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S2 licensed
The undo feature would be very good, if it remembered your previous setup from changing it after being on track. Then you can change it, try it on track, and if you dont like it then go back into the pit and undo the settings.

At the moment the undo feature it quite pointless, as you cant test your setup and if something goes wrong you cant reset it.
Log miles done in single player mode
S2 licensed
Really this can only be done for people that have the internet on all the time, but its an idea none the less.

According to my stats ive only done around 3000 miles, but i have probably done the same offline (only been playing just over a month). I know its against AI and not real racers, but it would be nice if LFS logged your SP miles too, even of they were just stored on your PC and not put online, just as a general indication for yourself what mileage has been done.

Just a thought.
S2 licensed
You do realise that these n00bs might have played the demo for however many years and may be less n00bish than you expect?

Personally i think its a stupid idea. If every server starts requiring say 5000 miles of experience then anyone that had just purchased the game is screwed unless they can host their own server.
S2 licensed
A proper off roading track in the woods with a few off roaders, unlikely, but could be massive fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from Darkone55 :Dodge Charger!


A few V8 cars would be really nice, and not just a forumla V8. I love this game to bits, but almost every fast car is turbo charged, a few N/A fast cars would be nice.
S2 licensed
Quote from HittiS :I have a Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP and i'm very satisfied with it!

So have i and i love it, im just not overly fond of the clamping system it uses due to the bevel on the edge of my desk.
S2 licensed
My ride