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Quote from beefyman666 :What are the final year exams at high school in the states?

All I know about schooling in America is that you graduate. So you either pass or fail completely to my understanding.

I'm really not sure how schooling works in the states.

Any young Americans tell us more?

Yeah. I guess things work a lot differently here. We have two series of tests. The HSPAs (High School Proficiency Assessment) are taken Junior year. Those determine whether or not you graduate High School.

Senior year (and Junior) you take the SAT tests, which are pretty much used only to get you into a good college. I don't think they mean any more than that. Better SATs mean you can get into a better college. When you apply to colleges, one of the major decision makers is where your SAT scores lie in relation to the average scores of people who were accepted the year previously.

Other than that, that's all we have. Maybe SAT scores are something you can put on your resume, but I really doubt it. So it basically is either pass or fail.

I'm a freshman in college, so I don't know what else might come my way in terms of major tests or the like, but that's all I've been through so far.
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I am curious. What is the equivalent of the CGSE stateside?
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I hate this stuff because usually, the only way I am ever able to solve that kind of infection is by reformatting.

Hopefully someone on this forum can offer you better advice, though.
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Quote from STROBE :No. Because the central column is, well... a column. Unless I'm severely misunderstanding the structure of WTC 1&2, the floors gave no strength to the column - rather, the column gave strength to the floors. I'm just not quite sure how a load-bearing column neatly collapsed on itself when faced with the uncoupled weight (with little initial momentum) of the above column which, being roughly 1/3rd of the building, would have 50% of the weight of the lower column.

In my mind, if you drop a 1kg weight on top of 20 100g weights from just a slight height so that the velocity of the 1kg weight is negligible, the 1kg weight wouldn't displace twice it's own mass.

Well, if we're talking about the possibility of just the column slowing down the falling mass of 20 stories worth of building, then you have to remember that the column is relatively small. If ANYTHING, it would likely just punch a hole through the structure, instead of slowing it down. I'll continue with the analogies by comparing it to dropping a loaf of bread onto a skewer

I do not know for certain why the center collapsed. I offered my opinion on the matter in post #333 above.
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Quote from Boris Lozac :You wrote it as i was writing mine, so i've missed it, but that still doesn't convince me... It would be slower, i won't accept that it can fall that fast as you describe it...

Remember also that if you look at the video, the outer support structure peels away from the structure as it collapses. So it's possible that the floors below started falling even before they were hit. At the least, the floors had VERY LITTLE SUPPORT to begin with, since they are supported from the top.
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Yeah. You'll notice I removed that after I posted it. I'd assumed he'd be British as most of you are, but I realized he wasn't. That's good because I really, TRULY believe that the British are much more intelligent than us Americans

EDIT: Ah - I see you've edited your post too!

Quote from Boris Lozac :What is light, 2/3rd's of the building is lighter then 1/3rd? Why do all the demoliton guys bother to set up hundreds of explosives to demolish the buildings, they could just set a fire on the uper floores, have a beer and wait till it perfectly colapses in itself....

Did you at ALL read my post right before yours?
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Quote from STROBE :Falling on something light? I thought the debate was how the smaller, lighter top half of the building managed to flatten the lower, bigger, heavier part of the building, including the central column which is all of the same density. Therefore, the analogy of a bowling ball on top of styrofoam is completely irrelevant. Assuming the bowling ball is meant to represent the ~1/3rd of the WTC tower above the impact point, and the styrofoam represents the lower 2/3rds including the central column, it has no relevance. You can't hit an apple with a watermelon and then claim that an apple would do the same thing to an apple.

Ok, maybe I'm not being clear. The upper mass did not HIT the lower mass all at once. It hit ONE FLOOR AT A TIME. Does my analogy make sense now?

Everyone seems to be stuck on the basic 1/3 into 2/3s thing, but it's more like 1/3 into 1/50 into 1/50 into 1/50 etc...
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Quote from wheel4hummer :You amaze me. You are so ignorant, you think "I'm right, everyone else is inferior and stupid." Meanwhile, you are the one comparing a bowling ball smashing through styrofoam to a building smashing through itself. Last time I checked, bowling balls are not made of styrofoam. How can you even use that as an analogy?

EDIT: I hold NO opinion on 9/11 what-so-ever. I am just commenting on the stupidity of Stang70Fastback's comparison of a bowling ball smashing through styrofoam to any building collapsing.

I give up. I really do. I was trying to make the point that it's something HEAVY falling on something LIGHT. I've shown this last page to three of my friends, and they've all laughed at you. So either everyone here at Virginia Tech is an idiot... or it's just you.
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Quote from wheel4hummer :What's your point?


Nevermind. You people amaze me.
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I have my exams next week.

Expect to see me online though
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Quote from wheel4hummer :It depends upon the velocity of the bowling ball prior to impact with the Styrofoam. If I drop the bowling ball from 1cm above the Styrofoam, it will probably stop the bowling ball. But, if the bowling ball is traveling at it's terminal velocity then the result would be much different.

What you fail to realize is that even at a VERY low speed, the inertia and momentum of the object is GREATLY increased. A styrofoam board that can support the weight of a bowling ball at rest will have a great deal of difficulty stopping one moving even at a low speed. Also, much in the way styrofoam would either hold it up or snap with very little resistance, the same applies for the building structure. Either the floor can support the falling mass, or the bolts and steel simply snap with little resistance.
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Quote from Polyracer :Now to me this is what I find strange about the collapse, as the floors fell, one on top of the other, in virtual freefall I might add - which cannot be right to my mind.

At the very least as the floors fell each floor contact would have had some damping effect on the fall rate of the collapse - at least initially

Drop a bowling ball through 100 boards of styrofoam and I'm fairly certain that it won't take much longer than a bowling ball falling through the air. A hair longer maybe, but not much.

Quote :then you have the issue of the supporting towers themselves, -

I mentioned in a previous post about the cotton bobbin effect of the centre support columns, guiding the floors down one on top of the others, into a nice neat pile ready for collection and disposal at the bottom?.

What is strange to me is exactly why the central supports came down too?,

There was no lateral forces acting on them,... at the very least they should have stayed there for most of the collapse sequence to fall at a later stage, but no those central colums that were the best design and formation to stand there, whilst everything else collapses around them, what happens?..

They go down at the same rate and at the same instant that the buildings fall, and my training and subconscious just sees a big red light.
If it is true as we see that those supports came down at the same speed as the floors, then there was no real strength in them at the time they came down, which surely can only mean that they have been cut,

The central core had surely been damaged as a result of the impact. Not nearly all the way down, but likely at least 10 floors. By the time the collapsingbuilding reached the part of the central support that was still intact, there was now 1/4 to 1/3 of the building falling down. This would surely hav crushed a decent portion of the central colums. Additionally, as the floors collapsed, the trusses (which were anchored to teh central tower) were twisted and pulled out (cough, lateral force, cough) and likely weakened the center even farther. and lastly, neither collapsing part of the building fell in a perfectly vertically fashion, so as it came down, it came straignt down at a slight angle.


The top therefore exerted significant lateral force as if fell down - which could possibly explain how it pulverized the central tower. It pushed it to the side as it fell - so the center simply crumbled.

That's my theory anyway.

Quote :Then you look at the video footage of the collapse and you see windows popping 25 floors below the debri line in and airtight building with reinforced glass

The building was not air-tight, and the building did have reinforced glass, but the pressure generated by the falling structure was more than strong enough to blow out all the windows way ahead of the debris line. Look at the movie Titanic. As the rear end of the ship sinks vertically, all the tiny portholes (reinforced against the raging ocean) are blown open. You underestimate the amount of pressure than can be built up in this sort of a situation.

Quote :along with photogrphic evidence I have seen of clean diagonal cuts at 45degrees in this steelwork.

Odds are that when a 110 story building collapses, at least one of the 4892273523 steel beams will be split in a funny way. I'll bet if you looked hard enough, you could have found a bunch of steel beams piled in a way so as to look like the charred remains of an alien spacecraft. Does that mean the building was taken down by a cloaked alien ship with a faulty navigational unit?

Quote :Then there is the issue of the siezmic shocks that were registered the instant the towers each began to fall

What part of '110 story high skyscraper' translates to 'very light structure?'

Quote :To be honest he actually comes across to me as an incompetent idiot all religious an all

No argument there
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Quote from Dennisjr13 :They did not fail. They survived the impact. They stayed up for an hour before the steel became weak enough to start a chain reaction.

Don't even bother trying to make that point. I've pointed it out many times but people seem to want to ignore it...
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I must say that while there are a lot of clueless people on this thread, and that sometimes it is extremely frustrating when they refuse to accept something that is simply a scientific fact, this thread is very amusing and fun to argue on.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :So, who needs any scientific proof, seem's to be the catchcry of the whole official explination.

But that is scientific proof! You could take an identical aircraft, fly it at 500 mph at 1000 feet at full throttle, and then nose down and hit the ground at 550 at a 40 degree angle. The test doesn't need to be recreated. Try it for yourself in a flight simulator if you must. The proof is in the statistical figures of the aircraft.

Quote :I'm not arguing about the fact it hit the ground, just the hight's it was at !!!!!

I would also like to know more about the exact trajectory of the flight, I'm just pointing out that the crash was not something that required a very high altitude, or very strange flightpath to cause it.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :So where's the black box details that can clear this up ?????

Uhmmm - you don't have to clear it up. There's nothing to be proven. The top speed of a 757 is more than 600 mph, and the cruising speed is 500. It's clearly well within the aircraft's abilities to crash into the ground at that speed without gravitational aid.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :The aircraft impacted at approximately 563 mph (906 km/h), at a 40 degree angle.[33] The impact left a crater about 115 feet (35 m) wide and 10 to 12 feet (about 3.5 m) deep. There were no survivors among the 44 passengers, crew and terrorists (all were killed by the impact or had been previously killed during flight).

Means it must have been at some hight to achieve this.

You obviously don't know much about flying an airplane. You wouldn't have to be more than 1,000 feet in the air to achieve this kind of impact. 550 mph can be reached in level flight using full throttle.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :the building was designed to take an aircraft strike and fuel.

It was DESIGNED to withstand the subsequent fire, but unfortunately it was NOT built that way. They wanted to save money, and one of the ways was to not apply fireproofing in the way the designers had intended. So when you say they were DESIGNED to withstand the impact and fire, you are absolutely correct.

My Subaru was DESIGNED to protect the front passenger in the event of a head on collision with an airbag. We originally bought it two years used, and one of the things we've always wondered is whether or not the airbag canister is actually THERE, because the soft padding on the dash is slightly bulged up as if someone pried open the cover over the air bag and stole it. They're worth $1,000. So, sure, the car might be DESIGNED to protect the passenger, but if a collision happens now, it is likely that the passenger will suffer more injuries than Subaru would have expected. Does that make sense?
Last edited by Stang70Fastback, .
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Quote from Boris Lozac :Again, maybe true, BUT, within an hour for that to happen, littlle too soon for building suposedly built for 707 hit?


Start reading from the third p ... h after the second quote.

Quote :smoke coming from the bottom of the buildings, i didn't know jet fuel can melt 100 flores like they're made from butter...

Elevator shafts?
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Quote from Racer X NZ :Great, so we are agreed that 2 aircraft and a diesel tank didn't take out 3 steel framed skyscrapers ?

Two aircraft took out two skyscrapers. I've very tempted to say that the resulting collapse was the reason for 7 falling down later, but since I don't know much about that building/story/conspiracy I'll just leave it at:

2 aircraft took out two buildings and maybe a third.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :My point regarding the molten metal still stands, can anyone come up with an explanation as to why there was molten metal for that period of time

The visible universe is 28 billion light years wide but only 14 billion years old. How is it then that the microwave background radiation throughout the entire universe is the same temperature? Radiation can only travel at the speed of light, so surely it cannot have leveled out yet...

...does that mean that the universe doesn't exist? No. It means that there are still some things that we can't explain. I guess you COULD argue that the universe therefore cannot exist, but there are so many other reasons to believe that it DOES exist that it's far more likely that it's just due to a phenomena that has not yet been uncovered. That's all.

Perhaps, in the ENTIRE 110 stories of the WTC, there were two chemicals that, when combined, form an uber-dark-matter-energy-envelope that can sustain heat for years. Who knows?
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Quote from Racer X NZ :Your talking about two 110 story buildings collapsed to 3 stories with none of the 47 pillars left standing, all collapsed into their own footprint. Must be damned good jet fuel to melt that much steel if you choose the official story. And if, as is said, that jet fuel couldn't melt the pillars then where were they ????

For the ****ing bajillionth time, the jet fuel only melted TWO FLOORS WORTH of material. That's all it needed to do to bring the building down.

Look at the video and you will see that the pillars are actually peeled off the building as it collapsed. Giant 20-story-high sections. I'd assume they didn't stay intact because they fell away from the building and hit other buildings. It's not that hard to see how the outcome turned out as it did. I think you're just too wrapped up in your necessity to explain it with an alternate theory that you don't want to accept that.

Another thing I'd like to bring up: People talk about how oddly these buildings collapsed, but you have to realize that this is the first time that structures built in this way and this big ever collapsed (controlled demo or not.) This means that you cannot compare these to other building collapses. There are always instances of scientists discovering new things. They collide a small molecule and it explodes. They predict that a bigger molecule will produce a bigger explosion but then when they try it, it creates a black hole instead, and they have to go back and re-evaluate and determine why the result was different than expected.

And please, by all means, explain how nuclear charges were used.
Last edited by Stang70Fastback, .
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Well, I don't know. But I will point out that that debris fell from the sky - at likely not more than 200 MPH. This plane went INTO the Pentagon at 300+ meaning MOST of the debris was IN the building.
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I don't see any wreckage, but tbh, I wouldn't expect much of the plane to come back onto the lawn after hitting the building at 300 mph. Besides, those shots cover a very small portion of the lawn.

Oh, and by the way, the lawn was covered in sand/dirt not to cover anything up, but to allow heavy trucks and machinery to access the building without getting stuck in the grass/soft dirt.
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I honestly, truly would like to see someone like Bill Gates fund the building of a full-scale model of one of the pentagon's sides and then actually crash a real plane into it and see what happens.