Yep, Zend Framework provides some great solutions, but tbh I personally would not use Zend_Controller and Zend_View, but I would create my own classes that only have the stuff included that I need. I mostly like the Zend_Db class, because its only a lightweight layer on top of PDO that adds a few very nice features, not a huge ORM monster like for example the Database component by ez (
Oh, by the way, does PDO / Zend_Db support prepared statements for the mysql library? I know MySQLi does, but have no idea if it also works with libmysql only.
I have heard lotsa different opinions about the above-mentioned pattern. Some people tell me it is very useful, others say it is simply overkill. I would like to hear your opinion about it, because I know there are lots of very skilled PHP programmers around here.
For Everyone that does not know what the MVC Pattern is, an explanation:
The MVC Pattern explained
The MVC Pattern is a Pattern meant to enable very flexible software design. It basically makes the whole application consist of three different object types: "Models", "Views" and "Controllers". There has to be a common interface for each of these types that every object of the specific type has to implement. Basically meaning the following:
<?php // Create interfaces. Normally, common methods would be defined here // That every class has to implement interface MyModel {} interface MyView {} interface MyController {}
class UserModel implements MyModel {} // and so on... ?>
EDIT: What I forgot to mention was the sense of each of the three classes. The Models are Classes that provide access to data, like userlists, news etc. pp. The Controllers are classes that provide the "functionality" of the application. They manipulate and order the data they receive from the Models. The third type of classes, the Views, create the actual output. In web applications, they would create HTML or JSON code to send to the user.
I can't do C++ or Delphi, but In JavaScript, there is a method "window.setTimeout(callback function, microseconds timeout)" that can make a function execute for example a second later than the onShow-Event, which will most likely give the program enough time to display its forms. maybe you can find such a function in C++ also. Good Luck
sorry Vykos, but you are wrong there... it's not a racing GAME, it's the racing SIMULATOR
Ontopic about the shirt: I in fact would buy a shirt and a cap, if I actually had a bank account
(But I will create one I think - just to buy the official LFS merchandise and KiD's fanboy shirts. Will both be great to wear at the next Intel Friday Night Game that ESL does over here in cologne )
I think the namespace-oriented style of C#.NET / C++.NET is better, because it's just more cleaned up. D will have the same problems as the old C++ 6.0 had: you simply have no overview about which class does what.
that sounds good for a beginning, but that still not prevents me from stepping into the tarpit-limit, doesn't it? I am currently offering custom status-sigimages for my team-members, and if more than one person uses them as
signature in one forum-thread, it will still lead to the "tarpitted"-message for one of them. any idea for this? I currently really ran out of useful ones.
I am wondering about what is the best way to cache data from lfsw. I am currently simply checking if a stats-cachefile older than 5 minutes exists for this LFSW-Name and grab the PST-Stats from pubstat if not. Of course this is no good way of caching - but how do I do a proper caching?
Greetings, Stalker
PS: Please excuse me if I wrote some crappy English above - I am slightly drunk b/c of a new-year-party I just came back from.
although I dont see the point in starting racing with the BF1...
"well. so this is S2. Where do I start? Shall I take this nice little 64hp beasty MRT5 formula student car? nooo... Maybe the 230hp XF GTR? nooo... Of course I can handle this 700hp monster of a formula 1 car... this will be easy!"
I honestly dont think this is the best way to start racing LFS...
As we germans mostly celebrate christmas on the 24th, the so-called "Heiligabend" ("Holy Evening") or Christmas Eve, and because I will not be active on these forums for the next few days because my family and me of course also will be celebrating christmas,
I would like to take the opportunity to wish every one of you a merry Christmas and of course a happy new year. Please all have wonderful holidays and sometimes remember why we celebrate Christmas: It's the christian feast for celebrating that our Lord Jesus Christ was born, and for people of nearly all religious communities it is a time of coming together, meeting friends and family and a time of reflection.
Scawen, please make the engine sound a bit more quiet. I can not hear my car getting damaged or sliding any more (which is a bit problematic for me driving a wheel without FFB). The engine is definitely a bit too loud / The other car sounds are too quiet.
BTW: A great job you did with the sound system. Really sounds awesome. Anyways, I have a question: Why do I hear the noise of a supercharger in cars that do not have one (i.e. FZR)?
please excuse me but... server seems to be password protected, and I cant find any hint to a password on the homepage or in this thread. did I do something wrong, or are you working on the app at the moment?