Any small airport has open access. Two of my neighbors have private planes (a Cessna 170 and a BEAUTIFUL Cirrus SR-22.) I've been on rides with them, and all you do is literally drive onto the runway and then drive over to your plane (which, by the way they don't park at the end. That giant loop is solely for taxiing and making u-turns.) I could drive over to my local airport right now (about 3 miles away) and just drive straight onto the runway and fool around if I wanted to.
Yeah. Not only is it safer, but you have more control over your car when you are looking farther ahead. If you look at the road right over the "bonnet" you tend to bounce in your lanes as you cannot as easily judge your direction. My brother is TERRIBLE at that. He stares at the road RIGHT in front of him, so he can't tell how close he is to the curb or how he's bouncing between the lines, lol. It's pretty scary.