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S2 licensed
I woudl love to see this. I get fed up of putting 4AA and 4AF on to run LFS, then when i go on counter stike source my PC runs badly because i forgot to turn it off again.
S2 licensed
Agreed, went to these drivers yesterday as the new official released ones were screwing my PC up, and my mates it seems. Image quality is far better, somehow.
Option to not change tyres at pitstop
S2 licensed
Just a thought that i would imagine will be easy to implement.

Was doing a practice race yesterday and i didnt have enough fuel to do the last lap, so i went into the pitstop settings (F12) to setup a splash n' dash and i noticed that you can set your tyre settings to always change, but you cant set them to not be changed. You can set it to change if >90% wear, but for splash n dash purposes it would be nice to be able to select 'do not change tyres'

Just a thought
S2 licensed
Well, theres been a ot of complaints about BE recently. people are registering with them and they are not connecting people, then when you go to cancel there telephone lines are constantly engaged.

They dont appear to be getting very good feedback at all.

Also, you have to be close to your telephone exchange to get the full 24mb, it is predicted that most peopel will get between 12 and 15mb speeds due to distance between the exchange and the house, and the quality of the telephone line.

Feel sorry for all those on Blueyonder. My mates with them and dreading it since NTL bought them out due to NTLs stupid download caps.
S2 licensed
For a decent mid priced wheel i would have said the Logitech Formula GP wheel personally.
S2 licensed
First of all i would recommend having a snoop around HERE for loads of information on TFTs. Especially the ones in the stickies at the top of the page.

There is a TFT SELECTOR kindly provided by Baddass on the above OcUK forums, also have a look around the rest of the site too for some top tips

Basically this is how they are laid out in the world of TFT screens.

25ms = Very slow srceen and very hard to come by in anything other than larger sized screens. Very good viewing angles though and usually brilliant colour reproduction.

16ms = A little ghosting but nothing massive, good viewing angles and good colour reproduction. Not many screens (smaller screens anyway) use this speed any more.

12ms = For a PC that is multifunctional, this is really the one to go for. Its a fast screen with very little ghosting, while keeping very good viewing angles and good colour reproduction. Loads of choice here, but the LG 1780 range is meant to be one of the very best, although its not the cheapest.

8ms = Very fast, no ghosting, or very little. However, the speed comes at a price. Images are not as colourful as on slightly slower screens, and unless you are sitting almost in front of the screen you will notice a difference in image colours. Very good for gaming, but for movies, usually a no go. In this range the Samsung 713 range seem to come out on top trumps on the performance:value ratio or the new Xerox 172 range.

4ms = w00t, an uber fast screen, this is absolutely great. Ermmmmmm, not if your doing anything but gaming and are directly in front of the screen. Compared to slower screens the 4ms models are generally not as vivid colour wise, and are meant to be pretty bad for viewing angles. If your going for this speed then the Viewsonic G2G screens are probably the best to go for.

Never follow the guidllines on the specifications given, manufactureres test the screens to their advantage. The best thing to do is find a decent place with user reviews, rather manufacturer specs.

If your wanting to buy from a shop rather than online i would recommend looking at your local PC shops, not major stores. PC World are absolute con artist and will overprice by a huge margin. They wanted £350 for my screen, i got it online for £220, for example. Currys is alright, but they dont seem to stock a lot of stuff (around here anyways) and what they have is expensive and pretty poorly made.

Its worth having a look around online, even if you dont want to buy online. It might just swing your views because of the savings you'll make. (where i got mine) (a bit more pricy, but great customer service)

Hope that helps.
Last edited by Stellios, .
S2 licensed
2800 sempron
1GB GeIL 3200
6800 @ 350/700 @ 16/6
MSI Delta ILSR (Nforce2)
LG 1720B TFT

A64 setup ASAP
S2 licensed
Quote from Sracer :Yea definately sounds like a graphic card issue

If it was the GFX card when he took the RAM out the board would beep. Something connecting to the RAM is borked if the board didnt detect the RAM had been removed.
S2 licensed
I had the exact same problem at the beginning of the year. No display, no nothing, and no beeping. Got my new 6800 so that ruled out the GFX card, took my RAM out with no beeps so that ruled that out, tried another mothboard as we have a few lying around and it wasnt that. Turned out to be a b0rked CPU, just my luck i lost the receipt so had to buy another one (would of still been under warranty).

My guess is that it will be the CPU, but if you can then mix and match a few hardware parts to try and rule things out.

Is your motherboard definately getting power? Northbride fans/fans on mobo headers are spinning?

Got a mate that was running a PCI GFX card on his board while his 7800 was away on a RMA and he had no problems at all, apart from an insanely low FPS. Cant confirm anything, but do you have to tell your BIOS that your outputting the image via the PCI rather than the PCI-E?
Last edited by Stellios, .
S2 licensed
My Electron didnt work, kept being rejected. Had to buy the game on my dads card, which he didnt really appreciate

Electron are being accepted more widespread now, but mainly within the UK. Dont know where the money goes to, but if its outside the UK i doubt you would be able to use an Electron.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mc21 :
ad like we can stall the engine and stuff

You can IIRC, just disable auto clutch in your options.
S2 licensed
Yes, i agree.

Although if you went itno the gravel trap in real life you would be stuck, its just makes a game boring as you have to start the race again from the pits. Resetting the car off the trap (with say a 5 second reset delay) would mean you lose time while in the trap and then a set penalty time for resetting.

Just a thought
S2 licensed
Would not like to see this at all. Setting maximum RPM would be a good option for the racing cars, but playing with boost etc would deter me from the game big time.

I like being able to fine tune suspensions and gears etc to suit your own personal driving style, but modifying the engine is a no no to me personally. Partly because i would be clueless where to start, and secondly because it would give too much of an advantage to those knowledgeable in engines.

Leaving the engine alone ensures that a fair race is possible when ytou have your gears etc set up properly.
S2 licensed
Yep, take out your new stick and see if its OK with your old stick only, if it is then try it with your new stick only and see if thats OK. Your new stick could be borked, but couldnt be certain.
S2 licensed
Quote from scotia :when i press left and right keys nothing happens

Hold shift and use your up, down, left and right, worked for me. OR just delete whatever you have the keys assigned to in your options.
S2 licensed
Motherboard drivers, sound drivers, GFX drivers all installed correctly? Go to your device maneger to check if your unsure.

What two slots have you got the RAM in? There meant to be in the closest slots to your CPU IIRC. Are you running dual channel or not? Try removing one stick of RAM and see what its like, its could well be dodgy RAM.

Make sure you have not set AA and AF in your nvidia control panel by accident, or at least set them too high.

What are your complete system specs? CPU, RAM etc etc.

Its rare but possible. Check for viruses or syware that may be taking up system resources or any pther software that may be taking resources.

Finally. Have you checked your running the right resolution on LFS? Not tryign to be unfair or anything, but LFS on a 5700 might not run too well on a high resolution.
S2 licensed
Cracked it!

Ive had the arrow buttons assigned to my keyboard controls off when i used to used the keyboard. Deleted the controls and its working now

Cheers for the advice
S2 licensed
I cant, do you use the up and down arrows or the arrows on the num pad?

I have to hold shift, which means taking both hands off the wheel, which aint a good idea.
F11 and F12 - Possible to use arrows without using shift? [solved]
S2 licensed
Hi guys,

Something Im trying to figure out and im just wondering whether anyone could help me.

Basically when using the live update menu thing (F11 and F12) you have to hold shift and use the arrows. This is difficult considering my keyboard is behind my wheel. Is it possible to set it so you only need to use thew arrows without holding shift? Or even better, assign the controls to my wheel!

Thanks for any advice,

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :We don't need a low fuel light when you can check how much fuel you've got left with F12.

Yes, but personally i like to drive with all the things like that turned off. You wouldnt be able to check you levels that accurately in real life (unless your in a racing car) so i dont like doing it in game, same with tyre temps.

Personally i would love a low fuel light.
S2 licensed
Im not saying i agree with trashing, but at least most of the idiots play the demo and not S2.
S2 licensed
Tried to do the audi badge, but got bored

S2 licensed
Quote from FlintFredstone :
2) Global BAN server, allow servers to optionally subscribe to this server for bans, with options to not allowed banned users under the following options: 1) banned at any time 2) banned within x months 3) banned x times 4) banned x times in x months, when a user gets banned on one of the subscribing servers it get logged to the BAN Server.

Dont agree with that to eb honest. If you go onto an oval track and do rubbish and you get banned, you get banned from every server? Doesnt mean becasue your bad at the ring that your bad at track racing or drifting.
S2 licensed
2800 sempron
1GB GeIL 3200 (dual channel)
MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR Nforce2 mobo
6800 @ 350/700 @ 16/6
80GB 7200 Maxtor DiamondMax
LG 1720B TFT

LFS - Steady 60fps, never below 45 unless a huge amount of cars/smoke
CSS - Between 25 and 60 usually about a steady 45-50 though.

FPS is locked by vsync and always run 1280x1024 due to TFT screen resolution. 2x AA and 2x AF.

Looing to go to A64 ASAP
Last edited by Stellios, .
S2 licensed
odometer thats the word im after! Thats pretty much what i mean.