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S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Going back to LFS (as much as I love it) just feels very clinical and sanitised, which in turn makes it feel a bit "gamey"

LFS Isn't a game? I dont play it on my computer?
S2 licensed
Quote from :I ask you. I don't see a problem with your screenshots.

Yeah I don't see the tires but that is because of the angle, I think.

Have you been to an optician lately? Theres no images in the menu background , no car shadows and sky

Quote from Bose321 :Unless you have a 238Hz monitor, nothing.

Otherwise: your PC is just doing all those FPS' for nothing really.

Yes I went to the future and got a monitor that does 238Hz monitor.
S2 licensed
Quote from mindeliszz :Try to turn off texture filtering/AF. Might help.

I tried that before I posted.
Quote from :Wtf is wrong with 238 FPS!?

Do tell me what is wrong with 238FPS?
S2 licensed
This breaks LFS for me. My rig hardware is in my sig. Im using windows 7 X64 with Nvidia 270.61 drivers.

S2 licensed
Quote from Michalxo :I've never seen a patch or something similar since I am here

You joined in august 2008 and I think there was at least two patches since you joined LFS. The current version is Z28. The last patch was Nov 25th, 2009 18:55.
S2 licensed
[quote="Inouva"]First You suck, seccond you cant talk about shit, when you never did more that 20 laps
Third, DONT LIKE THE S2 COMUNITY, Uni-Install the game and go to play rcraptor o Ipayforracing
LFS is not for you.
I`m tired of post like this, talking crap when the S2 comunity in game is more friendly "Mature" and competitive
I`be in lfs sinse almost 5 years and now i`m enjoyning more then never the game racing in s2
When you have stats like me in lfsw or a bit ore that you have, THEN you can talk[/quote]

First: You have no right to talk to the OP like that.
Second: That is childish to call those games such names. Did you play any of those games? Also Just because you dont like what the OP said doesnt mean he has to go play another game because you say so.
LFS used to be a lot more friendly and Mature than it is now. The longer some people play LFS the more Elitest they are getting just like yourself who dont give beginers a chance to learn online. There is an offline mode but that is boring and you or anybody else have no right to hunt beginners offline because they are getting in your way. Just remember you were a beginner in LFS at one time to so get over yourself and let the beginners have fun online also. Instead of bashing the beginners help them by showing them how to drive properly.
Just because you have higher stats gives you no right to tell the OP that he cant post on here. That would be like me telling you to crawl back under the rock you came from until you grow up and stop being so rude and elitest.

[QUOTE=Inouva;1436864]No, was a bit hars, that why i repost my statment in this page, I`be read wy i wrote and yes, was inmature of my part and childish, I`m Sorry

I love when the forum (Some users not the whole forum) turns against me for my opinion, when the majority of then do the same in other "more pathetic" situations.

I`m very clumsy to express my "Opinion" in this language (English), is dificult some times
Maybe the "Users" that allways argue with me, or make fun of me, should try to express your opinion in my language and try to be "Smart" in words, so i can answer in a better way and show how realy i`m-

That most for dadge.[/QUOTE]

You deserve any bashing you get. Using an excuse that you are so rude because your native language isnt english is no excuse. You should think before you type.

[QUOTE=dadge;1436918]sorry but i've read your first post in this thread over again, to maybe see if it could have gotten lost in translation. and nope, it was 100% an elitist attitude with quite imiture insults. even with "limited" english, you seem to have gotten your point across quite fine. sorry, but you can't play the "sorry, me bad english" card here.
the problem you have is that you don't like the taste of humble pie. try it, rethink your first post and i bet you'd make more sense than most users in this forum. the reason you might feel like i make fun of you is quite simple, i hate elitist attitudes. yes there's no problem when there's a bit of harmless smack talk floating about. but your comments to new users just stinks.
to tell someone they cannot talk until they have similar stats to you, come on. and then to play the non-english need to buck up and move on i think.
you've got me on your ignore list so you probs can't see this post. ah well, ignorance is bliss i guess.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you fully.
S2 licensed
In my opinion LFS is'nt dead yet but it is slowly dying. The last patch we got was over six months ago. I gave up playing LFS because of the lack of proper long races and most servers having the same cars. I like to go onto servers where all cars are allowed and the races arent so serious with long tracks (I dont like short tracks). I like the servers where we are socialising as well as racing like it was when I started playing LFS first. Now most servers are full of LFS Elitist players who get mad if you dont get out of their way half way around a corner.

I just hope we get a new test patch some time soon. It would also be nice to hear from Scawen on some sort of update on whats going on with the development.
S2 licensed
Expect it around 2020.
S2 licensed
I can see LFS die off in 10 years time if the development process keeps going this slow.
S2 licensed
I would highly doubt we would see any more progress if we had to poay yearly. The only way this would happen is if more developers were introduced. I voted no.
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :
WIN 7 RC1 - practically same a the version which will be sold

RC1 is far from the final build. The RC1 isnt near as stable or fast as the RTM. I have the final build and RC1 is slower with a lot of bugs and compatability problems. There is a big difference between RC1 and RTM in all aspects of the OS.

Anyway when are we going to get the Scirocco that we werte promised 7 months ago. I havent tested this patch yet but I will test it on monday.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :What the hell has happened to LFS in 2yrs.

After an almost 2yr break, I decided to download ( yes I know ) LFS and just have a bash, see whats new etc etc. I must admit, as General_UK said to me tonight, its like riding a bike, and yes he was right, after a couple of laps, started to get the feel, and way hay, off we go again, it was great fun, but.......what the hell has happened???

The pick up and go has fecked off and gone ( sorry to be to the point )

Disconnected for bad Setup, not enough wanking points, WTF. No explaination, nada. I only wanted to have a race, with old friends and a laugh, yet I end up being told I am to old, don't race enough and my care plan deserves to be in an old people's home and that my car is tax exempt

Just to clarify, I have no right what so ever, leaving LFS for two years, then on day one turning up like an unwanted tornado, bitching and moaning, but have I missed the boat or something here. I thought one major selling point was the ease of pick up and have fun, not being told, sorry your crap, go and play ************* ( you fill in the gaps LOL )

I must add though, I have found one server ( not online now though HA HA ) Ready 2 Roll, something like that....awesome server, friendly guys, great racing, but one server out of HOW MANY!!!!????

LFS has been turning sour with a while now. I dont mean the game itself (Even though the development has slowed considerably over the past year and a half) but the guys that are good at the game tend to have a god complex and tell you where to go if your not trailing right behind them. I have been put off of LFS a bit because of this attitude and very rarely play LFS anymore. LFS is an unfriendly place to be a lot of the time lately.
S2 licensed
Is GURU no more? Every time I click the link I get a 404.

PS. Sorry for bumping this old thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :This would be epic xD ... 0/ThePlaneLifterViggo.jpg

That looks cool. It would be nice to see that just for the fun factor. But it will never happen. Maybe we could have a radical type car , one or two Subaru WRX / mitsubishi EVO type and one or two more FWD cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :See the post about the special offer from Radical for a free month.

Thanks for that. I went to the radical website and applied for the free month. Im just waiting for the code now. I could'nt find the post but googled the free month. I'm still not going to pay €127 to play a game. I could almost buy 4 full PC games at that price.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Try iRacing. It has its own style of a points system.

I racing is too expensive. Also theres no demo for iRacing for me to test. I will pass on that
S2 licensed
Thats ok. I just prefer the way LFS S1 was where the cars got unlocked with the more points that was gained. I just asked why because some people post NO! without a simple emplaination as to why they disagree. Its nice to know why they disagree.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Dude, there are memory editors. I once set me over 9000 points

Not everybody knows how to use memory editors. I would think there would be very few people would bother with memory editors in LFS and those that do would more than likely get caught doing so eventualy.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :No!

But... maybe like Cruise Servers, enough money ---> unlock cars
with point system will not work, but perhaps if making a league:

League: unlock all cars.

UF 1000 50%|120kg = 0p
UF 1000 25%|100kg = 50p
XF GTi 50% | 75kg = 100p
BMW Sauber F1.06 = 250 000p

1st = 10p
2nd = 8p
3rd = 6p

This would work in league but making the whole LFS like this, No!

Why not?
Bring back the points system
S2 licensed
I think it would be wise and fun if the DEV's reintegrated the points system where with so many points you unlock better cars , but make it so that you cant cheat the system where you race the AI to gain more points. Like in S1 where it was possible to give the AI a terrible setup and set the dificulty to Hard so you can gain points real fast.

Also with the points system you gain licences at a certain ammount of points where you can join specific servers with the licence qualifaction you gained. That way people just starting to join LFS wont be overwhelmed by faster drivers and cars they cant handle yet.

This would give the player a goal to reach and also it would add an extra fun factor to the game.

I know everybody that joins LFS for the first time wont be a newbie but this system wuld help a bit. I am sure some of you wont agree with this suggestion but it is just my opinion.
Last edited by steve30x, .
S2 licensed
I like to go onto servers where theres no car restrictions. I think its a lot of fun on those types of servers. If there were a few more servers with no car restrictions just for fun Im sure more people would join them. But please add more servers with no car restrictions for the long versions of Kyoto ans Aston.
S2 licensed
Quote from Monkay :The VW is great and all, but I'd like to hear the plans for S3. Even just some tidbits like a list of whats to come, that would really light things up in here. A proper teaser is needed for LFS:S3. Give us something!!! maybe, a screen shot of some kick ass new graphics / environment engine...

I hope that they bring the graphics up to date with S3. The S2 graphics currently look a bit dated now.
S2 licensed
I know what you are going through there. I had internet connection problems 3 years ago and my ISP was blaming my computer and all other different things for the problem for 5 weeks. My internet was disconnecting every 30 seconds for 5 solid weeks until my ISP discovered it was their server out the road was the problem.

Not only that but I am in the process of moving house myself. Trying to get everything sorted and moving forward is a very slow process. If all goes to plan (which never happens) I should be moved house within 2 more weeks. Its been 2 months since I got the keys to the house and because theres some wiork needs to be done by the town council I cant move into the house yet. But that wont be the end until I get everything unpacked and sorted to where everything goes.

Good luck with your house moving.
Last edited by SamH, . Reason : Removed unneeded full-page quote
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Will this patch be needed in order to race online?? The only reason i ask is that i had the z5 patch earlier in the week, and once the new z8 patch came out i could not connect to the server i needed to be in until i downloaded z8, despite the server being patch Z. Im guessing that this was because of the ABS being removed from the XFG but would just like to be sure as my heart was in my mouth 4 minutes before the start of the meeting with me sitting there thinking oh shi... can't get in.

The patch is not neccesary to race online. You can use Z patch to race online.
S2 licensed
I have this installed and have no problems so far. I had Z8 installed and got a setup OOS error when I joined a server earlier on a demo server (All my unlocks are used). I was on a FBM server and selected my car , then selected default setup and went to join the race but got the OOS error. I will test this patch tomorrow on some online races.
S2 licensed
I say leave it blank because we wont be looking at it much anyway