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S2 licensed
It worked for about 4 laps
S2 licensed
Judging by the reaction in the Ferrari garage im tempted to say it was on purpose.
S2 licensed
LMAO, thats hilarious.
S2 licensed
Now thats a race.

Why, oh why did i only get into F1 in 2000, if only id watched it as a kid
S2 licensed
I reckon Alonso will take it, and im hoping Montoya is a strong contender. Would love to see Webber take a podium, the poor lads tries so hard and doesnt get that much recognition.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tigershark :I bet he's still recovering.

Recovering from the shock that it was bloody EAs F1 with the 05 mod which somehow i suspect wouldnt come close to realism. Damn Reanult and their deceptive advertising!

Came 2nd out of about 35 though, and won a bottle of champagne and a pen set, so not complianing too much. Oh aye, and got some free tickets to some renault racing day down at Donnignton in sept. So wasnt totally wasted.
Last edited by Stellios, .
S2 licensed
Wow, thank you very much mate That is lurverllyyy
S2 licensed
I get this too. Disabling vsync and updating my GFX drivers has helped, but not fully solved it.
S2 licensed
Anyone fancy doing this one for me? Skin i made up for the XRR and i quite like it.

Bit Of Airtime
S2 licensed
Had a laugh doing this tonight, and couldnt resist recording it and showing it.
S2 licensed
Thats brilliant
S2 licensed
Post a replay of yourself mate and im sure some people will advise you of any incorrect lines/braking points.
S2 licensed
I love motor racing, and have since i was a kid.

OK people get killed occasionally, but that cant be helped, and cars have been made a lot safer. If motor racing is stopped the snooker will be the only sport im actually remotely interested in.

On the same note though, you can hardly call football and rugby safe sports either due to tthe amount of injuries on those.
S2 licensed
Either an avatar, or a defined sized signature.
S2 licensed
Done this in a race a few days ago.
S2 licensed
I thought RF done a money back deal?
S2 licensed
Try gamecam, but i didnt find it as good.
S2 licensed
Car selection:

Good idea. Im used to clicking the text now, but it would be very good for those that dont know you cant click the image.

Engine roughness:

Its a good idea the engine cracks and pops when the engine gets hot, but temperatures havent been implemented into LFS yet.
S2 licensed
Quote from spsamsp :Thanks, did you have to dwnld a program to put it on or just use it instantly??

There is a patch you need to install before you can run the theme. The patch is available fromt he below link:

Then ive uploaded the theme here:
S2 licensed
Its £24 for LFS S2, and i suspect tis going be anouther £12 to upgrade the S3 when its available, so you wont save any money at all. You might as well buy it now and then when S3 is out get that.
S2 licensed
Quote from spsamsp :What OS are you using? or is it just a lovely looking theme?

Its just a theme called Roylemod on Win XP.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :how dare anyone share something in <sarcasm>_your_</sarcasm> sim eh? illepall

To be honest, the devs should have stopped anything like this until we can mod LFS. Its a bit unfair people can put LFS cars in other games, but we cant nick the RF cars.
S2 licensed
Dont agree with this at all, it stops any progression for any of the loer teams such as RBR and Torro Rosso, which lets be honest, they need to progress. It also means that in McLaren/Williams are still having reliability issues they are screwed. If they do this, its going to be Renualt/Ferrari fighting for the championship for 3 years, presuming no other teams become dominant vefore this is introduced.

Crap idea, and shouldnt be allowed.
S2 licensed
Quote from symsworld :6600Gt 256 that is one majorly powerful card

If you said that 12 motnhs ago i would ahev agreed, as it used to be the best bang for buck card out there, but considerign a 6800 can be had for £110, and a 6800GT for £150, or even less if you look second hand then the 6600GT starts to look expensive for what it is.
S2 licensed
Quote from Pain-less :Couldn't you just open Windows Explorer go to Tools>Folder Options>Flie Types and create a new file extension associated with LFS? It wouldn't play the file but it should just open LFS for you. Just a thought.

Nope, just tried it about 15 mins ago. It throws an error at you saying 'Invalid Command File'.