, someone stated this in a german TV documentation about some weird exposition anywhere in the north of germany). I think 2 or 3 bottles of Koelsch (the beer that is mostly made here in cologne) would already knock you americans down
Dont want to seem rude, but its like that
It seems that this is a minor or small fix, but it is in fact not. I think if you leave this fix in the patch, you will need to make Patch V an incompatible one.
Why? Because many of the hotlappers, especially people using cars (MRT, ...) which tyres do not heat up quick enough, drive the whole lap backwards and forward again to heat up their tyres before the actual hotlap. They could have this advantage with all patches up to U16, while the people that did download the newest patch have a disadvantage in hotlap mode. An example for this is Bawbag's WR on SO1 MRT. With patches up to U16, the WR is actually a WR, but with my U18 LFS the WR is displayed as invalid. So if you use older patches, you could in fact upload valid HLs using this bug or even these "exploited HLs" (hitting the finish line, driving back to the last Checkpoint and driving to the finish line again).
So IMHO you will have to delete all the HLs when making patch V available or patch V must be an incompatible one.
this also happened to me twice. Your lag marker gets a bit longer and then stops getting longer. You cannot leave the server because lfs thinks it has to tell the server that you leave and because your lag marker does not get longer you also are not thrown out because of ping-timeout... so you are stuck.
OT: Scawen, you can restart servers remotely via master-server? That sounds interesting. Could you drop me a screenie of the master-server control panel you have, just out of interest?
Your script/server seems to need a restart again. PBs are not recorded any more, and you can join whenever you like, being invited or not. There also seems to be some "ghost player" on the server - a high-pinger that isnt visible for all the others.
I can not reach the master server any more. This happens since yesterday at about 7PM UTC. I did not install any new patch before, I was online at victors autoxtest server. I am currently running patch U15, which I installed a few hours after it came out. LfS tells me that I am either not logged in to the internet (well... that can't be, can it?) or my firewall does not allow LfS to access the internet. It worked all well before, and I did not change anything in my firewall's preferences. After LfS could not connect to the master server, I removed all lfs entries from the firewall and then clicked "allow" when it told me that LfS wants to access the internet (I am currently using the latest Zone Alarm free version). The third possible reason LfS tells me is that the master server itself is offline - this can not be because then the "Racers and Hosts online" list at LfSW should not work.
Does anybody have an idea on how I can get my LfS back online?
EDIT: it has nothing to do with the firewall. I reinstalled both LFS and the firewall and it still does not work - I can't even unlock Live for Speed (tried with both firewall active and deactivated), and I am running windows XP.
EDIT 2: after restarting the firewall and changing a line in the LFS config it worked... "Port 80 0" is the line that I changed, to "Port 813 0"... doh... I am running an apache webserver on port 80 since yesterday.
no... the MRT would be great at this layout. its as if it was made for the MRT... all the tight corners, the fast accelerate-and-brake shout for the MRT!
sorry, just my 2 cents.
Great job you did with this script :bowdown:victor.